Capturing You

Urgh Men!

I toss and turn searching for my rather elusive sleep but I just couldn’t too many thoughts and questions were swirling round my mind. I look over at the digital alarm clock it’s five in the damn morning. I groan shifting myself out of bed. I walk quietly into the lounge trying to wake Ash but to my surprise he was sitting on the sofa crossed leg looking down at his hands that are resting in his lap. He looks up at me I notice his eyes are red and puffy, he looks shattered. “Have you slept?” I ask studying his weary face he looks like hasn’t even moved. “No,” he sighs patting the seat next time him I walk over slouching down next to him “Have you?” “No.” I answer truthfully I haven’t, I can’t stop thinking about him…I mean what he did not him in particular. Why did he do it? “I can’t stop thinking about it.” I mutter aloud shocking myself I clutch my mouth. Fuck sake Ivy I scold myself internally. “Me neither.” He mumbles looking away his checks turning a deep red. Is he blushing? Yeah right Ivy even if he was he’s a client works comes first remember. “I don’t get you,” he mutters “One minute you act like you’re into me the next you hate me, or you just damn push me away all together!” he exclaims desperately. “You don’t understand.” I whisper looking away ashamed. “No Ivy I don’t understand. I don’t understand at all, what scares you so much about me?” He retorts anger filling his voice as he stares at me waiting for an answer. I just sat there stunned unsure of what to do. I don’t know…I don’t know why. He stands up huffing before storming off towards his bedroom. I’m such a screw up. Tears trickle down my face as I curl up on the couch sleep quickly took over my weary aching body.

I woke up a while later to the front door slamming shut I groan rolling over I found Ashley’s zebra print blanket thrown over me. He must of done it before he left I noted to myself I throw the blanket of me escaping from the heat. I ran into the bedroom grabbing the clothes for today before darting into the bathroom for a long shower leaving the door unlocked. I turn round in the shower the water dripping down me to see Ashley standing there red in the face gawping at my bare body. I scream an ear-splitting scream making Ashley scurry for the open door. Blushing madly I step out the shower changing into this before fixing my hair.

I open the door to see Ashley standing there bouncing holding his manhood. “I’d hold it too if I was you, fancied a look huh?” I snarl at him but he just pushes past me into the bathroom. “I needed a wee!” he shouted back through the bathroom door. “Oh.” I say feeling guilty he was still staring though I reminded myself he could have walked back out. “Yeah, oh.” He sighs walking past me into the kitchen grabbing some shopping bags that were on the floor. I grab the last two hoisting them through into the kitchen to see Ash standing there rummaging through them. I manage to put them on the sides just as something light hit me on the back of my head. “Ow.” I exclaim turning round to see a pack of sanitary towels lying on the kitchen floor. “Thought you might need them.” He added raising an eyebrow at me. “I am not on my period!” I shriek at him. Am I really that bad? We finish putting the food away together in comfortable silence other than him telling me where to put things so I don’t screw up his well-organized kitchen. He sighs shaking his head as he walks out the kitchen muttering “If you’re not on your period then I really don’t understand.”

I texted Andy seeing if he wanted to meet up he quickly replied saying Batman was on his way and to be ready. I giggle at his silliness and go and sit next to Ash. “What are you so happy about?” Ash asks raising his eyebrows as a sat there watching TV smiling to myself. “I’m going out with Andy he’s coming to pick me up.” I reply looking over at him. He sighs heavily at me almost disappointed “You like him don’t you?” “Not like that Ash.” I giggle at the thought Andy was more like a brother I never had all the boys were except Ash. Our relationship is odd to say the least. “Of course you don’t.” Ash snaps rolling his eyes at me. “I...don’t.” I stutter not knowing what to say. Just then Andy walks through the door jumping on the couch with us. “Little sparrow!” Andy grins madly pulling me into a warm hug “Batman!” I squeal. Ash storms off huffing into the kitchen only to appear moments later in his leather jacket “If you’re going I’m going.” he declares almost snarling at Andy.

We all went shopping it was enjoyable but equally awkward being piggy in the middle of two guys. Andy is getting overly protective of me with Ash and Ash getting jealous if I pay Andy too much attention. “Shall we grab some lunch?” I ask the boys as we stand outside a row of shops people shoving and pushing their way through the busy mall. “Yes, come on little sparrow.” Andy agrees wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “Anything to be able to sit down.” Ash groans behinds us Andy roll his eyes at me making me giggle. Andy pushes us through the crowds towards a smart looking restaurant. We walk in finding a seat Ash pulls out the chair for me “Thank you.” I smile up at him making him grin. I could see Andy across the table growing irritated. “Why don’t you go and get us drinks Ash?” Andy nearly growls at him as Ashley walks off towards the bar. “Don’t fall for him Ivy.” Andy sighs heavily looking over towards Ash and back at me. “I’m not.” I speak softly looking up at him across the table. “Good, he doesn’t deserve you.” Andy declares anger in his voice. “Who does?” I ask raising my eyebrows at him. He didn’t answer just gulps. Ash comes back over with our drinks we all had cokes. We chatted about anything and everything while eating our lunches. When we finished Andy drove us back home.

I shuffle into my bedroom emptying my new clothes onto the bed holding a dress up against me only to feel a pair of strong arms wrap round me. “You’ll look so sexy in that.” I could feel his smirk as he gently kisses my cheek. “No, Ash we’ve talked about this.” I sigh unwrapping myself from him. “Ivy.” He whines but I just point to the door he shakes his head at me before walking out slowly closing the door behind him. Men are so confusing. I lie on my bed thinking back over the day mostly focussing on what Andy said or mostly what he didn’t say. Who does deserve me? Ivy snap out of it you hate men. I scold myself. It can’t happen.