Status: I have a terrible habit of starting a story and never finishing, but I'll try REALLY HARD, I promise!



“Midgley? Midgley! Open the door!” I say, pressing against the door. “Midgley please, I’m sorry,” I say desperately. “God damn it Midgley, open the door!” I yell, banging my fists on the door. I hear the lock slide in place. I lean my head against the door. “Please,” I say, too quietly for him to hear. The door doesn’t open. My hands ball into fists as I slide down and end up sitting on the ground. It’s almost completely dark out now.
Eventually I haul myself up and start walking to the train station before I realize it’s ten o’clock and the inner city trains stop at 9:30. I sigh and decide to take a shortcut home, because it’s started to rain.
I pass a bunch of men heading to one of the many bars in this part of town. They sneer at me, but I keep my head low and don’t talk to them, and turn down an alley. It’s a lot darker than the last time I came down here. I bump into something big and solid. “Sorry,” I mutter, stepping aside only to have my arm grabbed. “Excuse me,” I say, trying to get my arm back only to be pulled back. I look up and see two big burly men, very tipsy. “Excuse me,” I say again.
“What’s the rush, love?” The one who’s got a hold on me says. He’s huge, with a ratty jacket over a red shirt. I try to pull away.
“Let me go, please,” I say, trying to sound calm. He chuckles.
“You going somewhere?” He asks. I nod. “Oh? And where’s that, love?” I try to think of a witty answer.
“Um. Well. If you really want to know….” I say, trying to stall.
“Believe me love, I’m dying to know what a pretty lass like yourself is doing out all alone at night.” He says, tightening his grip on my arm.
“Can you please let go of my arm?” I ask.
“I’m just protecting you from these lads, love,” He says. “Consider it a favor.” I nod.
“Ok. Well thank you. But I’d much prefer it if you stepped back and just let me go on my way…” I say, voice shaking a little. I don’t like this.
“Where did you say you were going, again?” One of the other men says. He’s fat, and from what I can see, covered in sweat. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. He comes closer. “Seems to me, you’re just trying to get away from him,” He says. I shake my head. “Oh? That’s not the case? Then what’re you doing down here by yourself?”
“I…uh….” I can’t think of anything to say. The one holding me runs his hand up my arm. I cringe.
“Ah, leave her alone, Mutch.” He says.
“Yes, please,” I echo. Mutch gives me a dirty look turns and heads back out of the alley.
“How much do you want?” He asks. I blink.
“Excuse me?” I ask. He repeats the question. “How much do I….I beg your pardon, but I am not for sale!” I shriek as the meaning of his words hits me. He wraps his other hand around my waist and pulls me against him.
“Ah, why not, love? Got a boyfriend?” He says, playing with my hair. I squirm. “Just for an hour, love, I’ll be gentle to you,” He turns me around and pulls me closer. “Just an hour,” He says again, leaning down and kissing me. I stiffen and try to move my face, but he reaches up and holds my face still. “Hell, you’re a pretty lass, I’d pay for two hours!” He says, his face an inch away from mine. I can smell the alcohol on him and draw my head back in disgust. He slides his hand down and grabs my rear. I squeak, which makes him chuckle.
“Let me go!” I say, trying to away. He frowns and pushes me against the wall. I squirm, trying desperately to free my hands. “Would you just hold still, love?” He says, kissing me hard.
“Stop!” I say, wrenching my face away and freeing one hand. I scream for help. He slams me against the wall, and I hit my head on the brick. Lights pop before my eyes.
“Never known a whore to say no,” He says, panting a little.
“I am not a whore!” I say, enunciating every word. He chuckles and pulls at my skirt and kisses my neck.
“Of course you’re not, love.” He grabs my chest, pressing his whole body against me. I can’t breathe. I feel like hand traveling up my skirt and frantically try to move. He kisses down my neck and pulls my shirt off my shoulders. He’s pulling my skirt up. Oh God, help me. This is why Mam said never to take the shortcut by myself. “This’ll only take a minute, love,” He says, taking the hand that was groping me and starts unbuttoning his pants. He grabs my face with his other hand and holds it in place as he covers my mouth with his. I bang my hands on his shoulders, trying to get him to back up. He laughs. “Hang on, love.” He grabs my skirt again. Oh my God, no. I close my eyes. He shifts a little and without thinking I bring my knee up and hit him in the crotch. He drops to the ground, swearing. I take off running, ignoring the fact that my shirt is half off.
“Son of a bitch!” He yells. I hear two sets of footsteps coming up behind me. Great, his friend didn’t leave. I turn a corner, hoping to evade them. No luck, they saw me turn and now they’re on my heels. I turn more corners, until I have no clue where I am, only aware of the fact that the two men are still on my heels. Finally I turn a corner and see a brick wall in front of me.
I’m trapped.
I hear them come up behind me. “Looks like you’re at a dead end, love.” He says. I whimper and turn around. They’re standing side by side, blocking the whole alley. “You’re going to really regret that little stunt, love.” The guy says, slowly advancing. I back up until I hit the wall. I look around desperately. Seeing nothing else, I pick up a rock and grip it. He’s almost on me, he’s reaching his hand out to keep me on that wall. I duck under his arm and run. The other man, the fat one, steps in my way. I hurl the rock at him, hoping that a lifetime of throwing pebbles at things doesn’t fail my aim now. It doesn’t. The rock smacks him right in the eye. I sprint down the alley, and run right out into the street, not caring where I go as long as I get away.
“Oi!” Someone yells. A big carriage is barreling down the street. I dive out of the way just in time. It stops. Great. Just what I need. The door opens and someone steps out. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, jumping in front of a carriage like that?” The person demands.
“I’m sorry, I don’t really have the time to explain…” I say, turning to run again. They grab my arm and I stiffen.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” The person, a male, says.
“That’s nice, but I really have to go,” I say, tugging at my arm.
“Why?” He asks. Suddenly I hear shouts from the two men. I whimper and pull at my arm again.
“That’s why, now let me go!” I say. He looks at me and then the men before calmly stepping in front of me. The two guys stop about three feet away.
“Good evening,” He says. The men look at him.
“Yeah, whatever. Now budge up.” The one I threw the rock at says,
“Why ever would I do that?” He says. “So you can get to the young lady? If you ask me, she doesn’t seem to want to see you two,” He says. He takes a step back towards me, shielding me. “If you ask me, she seems downright terrified of you. I wonder what made that happen?” He says.
“The bitch threw a rock at me and kneed my friend, now let us at her!” He growls. The man shakes his head.
“Uh uh,” He says mildly. “No can do. She looks like a fine young lady, so I can only assume that her reasons for throwing a rock at you and kneeing your friend are justified.” I grip the back of his jacket, noticing the quality of the fabric. “Now if you’ll excuse us,” He says, turning so he’s still facing them and walking backwards to the carriage. After everything I’ve been through in the past half hour I should be a little more cautious, but I’m so grateful he stopped that I hope right into the carriage. He climbs in and closes the door, and the carriage stops immediately. It’s silent for a minute.
“Thank you,” I say quietly. He nods. I run my hands over the smooth fabric and realize that I just got into a strange man’s carriage. “Um. Where exactly are we going?” He looks at me, confused.
“Oh! Right! Well, where do you want to go?” He asks.
“I’m sorry?” I ask.
“Where would you like me to take you?” I look at him. “Well, you can’t expect me to just drop you off somewhere where those barbarians could find you again, can you?” He says.
“I suppose not…” I say, not sure why he thinks it’s his duty to help me but grateful all the same.
“Right then. So where would you like me to drop you off?”
“Saint Peter’s,” I say. I can spend the night there. He nods, opening a little window and directing the driver to drive to Saint Peter’s. It’s quiet again.
“May I ask what exactly happened back there?” I look down at my hands.
“I was walking home from work, but the last inner city train stops at 9:30 and it was already ten, so I was taking the shortcut home,” I say slowly.
“And I’m assuming the shortcut isn’t exactly the safest way to get home if you’re alone?” He says. I shake my head.
“They came up behind me and one of them asked me how much for an hour so I told him I wasn’t for sale, but he just keep coming at me. So I kicked him and ran, and they both started following me and then I ran into a dead end, and I ducked under the first one and hit the other one with a rock and then I accidently ran in front of your carriage.” I tell him.
“Ah. Well I’m sorry for your ordeal, Miss…” He trails off.
“Anna.” I say. He smiles.
“Miss Anna. I’m Peter.” He takes my hand and kisses the top. I smile.
“Thank you for rescuing me, Peter.” I say. He smiles graciously. The smile slowly fades off my face.
“What’s wrong?” He asks. “Am I making you uncomfortable?” I shake my head. “Does it have something to do with why you were coming home from work at ten o’clock, when it’s illegal for people under 18 to work after nine?” I look at him.
“How did you know I was under eighteen?” I ask. He shrugs.
“Just a guess. You don’t look very old.” I thank him sarcastically. “Anytime, Miss Anna. So, care to tell me why you were still working at ten?” I look at my hands in my lap. “Or not,” He says. I shake my head.
“No, it’s fine. I just…I just lost my job.” I say.
“I’m sorry,” He says. “How?” I take a deep breath, and suddenly the whole story comes pouring out.
“Well, I was an hour late for work this morning because I was throwing up, so when I finally got to work the foreman, Midgley, told me I’d have to stay after hours to make the hour up. So I did, and I was about to leave when he came up behind me and told me to come to his office. So I did, because it’s not good to say no to Midgley. Once I was in his office he shut the door and started kissing me and trying to take my skirt off. He was drunk, I could tell. I told him that he was a filthy pig and to get his hands off me before I told the police. And he laughed and kept coming on to me, so I slapped him.
So he gets really mad and serious and pushes me out of his office and called me a whore, and told me that I was fired. I told him to sod off, and he pushed me out the factory and slammed the door. I realized that I needed that job so I stood outside apologizing, but he wouldn’t open the door. So I decided to go home, but the trains had already stopped which is how I ended up taking the shortcut.” I say, wrapping my arms around me. He looks at me.
“Do men come onto you a lot?” He asks. I shake my head. “Well, that’s twice in one evening,” He says. “I’m terribly sorry for your ordeal.” I shake my head.
“It’s not your fault, it’s mine, I should’ve just gone to work on time and puked in the bathroom. And now I don’t have a job and my brother won’t be able to get married and we won’t have any money and it’s all my fault,” I say, tearing up.
“No no no, don’t cry!” Peter says. “Miss Anna, please don’t fret. In fact, I’d be willing to get you a job,” He says.
“I don’t need your charity, Mr. Peter.” I say.
“It’s not charity, it’s an honest job. We need a new maid at my house, and if you’re willing to come first thing tomorrow and apply, then I can assure you the position.” I look at him.
“You would do that for me?” I ask. He nods.
“It’s the gentlemanly thing to do,” He says. “Although, it’s a full-time job, so you would have to live in the house on weekdays.” I nod.
“That’s fine! Thank you so much!” I say. He smiles.
“My pleasure. It appears that we’re at your Saint Peter’s,” He says. I look out the window. We really are. The gate is closed, but a candle is burning in the School. I move to open the door but the driver beats me to it. Peter gets out and helps me out of the carriage. I feel awkward about it, but he doesn't seem fazed. I clear my throat.
“Thank you again, Mr. Peter,” I say.
“Honestly, I’m glad I found you,” He says. “I hate to think of what those men would've done to you…” He says. I shudder. “Anyway. I expect to hear from you tomorrow, then, Anna. What’s your last name?”
“Paine. Anna Paine.” He nods.
“Very well. Goodnight, Miss Anna Paine.” He kisses my hand again.
“Good night, Mr. Peter.” He gets back in the carriage and watches me ring the bell. He doesn't leave until he sees a student opening the gate, then the carriage takes off. I walk slowly into the School. The student doesn't ask questions. They’re not supposed to, which I suppose it a good thing. I collapse on the first bed in the dormitory and sleep for a very long time.
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I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER PLEASE FORGIVE ME I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF DOING OUR SCHOOL'S MUSICAL AND I HAVEN'T HAD ANY TIME. but we're on break now so hopefully i'll update again sometime this week.....