Status: Repost since i Accidentally deleted it

The Journey of a Thousand Miles

June 30th, New York, NY

Cordelia muttered profanities under her breath as she sat in the back seat with Jace. They had started the first day of their road trip and they were already stuck in traffic thanks to the dark-haired devil that sat next to her.

“Ryan, if you had listened to me from the start and taken the Verrazano Bridge, we’d be halfway through New Jersey already. Instead, you listened to Mr. I’m-smarter-than-you over here.” Cordelia said gesturing to Jace who merely sent her a grimace. “Everyone knows the Holland Tunnel is backed up to Canal St on weekday mornings.”

Jace made a face at the girl who was sounding way too sure of herself. He would not admit it but he knew she was right. When they were loading Ryan’s jeep Cordelia had mentioned the route. Never one to turn down an opportunity to antagonize the black-haired girl, Jace insisted they drive through Manhattan rather than leave through Staten Island. Efficiency was of no importance to Jace. As long as he was able to wind up the small girl seated next to him, life was grand.

“Yes, please, do take advice from the girl who couldn’t get into Harvard. She’s obviously smarter than the guy who did.” Jace said referring to himself.

Cordelia sent the boy a glare and launched herself at him. Harvard was a touchy subject for Cordelia. It had been her dream school since her grandfather had taken her to visit it when she was five. However, come senior year, Jace sent an application to the school he had never even considered until he found out Cordelia wanted to go there. That’s how it was with Jace and Cordelia. One of them was always out to be better than the other. It was a competition and neither was winning at present.

“Don’t you dare talk about schools.” Cordelia said as she hit the kid. Jace grabbed the girl’s wrists and held them in place.

“I happen to be smarter than you. Just admit it. Besides, it’s not like you could afford it and you’re not smart enough to get a scholarship.” Jace said his brown eyes burning into her own blue ones.

“Jace, I suggest you stop talking right now before I kick you out of this car. Apologize.” Ryan said. Cordelia was like his sister and although Jace was his best friend, it did not mean he would tolerate this.

“No, don’t say sorry. You don’t mean it and I won’t accept the apology. Save your breath.” Cordelia said as she tried to keep her family’s financial status out of her mind. The jeep was deadly silent and the tension was thick enough to be cut with a knife.

Ryan stopped at a red light and Amber turned to Jace with menacing eyes. “Arse, switch seats with me.” She said as if it were a command. Without a warning, Amber climbed over the center console and shoved Jace. He huffed and moved himself to the front.

“Now, I think that while we’re stuck in traffic, a few ground rules ought to be set, for our safety. And sanity.” Amber added after sending Cordelia and Jace a look.

“What kind of rules?” Cordelia asked in an attempt to forget the remarks Jace had made.

“Well, I think we should decide the driving period.”

“We could make it a cycle.” Ryan suggested. “Since I’m already driving, I’d be the first. Then it would be Jace followed by you and then Cordelia.” He said to his girlfriend.

Everyone nodded their heads in silent agreement.

“Oh, music is controlled by the driver at all times.” Ryan added as he put on some obscure indie rock band.

“But…” Jace started.

“No buts. It should always be the driver’s choice.” Amber said.

“When we drive at night, someone should always stay awake with the driver.” Cordelia said.

“That’s a good idea.” Ryan said sending Cordelia a reassuring smile through the rearview mirror.

“We stay in a hotel only when we reach our destination. No stopping every night.” Amber said.

“Can we add places to see onto the list as we go along?” Jace asked.

“Sure, as long as it’s not Las Vegas.” Amber said grinning at Cordelia. Cordelia rolled her eyes.

“Aww, come on. Vegas is awesome!” Jace whined.

“No. We can’t go.” Cordelia said.

“All expenses should be split evenly.” Amber said.

The passengers nodded their heads in agreement once again.

“Everyone must always be civil to everyone else.” Cordelia said looking directly at Jace.

Jace turned around to look directly at Cordelia. He almost felt bad for what he had said. Almost.

“I will if you will.” Jace said.

“I’m not the one throwing snide remarks at you, moron.” Cordelia said.

“You just called me a moron.”

“You called me stupid. We’re even.”

“See, this is not going to work.” Amber said interrupting the two. “Ignore each other if you have to. Do whatever you want to. But please, keep your hate to yourselves. This is our last chance to be immature, ignorant kids before we leave for college. Let’s make the most of it.” Amber said.

“Fine.” Jace said reluctantly.

“Fine.” Cordelia said. “Ryan, just keep your bitch on a shorter leash.” She said, not being able to help herself.

“Lia!” Amber exclaimed.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” Cordelia giggled.

“Don’t you start.” Ryan warned Jace before erupting into a fit of laughter.

“Hey man, not cool. Stop laughing.” Jace said.

“She called you my bitch.” Ryan said in between laughs. Jace tried hard to keep a serious expression but it soon faded away, being replaced by a smile.

“It was pretty funny.” Amber admitted. The four laughed at their own stupidity until Cordelia’s phone rang.

“Hello, Mother.” Cordelia answered.

“Cordelia, Seamus wants to speak to you.” Her mother said.

“Delia?” Seamus asked in a small voice.

“Yes, my love?” Cordelia answered her voice filled with love.

“Where are you? Mommy woke me up and then I went to your room and you weren’t there.”

“Aww, I told you Seamus. I was going away for a while. I promise to come back with the biggest chocolate cupcake ever.” She said.

“With sprinkles?” He asked and Cordelia could imagine his bright eyes lighting up.

“Yes, rainbow sprinkles.”

“Delia, you’re the bestest!” The little kid declared.

“Alright, you be good now. Don’t give Mommy a hard time.”

“Only a little bit. Bye, I love you.”

“Love you too, Seamus.” Cordelia said before hanging up.

Cordelia looked up to see Amber and Jace staring at her while Ryan sent her glances though the rearview mirror.

“What?” She asked.

“I swear, Lia. Sometimes it seems like you’re his mother not sister.”

“He’s my brother. I have to take care of him.”

Jace sent the girl a look of admiration before turning around quickly. Just like he would not admit that she had been right about the directions, he would not admit he admired her, a great deal at that.
♠ ♠ ♠
More of my deleted story. I still want to hit myself, I'm such an idiot.
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