Coffee Shop Soundtrack

Track 12: The Waiting Room - We Are The Ocean

As Cassie stepped up to the front door of the shop, she continued to rummage through her bag for the keys. Of course they were at the bottom of the bag and took nearly five minutes to find in order to unlock the doors. Ryan wasn't there already for some reason. But it really wasn't that big of a deal. Everyone was inclined to have at least one late day. It's not like Cassie didn't know what to do before they opened the shop so she just walked through the doors and closed and locked it behind her. Pulling her coat off as she headed to the counter, she replaced it with her apron and then set about grabbing some cups and start up the machines so she could get her first cup of caffeine in her so she'd be able to survive the day. She hadn't been able to sleep well the night before so she was running on empty and foresaw that she was going to need at least four cups of coffee to stay functioning throughout the day.

Twenty minutes later the doors opened and a zombie-like Ryan walked through the doors mumbling a hello as he shoved his coat and bag underneath the counter. Neither of them said anything, just the music in the shop serving as the only noise. Well that and that stupid fish Ryan got that made noise every time you walked by, that was making noise too. That was one of the reason Cassie now hated sweeping. It was a motion sensor so any move she made it would make noise and sing that God awful song that she got stuck in her head for the rest of the day. And don't even get her started of the demon moose. Again the door opened making Cassie frown as she looked up and saw Georgia walking inside with a smile. Cassie turned to see if Ryan was as confused as she was but he just smiled and waved to the younger girl as if it was just any other normal day.

"Since when do you have a key?" Cassie asked.

Georgia shrugged, "Ryan gave me one. And it's the least you can do since I'm basically working here for free." She teased.

"Really? And you're not at all worried that she's going to break in in the middle of the night to steal all our cookies?" Cassie asked Ryan.

"That would be you," Ryan muttered making Cassie glare and Georgia laugh.

When she saw that she was being ignored, she turned to face the younger girl. "Ok one condition, if you do want to sneak in and steal something, take the moose!"

"What is it with you and that damn moose!?" Ryan asked with an exasperated sigh.

"It's evil! I'm telling you! It stares at me and makes me feel like it's going to steal my soul when I'm least expecting it."

"Aw be nice to Arnold!" Georgia said.

"Who the hell is Arnold?"

Georgia just pointed to the moose.

"You named it Arnold?" Cassie deadpanned as she walked back behind the counter to put the broom away, making the fish start singing again.

"Yup!" Georgia replied as she grabbed a rag and the cleaning solution and went to spray down the tables. "And the fish's name is Betty."

"There is something wrong with you child," she muttered as she made her way back behind the counter making the stupid fish start singing again. "Wait where's your partner in crime today?"

Georgia rolled her eyes, "if you're referring to Noah then he had a football meeting early this morning about practice after school. He texted me to say that he couldn't make it. But he'll be here after practice today."

Cassie nodded and when back to what she was doing. They had fifteen minutes left before the shop opened once they finished the chores. All three of them were behind the counter talking and arguing over the music that was playing. But Georgia finally won just as the door to the shop opened and their first customers walked in.

Ever since the open mic night they had had a few weeks ago, business had been getting better. They had even bigger crowds in the shop and more high school kids from East and West. Even Georgia and Noah had some of their friends stopping on a regular basis now. It was better than ever and Cassie and Ryan had already been talking about scheduling another one soon since it was such a big hit. Noah had especially been great and Cassie needed to think of another way to get him back on stage since he had mentioned after his set that he would never be doing that again. But the kid didn't give himself enough credit and didn't see how good he was. Cassie was just going to have to work more of her magic to convince the boy otherwise.

When eight o'clock neared, Georgia packed her things up and yelled a bye since she was running late to school. They were still in the middle of the morning rush so they really couldn't say anything more than a bye in return since they were both in the middle of orders. But she was a huge help, her and Noah were like a Godsend to the cafe and they had both been talking about maybe getting them on the payroll to bring them on as actual staff since they were so great at helping. Cassie and Ryan even were planning on bringing it up that day after school.

The rush was finally over almost a hour and a half later and they got a moment to breathe. They finished cleaning up the mess they had made that morning and then they took a moment to relax. Cassie found a magazine that one of the teens had left behind earlier to read and Ryan was busy taking inventory and restocking a few things. Cassie had offered to help but he declined and told her to relax before the lunch rush came. So she just shrugged and nodded, yelling control of the stereo and trying to avoid eye contact with the moose.


Just as the lunch rush finished and Cassie and Ryan were the only two in the shop once again, the door burst open and Georgia came flying in. Cassie frowned as she saw the younger girl and checked the time to see that it was only barely two in the afternoon and school didn't get out until quarter after three so her being there was really strange.

"You know, I know I'm more of a friend than a parent but aren't you supposed to be in school?" Ryan asked as Georgia rushed to the counter.

"Screw school! Somethings happened to Noah!"

Cassie's heart all but stopped when she hear that. "What are you talking about? Is he ok? What happened?"

"I didn't hear much but I was sent to the office today for mouthing back to one of my teachers and overheard two of the staff say that Noah got into a car accident this morning on his way to school."

"Did you hear any details?" Ryan asked as Cassie silently thanked him for continuing since she was still processing the information.

Georgia shook her head, "all I heard was it was bad."

"Oh my god," Cassie breathed, covering her mouth with her hand. Ryan was instantly by her side, hand on her arm as comfort as she tried to pull herself together. Cassie had always been really caring and sensitive so whenever something bad happened, even when it involved the homeless guy she had always passed in Oklahoma on her way to school, she took in hard. This instance was no difference except that it wasn't just a random guy she exchanged a few words with each day. It was Noah. The kid she had grown very fond of and thought of like her little brother.

Ryan knew this well and started to rub her arms and give her a few encouraging words to calm her down. "What hospital?" He asked, glancing at Georgia and Cassie could tell that she wasn't holding up much better than she was. Behind the fierce no care attitude the younger girl had, Cassie saw the sweeter side of Georgia every now and then. Hidden underneath a layer of motor oil and sarcasm, but if you cleaned it away you could see it as clearly as the sun.

"The one in Brandon,"

Ryan nodded as he turned to grab their things, mentioning that they should go and see what was going on. Noah had mentioned a few times that he had mentioned them to his parents so maybe they could get some information from them. Cassie silently pulled her jacket on and found her purse, barely realizing she was doing these things as she followed Ryan out to his car and then got into the passenger seat. Georgia hopped in back as Ryan started the car and began to drive to the only hospital in Brandon.

The car was silent as he drove and suddenly in the midst of all Cassie's thoughts she felt something warm slip into her hand. She turned her gaze from the window and looked down and saw that Ryan was holding her hand. Smiling when he glanced over at her, she saw the look of nervousness flash in his eyes at the simple gesture, obviously second guessing himself. So she just tightened her grip on his hand as a thanks and comfort that It was ok to do. That he didn't overstep his 'just friends' status that they were. But in all honesty Cassie had wished that maybe it could be something more almost as soon as she met him. She had always thought he was attractive but could tell he was hiding something and wasn't looking for love. So she decided friendship was better than nothing and took it willingly and they've been best friends ever since. Though Cassie still wondered sometimes what it would be like to date such a sweet and caring man. But she probably might never know.

When they got there, Ryan found the nearest parking spot and Cassie all but jumped out of the car as he was stopping it. She heard a yell from Ryan but ignored him when she saw Georgia doing the same and they both began to rush for the doors of the ER with Ryan trying to catch up. They didn't know if Noah was even still in the ER or admitted to the hospital or even, God forbid, dead. But this seemed like the best place to start. When Ryan caught up with them, he mentioned that he would go ask information and they can just relax and try to take a deep breath. The girls took a seat next to each other, Cassie never taking her eyes off Ryan as he talked to the lady about what was happening to Noah. But from the looks of it she wasn't being very helpful and when Ryan came back he mentioned that he couldn't get any information due to doctor/patient confidentiality.

"Excuse me," a middle aged woman asked, stepping nervously towards them. She was had pretty brown hair with grey peppered here and there and she was really beautiful besides the tear stains on her cheeks and messy makeup from crying so much. "I was just wondering why you were asking about Noah Parker."

"We're his friends from the coffee shop," Ryan mentioned as Cassie saw the flash of recognition flash across her face. "Are you his parents?"

"Yes, and you're Ryan, Cassie, and Georgia right? Its nice to finally meet you three. I wish the conditions were different though."

Ryan nodded, "Yeah no kidding. But how his he doing!? Is he ok?"

"We don't know yet, they were hit going through a intersection by someone who ran a red light. Noah wasn't driving and the other car hit the drivers side, instantly killing his friend. But Noah's pulled through so far. They've been working on him since he got here a little past nine. He's got a concussion, broken leg, and a lot of internal bleeding. Thats what he's in surgery for right now. The doctors are still working on him and it seems to be ok for now but we won't know for certain until he gets through it. But we're hopeful." Noah's dad explained, arm wrapped comfortingly around his wife as he explained.

Cassie tried to keep the tears at bay when she heard this. It was pretty bad condition and she could still tell that the outcome could go either way at the moment. But she was keeping her hopes up and wouldn't give up until they knew for sure.

"Well we're here if you need anything. And if you don't mind us staying and waiting with you." Ryan continued getting a small sad smile from Noah's mom in return.

She reached out and patted his hand, "thank you. That's very sweet of you. It's nice to see Noah has such nice friends. He talks about you all so highly. You can stay as long as you want, though the coffee here isn't that good."

Georgia scoffed, saying the first things since they had gotten there. "Trust me, I've had worse."

Ryan and Cassie just cracked a small smile at the girls obvious teasing. Thankful for the little humor to brighten their moods as they continued to wait for the news on how Noah was doing. Though none of them were particularly good at waiting.
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Ugh. I know. Its been forever. I'm sorry. But hopefuily this chapter can make up for that? Yes!? No!? Maybe!?
