Status: Sorry about the first three chapters horrendous grammar. That should be fixed soon!! :)

The Demon's Daughter

chapter two - demon world

"I didn't know," He admitted hanging his head, "I could never track down the father, so I assume it's from his side." He nervously twisted scraps of his clothing around his talon, his master watching him reproachfully.
"So, my servant, my one personal gaurd, doesn't know what I ,your master, tells you to find? "He asked, calmly, "What else don't I know? What are you hiding?"
His servent closed his eyes, and shook his head. "You won't like it," He replied, shakily
"I don't like a lot of things, young one. But some things I need to know ;like it or not." He said, still calmly. But he wasn't fooling anyone. Despite his calm demeaner his eyes glowed with rage, the irises beginning to darken, the gleam in them just like before he became the beast.
"Well..." He began slowly, already knowing what his master would do to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Newly edited version.
So, the demon world... Sounds like a fun place to visit, huh? ;)
Yeah, I though it would be a good idea to see things from both the good and the bad perspectives. I don't know, just to mix it up a bit. The demon world chapters will mostly be shorter though.