Status: Active until the 31st :D

30 Day Drabble Challenge


I’m out of that dump. That means doing my own washing up. Looking after myself. Responsibility.


Because I’m eighteen. Too old for that foster home. Too old for care or love.

They didn’t try with me. I’ve been there for four years and they never tried to help me.

“He’s fourteen, he’s a smart boy, he can pick himself up.”

It doesn’t work like that.

Now it doesn’t matter. I’m getting a new place. It’s going to be great. Fun, even. But did I get help getting myself here? No.

I had to make a move. So I did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah. So this is turning out to be one big story, isn't it? Too much tying together. Hopefully they can be read separately. Sorry for not going out there with this one. Whoops.