Bring Me Back My Boys

bring me back my boys


The next morning we were woken by Mama “ Good Morning my little darlings, come on it is time to wake up.” She whispered, slowly shaking us to wake. I couldn’t believe it was morning already, it felt like I had just gone to bed, and by the way Alessandro kept covering himself with the blankets, I think he felt the same way. Eventually we managed to wake and dress in silentness as not to rouse Raffael who was lying in his bed completely covered with his blanket. Mama as always prepared our breakfast and had our lunches prepared ready to go. We kissed and hugged our Mama goodbye which always made her smile, and then
Making our way through Dasa the sun was just peeking over the horizon the wind blows from behind me sweeping my curls of hair onto my face. Nature responds evanesced as the sun gradually turned the sky blue. One good thing about being Calabrese is that life revolves around being in tune with nature. We were not staying in Dasa today; we were making our way to Vibo Valentia, which is a village not far from the sea with a huge market place where we will be selling our produce. Nothing could be heard except the clopping hoofs of the horses on the dirt road and a high pitched steady sound of a neigh every now and then. I looked over and saw Alessandro fighting to keep his eyes open, and at that moment I saw slight movement coming from underneath the blanket that lay beside him. I stared and waited to see if there was any other movement or was it just my eyes playing tricks. There was another movement, without hesitation I quickly grabbed the blanket, and there all curled up was Raffael looking up at me more dumbfounded than I was.
“Raffael what are you doing here?” I asked in astonishment.
“I didn’t want to stay alone at home with Mama, so I decided to wake up early and sneak in the cart”
“I don’t understand when I looked at you in bed….” Raffael quickly interrupted me.
“I know, I know I put my pillow underneath the blankets so you all thought I was in bed,” he finished.
Papa bought the cart to a halt and turned with eyes that were blazing, “ I thought I told you to stay home,” he said perturbed.
“I, well yes Papa, but I just wanted to, ummm….” Stuttered Raffael.
“It’s ok Papa he is with us now and it is too late to turn back now, he will just have to come along with us, it will do him the world of good.” Alessandro replied permissively.
“Very well, make sure he does not get into anymore mischievous,” said Papa
“Yes we will make sure,” said Alessandro as he put his arm around Raffael and embraced him, ensuring him that everything is going to be fine.
Raffael addressed Alessandro with a huge smile, as Papa pulled on the reins; the horses began to haul the cart again. Raffael began to sing but because he did not know half the words to the tunes he made us sing with him, while he hummed what he didn’t know. Papa was a tyrant and hard natured but whenever we sing he never makes us stop, unless Raffael is sleeping of course. I think he enjoys our singing, he will never tell us verbally so I am left to guess. Making our way through the town there were people everywhere going about their daily obligations. Women carrying big baskets on their heads balancing loads of washing with great posture. The chime of the bell from the renaissance church, Santa Maria Maggiore, rang eight times indicating to us it was eight o clock in the morning.
People gathered everywhere, some arguing, some with hoards of laughter. Music caught my attention as we passed people playing guitars or accordions with anticipation of gratuities. All items of need could be seen in plenty, fruit and vegetables dried or not, were arranged on trestles ready for sale, fish, ricotta, smoked hams, cheese, legumes and eggs were all on display. The fishy smell from all the various seafood, and the blended smell of all the fresh fruit and vegetables were overwhelming. Livestock are tied up; pigs with their piglets are rolling in pools of mud, cows are mooing and sheep are bleating at the other end of the market. A sea of people pushing and jostling, confusion and disorder, it was a world of chaos, but it seems to work.
Papa seems to be impressed with the outcome of the morning sale and so was I for this meant we were able to buy other necessities to take back home including some fish. Being near the sea this village had an abundance of sardines, tuna, swordfish and baccala, (salted cod, which is soaked in fresh water and after a few days it is ready to be cooked). Papa took us all over the market and we were all captivated by the screaming and yelling coming from the stallholders to lure the customers in. Raffael snickering at the elderly ones that sometimes would choke if they pitched their voice too high. Wading through thick crowds of people we managed to make our way out from the market towards the horse and cart. Halfway we noticed a small crowd of people and could hear music and singing, a sweet young voice and the sound of a tambourine was enchanting, so we drew closer to see what was going on. Raffael started to whine because he could not see so Papa placed him on his shoulders, he look down, and the little monkey playing the instrument humours Raffael. Alessandro and I moved to the front of the crowd because we knew the song they were playing, we just could not refrain so we joined in and started singing along with the girl who could have been the same age as myself.
A very beautiful girl with long black curly hair and the biggest blue eyes I have ever seen. Our voices together were harmonic and angelic and as soon as the little girl’s father noticed a significant crowd gathering, he grabbed Alessandro and I and made us stand alongside the girl who I thought was dressed a little bizarre. She was wearing a flowing red ankle length skirt, and gold anklets, a white top that bears her tiny dark bronze skin shoulders and big hoop gold earrings. Her father wore a scarf tied around his head and he also wore one gold earring in his left ear, baggy trousers rolled up at the ankles held up with a belt, white shirt with sleeves rolled up and they were both barefoot, very strange indeed.
“My goodness you boys can sing” he said looking at us with amazement, while the crowd is cheering because they want to hear more.
“Who taught you to sing like that?” he asked still looking at us very wide eyed with amazement.
“My mother” I replied quietly.
“Do you know any other songs?” he asked
“Yes we know a few songs my Mama taught us all of them,” I said with pride.
“Good would you like to sing another song with us then?” he asked.
I looked at Papa who was now standing at the front of the crowd and could hear everything this strange man was asking us. He looked down on me with Raffael still on his shoulders and he nodded his head giving me the ok to sing another song.
“Yes I will sing another song with you,” I said to him as he stood beside me staring at Papa and gave him a half smile.
“Good, my name is Emilian and this is my wonderful daughter Isabella and this little fellow” he said bending over and holding out his arm to the little monkey with the tambourine in his hands, “is Paco.”
Paco quickly climbed onto Emilian’s shoulder and shook the tambourine and let out a little squeal this made the audience clap and laugh.
“My name is Luca and this is my twin brother Alessandro. He is my little brother Raffael,” I said as I pointed over to him sitting on Papa’s shoulders.
Emilian was a cavalier, animated and gallant always smiling showing his huge white teeth, and very cunning, cunning enough to beguile the audience with his smooth seductive voice.
“Signore e Signori,” (Ladies and gentlemen), “ I would like to introduce to you the famous trio Isabella, Luca and Alessandro accompanied by Paco,” he shouted out with a gesture of arm movements in the air. Emilian made it sound important and consequential, as if there was going to be a major historical event, I didn’t mind I was enthralled by it. I started the soft lullaby and then Alessandro accompanied me like always and then throughout the chorus, Isabella joined in with her soft-pitched voice, our tone was dynamic, and we sang like we were sent from the heavens above. Alessandro and I sang with our strong voices and we held onto the last notes for as long as we could singing like tenors. I heard a huge gasp from everyone and then a roar of clapping and whistling, it was the proudest moment of my life; I wish Mama were here to see this.
Paco jumped off Emilian’s shoulder after the performance he passed a hat to the uplifted crowd of onlookers to make his collection of money, the hat was overflowing with donations. As soon as Papa saw this he immediately went to Emilian who was ecstatic and more than happy to share the offerings with Papa. As they moved away and discussed their windfall Alessandro and I were left alone with Isabella and Paco.
“Why are you dressed weird?” Asked Alessandro looking at Isabella as if she were not human.
“ Alessandro,” I interrupted annoyed with his forwardness.
Isabella was laughing at us both, with her hands on her hips as if she were a grown women.
“What do you find so amusing?” I asked
“ You two,” she said, as she lifted Paco and he put his skinny little arms around her neck embracing her like he was her child.
“I am dressed like this because I am a gypsy, we travel from village to village and perform like we did today to earn a living I personally like to call myself an entertainer.”
“A gypsy, oh my lord so you travel everywhere, so that means you don’t have a home?” Alessandro asked awestricken.
“No we have a caravan that is homely and we live in tents, it is a very exciting life.”
She said.
“Yes this is true, but don’t you get tired of travelling all the time?” I asked
“No, I love to sing and dance.” She replied with a pleased look on her face.
Paco had taken a liking to Alessandro and was holding out his arms to him, Isabella passed him over and we were all amused as Paco made a shamble of Alessandro’s curly blonde hair with his small hand.
“Do you live here?” asked Isabella, still smiling at Alessandro and Paco Playing.
“No, we are from a small village high up in the mountain called Arena.”
“Oh and what do you do there?”
“We work with my Papa on the land and we help Mama”
“What else do you do?” She queried wanting me to tell her so much more about my life.
I paused for a moment to think, there really isn’t anything else to tell that is literally what my life is all about, at that moment my heart sank.
“ That’s all we do,” I said as I lowered my head.
Isabella came closer and looked at me with saddened eyes putting her hand on my shoulder.
“It’s ok Luca, at least you have a nice warm home to live in.” She replied compassionately so as not to hurt my feelings.
Isabella’s sensitivity and goodwill stirred my emotions.
Emilian came over to where we were standing, and I was a little disheartened for I knew that it was time to go home with Papa and I knew I probably would never see Isabella again. I shook Emilian’s hand and I gave Isabella a hug, “thankyou for letting us be part of your show I shall never forget you.” I said, as I looked straight into Isabella’s bright blue eyes.
“Alessandro, come it is time to go,” I turned to find Papa, but I could not see him or Raffael.
“Emilian where is my Papa?” I asked
Emilian wasn’t smiling showing his big white teeth; I knew that something was terribly wrong as he stood before me in silence.
“Luca, Alessandro your Papa is gone he told me everything that has happened and he told me that he doesn’t want to have you anymore, so he asked me to take care of you, he took all the money that we earned today and in return I get to keep you.”
“What are you saying our Papa sold us to you?” I said with tears welling in my eyes.
“Yes Luca Your Papa sold you” Emilian said in a softened voice
I knew Papa was capable of anything deplorable but I didn’t think he would sell us for money. How could he separate us from Mama and Raffael, leaving us with these strange people? Alessandro and I broke down crying, knowing in our hearts that once again we were the abandoned children, which no one wants to keep. Isabella came over and tried to comfort us, “Luca don’t worry my mother and father will take care of you and I can be your sister now.” She said standing in front of the both of us, her blue eyes becoming teary as well.
“Come I will show you where your new home is, come on, there is no need for all these tears, you can both start a new life with us.” Said Emilion cheerfully trying to lift our spirits up, but it didn’t work. All these years with Papa have been a life of fear, punishment, drudgery, and now this betrayal creating a midst of anger and disappointment.
As we make our way back to the gypsy camp on the outskirts of the town, there were strange homes built on carts, this is what Isabella called caravans. They are alongside each other forming a circle and inside the circle are tents pitched. There were not too many gypsy’s around because it is still afternoon and everyone has gone to earn a living, only a few of the elderly that stood around a fire stirring a pot that sat on top of it. We are noticed as soon as we enter the circle and everyone is eager to come and greet. At first Alessandro and I are ambivalent, but soon enough we feel warmly welcomed and invited by Isabella’s Nonna to have a bite to eat. Even though I had not eaten since the early hours of the morning my appetite is poor which made me stir the food in my plate and not eat.
“ What is it young boy? You don’t like the food I cook?” Isabella’s Nonna said looking at me puzzled.
“ Yes it is very nice Signora but I am sorry I am not hungry right now” I replied
“ Ohhhh please don’t call me Signora you can call me Nonna, like my little Isabella calls me,” She said as she leant over and held little Isabella’s face in her hands.
“Yes umm Nonna, I am Luca and this is Alessandro,” I muttered trying to introduce myself properly.
“Yes I know Emilian told me what has happened, and I am very sorry but you know sometimes we must learn to transform tragedy into hope and bravery. Overcoming fear will give you the courage to take on the next fear and learning to face challengers will enrich your life,” Said Nonna sympathetically.
Tears started streaming down our faces once again Alessandro and I are homesick even though the gypsy hospitality is reputable, we are longing to be in Mama’s embrace. Nonna came over and sat between Alessandro and I and put her arms around us.
“There will be many times in your life that you will feel crushed like your feeling now these feeling are inevitable, but never allow your spirits to be broken. Remember this, you handsome young boys have a bright future ahead, you just need to find inner strength, confidence and self-control,” She said as she wiped away both our tears.
She spoke true words of wisdom and every single word that she said, kept going over and over in my mind, strength, confidence and self control I kept saying repeatedly to myself. Nonna was a huge woman tall and rotund; to look at her she seemed gruelling but she was totally the opposite. She wore a long black flowing skirt and a black blouse, which indicated that she was in mourning. Her hair was long and grey done in two plaits then gathered in a sort of hair bun at the back of her head. Her skin is dark and bronze just like Emilian and Isabella; her eyes are the darkest brown and as she smiles her face creases with wrinkles.
Isabella is also very comforting and she keeps our unhappiness at bay by showing us around the camp and getting us accustomed with our new surroundings. She introduces us to other gypsy’s, and then shows us her interesting mobile home and tent. Inside the tent are her musical instruments, guitar, accordion and tambourine, she picks up the guitar and sits on one of the little wooden stools, which are outside the tent. Isabella positions the guitar on her knee and starts plucking at the strings, she plays the guitar as if she breathes life into it, I am hypnotised by the rhythm.
“How did you learn to play guitar?” I asked her inspired.
“My father teaches me everything, as his father taught him,” she replies still holding the shiny guitar and strumming the strings lightly.
“Would you teach us how to play the instruments?” asked Alessandro with Paco sitting on his knee.
“Yes of course, I am sure my father and mother will teach you some too.”
“Where is your mother?” asked Alessandro
“She should be home soon, she is still in the village, that is where father has gone.”
“What is she still doing in the village? Does she sing as well?” Alessandro asked.
“No she is a fortune teller.” She said as we both sat there intrigued.
“What is a fortune teller?” asked Alessandro screwing up his nose.
“Well she predicts what is going to happen in a persons life” Isabella replied seriously.
“How is that so, no one knows the future.”
“My mother has the gift, she can see everything in her crystal ball.”
Alessandro stopped bombarding Isabella with questions as soon as Emilian and Isabella’s mother walk into the inner circle of caravans and come over to greet us. With respect we stood up immediately “Hello signora,” I said
I knew instantly that she was Isabella’s mother for Isabella has the same black hair and big blue eyes, she was tall and slender and her dress sense was just as eccentric as her daughter’s except she wore more gold around her waist and larger hooped earrings. She held something in her hand, which was covered with a purple shiny handkerchief; maybe it was her crystal ball? I was ever so curious.
“Well hello I have heard so much about you,” She said with a happy toned voice, and then she turned to Emilian “Emilian you are so right they are very handsome.”
She looked back at us and asked,” which one of you is Luca and which one is Alessandro?”
“I am Luca and this is Alessandro,” I replied pointing to Alessandro.
“My how in gods name am I going to be able to tell you both apart?”
A little shy I shrugged my shoulders, and then Alessandro stepped forward and said, “Luca has the birthmark on his hand and I don’t, Luca put your hand up so Signora can see.”
A little reddened in the face I showed her my hand and she nods her head while she humours Alessandro’s forwardness.
“Yes Alessandro, thankyou that makes my job a little easier and please my name is Merica not Signora.
“Merica, yes very well Signora…oopps I mean Merica,” said Alessandro bemused.
Merica laughs at his confusion, she sits down on the tiny wooden stool that is beside Alessandro, Emilian remains standing. She carefully with two hands rest the purple handkerchief and whatever was underneath it on her lap and held what seem to be a ball between the palm of her hands. Her smile is infectious bringing a sparkle of vigour to my saddened eyes, dimples showed her enjoyment, in the simple pleasurable moment. I am uplifted by Merica’s charm, and for a long moment I forgot about my preoccupying thoughts of home.
I caught Alessandro’s wide eyed stare on whatever was resting on Merica’s lap and knowing Alessandro I knew that it wouldn’t be much longer before he starts probing.
“Merica, what is that on your lap?” he asked, his nosiness getting the better of him like always.
“Ahh this little friend is my mystical crystal ball,” she said as she took the purple handkerchief away and revealed a solid glass globe.
“Wow, Isabella told us you have the gift is this true?” Alessandro asked marvelled.
“Yes this is true, I can read into one’s future,” she replied.
“Can you read into my future?” Alessandro asked excitably.
“Yes why not, let me see,” she said.
Merica closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and then reopens her eyes, she looks like she is in some sort of trance. She looks down into the translucent ball and starts to scry, she has an aura of unreality and mystery. “I don’t know why I see wealth, but it is telling me you are from prosperity,” she said seriously.
“There has been some sort of involvement of a young man in your life oh and he is also wealthy.”
“Who is the young man?” Alessandro asked eagerly to find out more.
“Mmmm I really cant say, but I see him with fair hair just like you,” Merica said looking into the glass puzzled, she paused for a moment then continued on, “you are going to find happiness here with us and also in music,” she said smiling. Merica continued to peer down into the ball, but then she stopped and looked up, she suddenly snapped out of her trance.
“What is it, did you see something that you’re not telling me?” Alessandro asked hungry for answers.
Merica leans back with apprehensiveness, “ what I saw I told you, I guess I just got distracted it happens, I am sorry Alessandro there is nothing more I can give you.”
I knew very well that Merica had seen something and she was keeping it to herself. Maybe she has seen something about our real parents and she didn’t want to say why they abandoned us. I wish she had continued at least maybe I could have another piece for the jigsaw.
Nightfall was upon us and we sleep in the caravan with Isabella while Merica and Emilian sleep in the tent. Tossing and turning I just could not settle, the thought of todays affairs just kept going over and over in my mind. A tear escaped the corner of my eye; I am homesick missing Mama and Raffael terribly. I realise that the time has come to stop the resistance of all the tensions and personal cries in my life, I finally realise that I have to allow for whatever path my destiny wants to follow and live in the flow of life. I now need to embrace myself and take on responsibilities for Alessandro and myself and endeavour on whatever journey lies ahead of us.
Our life of travelling had become more and more exciting as we passed through villages, singing for a living. We seem to captivate and enthral audiences with our astounding voices, wherever we go. Paco eagerly collecting with his hat filling it to the brim and giving to Emilian who was exhilarated over the small fortunes we were making. Emilian is the total opposite of Papa he is benevolent and goodhearted and always high spirited. He sits with us every night beside the fire and teaches us how to play the guitar and the accordion with passiveness. Merica on the other hand teaches us how to read and write and even though it is an enduring task, she still perseveres and we, reluctant for we desperately want to learn. Isabella is also involved with the teaching, but her patience is very thin and whenever I make a mistake she gets up and throws her arms in the air, “No Luca that is incorrect start again, we are not going to stop until you get this right” she would scream.
Sometimes I get annoyed with her and throw the book on the ground and storm off, or sometimes I look at her rant and burst with laughter, which makes her even more exasperate. Alessandro and Paco are inseparable, they eat together, they sleep together, and they learn together. Although sometimes Paco gets bored and runs away from the lesson screeching putting his tiny hands over his ears not wanting to hear anymore. Even though we still miss Mama and Raffael, we come to terms that we are in a better place than what we were. Although we are always on the move we are happy and content and enthusiastic, knowing the next day we are in a village doing what we love best… singing. Sant’onofrio was the next town that we pass through and then Pizzo, which is a seaside village picturesque and beautiful. There are numerous palazzi, (mansions), which are owned by rich merchants or other higher class people with distinctive architectural design. There are many narrow streets and lanes connecting to steep stairways making their way to a tiny square, some with fountains. Emilian led the way and we all followed him, including Paco who was sitting comfortably on Alessandro’s shoulder grabbing the attention of all the boys and girls of the village. We finally arrive in an open space called Piazza Spuntone where you can admire a castle in the distance and view the blue sapphire sea it was an exhilarating place. Emilian stopped and raised his arms into the air, “well what do you think boys?” he asked with his big smile as usual.
“It is wonderful we have never seen the sea before,” I responded
“Well you stick with me son and you will see many more seas,” Emilian said as he put his arm around me. No one has ever called me son and I kind of felt like it was a distinction, I put my arm around his waist as we walked to the middle of the Piazza.
We stop in the middle where many people going about surrounded us; I guess they know that there is going to be entertainment, holding our musical instruments. I am in good spirits and I am eager to start singing, I have a feeling that we are going to do well here for there are so many well dressed people eager, curious, but still keeping somewhat of a distance. Emilian with his usual manner, arms in the air he shouts “ Signor e Signori”; he immediately draws the crowd closer. He certainly can work his charm and mesmerise people with his great big white smile. “Come one come all don’t miss this, the most amazing sounds you will ever hear an event we have all been anticipating, with excitement I have pleasure introducing the one and only Isabella, Luca, Alessandro and the cheeky little Paco.” Paco cheekily jumps off Alessandro’s shoulder and bows to the audience making the crowd clap their hands and shrill with laughter. Emilian moves away and that is when we start our sweet melody that we had been rehearsing the night before. The crowd is immediately captivated I could not hear a sound from the Piazza except our singing. More and More people lured close smiling listening, the butterflies in the pit of my stomach disappear, and I sing like I have never sung before. I feel at ease for the first time since Papa sold us to Emilian, and even though I am still missing Mama and Raffael considerably, I feel Alessandro and I belong here singing for the people. I close my eyes and sing the last tune of the song and before we finish the crowd is already cheering with ovation it is heaven sent, yes this is where I belong.
The crowd start bellowing “we want more” repeatedly, Emilian with his arms in the air reappears in our circle. “Signor e signori”, my little tenors will be delighted to sing for you again as you will be delighted to dig deep into your pockets and give them a little charity, yes?” Emilian says with his smile of contentment. Paco grabs the hat and passes through the crowd filling it to the brim, it is too full so he comes back to Emilian, who empties it then Paco returns to the crowd filling the hat one more time. I look over to where Isabella is standing and I notice her stare and she gives me a smile, smiling back at her she reaches out grabs my hand and squeezes it. Emilian still smiling larger than ever bows to the crowd then while still bent over, moves to the side pointing to us three, giving us the go ahead to start our next ballad.
This is how it was travelling and enticing crowds from everywhere, village after village; I could not have been in a better place. Emilian is forever praising, Isabella is forever encouraging, Merica is forever teaching, and Nonna is forever cooking. The winter returns with its usual severity, which means we can no longer sleep in the caravan or tent so we are coerced to sleep in the local Inn’s, and still try and perform even though the crowds are limited, sheltered from the element. Merica occasionally is called to do a reading for one of the locals otherwise she stays in with Nonna and helps with the everyday household chores. With persistence and a whole lot of patience, unlike her daughter, she managed to get Alessandro and myself to read and write and, Emilian with the same patience taught me to read music although Alessandro just didn’t show any interest. I learnt the accordion and guitar and never an evening passes where I am not holding an instrument in my hands and practising a tune. With my determination I am now playing the guitar better than Isabella, which does not ride with her too well.
Isabella and I have grown very fond of one another and I love her like I love Alessandro and Raffael. Some days she is like an angel from god, but some days she has the tounge of serpent, and I find it difficult to keep up with her mood swings. Emilian keeps telling me, “women, you will never understand them,” but I want desperately to understand her. Although we have some vicious outrages, it is not long before we are back on speaking terms and civil to each other. Anything can trigger her moods, like when I play the guitar, it’s too loud because she needs to read, or if I read she is annoyed because I ignore her. She helps with the cooking as she loves to do so, if I eat too much of her food I am making a pig of myself, and if I don’t eat her cooking she sulks because I don’t like her cooking. We have been staying in Catanzaro for a couple of months now just till the winter passes, the place we are staying in is very modest and at times very crowded. It is Sunday and as usual we go to mass in the morning but the weather is so upon us that we are forced to spend the rest of the day indoors. Isabella decides to help with the cooking and starts peeling vegetables for a soup, I go into our bedroom, which has a double bed where all three of us sleep, and start strumming at the guitar and Alessandro is messing with Paco as always.
This cold weather makes me famished so I sneak in the kitchen when no one is looking and tuck a large piece of bread under my jumper and head back to the bedroom to eat it. About ten minutes later Isabella is calling me, “Luca, come it is time to eat”, she says with her tiny voice of authority.
“Yes I am on my way” I replied feeling guilty, if I had known it was ready I would not have eaten the bread for now I am not hungry. As we all sit at the table and say our grace everyone indulges except for me. I eat as much as I could possibly eat but then I stop. “Luca why are you not eating,” Isabella says.
“Isabella I really am not hungry, the soup is fine, delicious, I’m just not that hungry,” I reply hoping that it doesn’t make her trigger.
“You didn’t like it did you,” she says squinting her eyes at me. Oh no I could just tell by the look on her face that I am in serious trouble.
“Isabella, honestly your soup is wonderful I really am telling you the truth when I say I am not hungry,” I say sympathetically trying to calm her.
“No you didn’t like it that’s why you have left it, you hated the soup,” she says and before I know it she is crying and running to the bedroom slamming the door behind her. We were all staring at the door quietly for a moment then all eyes turn on me. “What did I do?” I said looking at Merica dumbfounded.
She shrugged her shoulders, “well Luca I don’t know but you better go after her, and see what’s wrong with her while Alessandro helps me clear the dishes.”
“Uuuggg,” Alessandro moans, “Luca you always have to upset her why can’t you just eat her soup,” he says rubbing more salt in my wounds.
I look over to Emilian who is smiling away, “ off you go son see what’s wrong with her if she is anything like her mother you have real problems.”
Merica turns and gives him a nasty look and he sits at the table and winks at her, she throws a tea towel at him, which hits him in the face, they both break down in hoards of laughter. I on the other hand sit staring at the door agonized, poor Isabella, I must have really hurt her, I better go and explain.
I get up and walk to the door and knock, I pause, and there is no answer, so I slowly open the door and peer my head around it. “Isabella may I come in?”
“No go away,” she says sobbing into the pillow.
I totally ignore her response and walk in the room closing the door behind me; I walk over to sit on the side of the bed. She is laying face down, “Isabella.”
“No go away I don’t want to talk to you,” she muffles into the pillow.
“Isabella, the truth is I really loved your soup, the only reason I didn’t eat is because I really wasn’t hungry, and the reason I wasn’t hungry is because….” I pause. She lifts her head out of the pillow and gazes at me with her reddened eyes.
“Yes why were you not hungry?” she says her temper has mellowed I think.
“Because,” I continued, “ before you had called me to eat I snuck into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of bread and ate it. I am sorry Isabella I should never have eaten the bread, really your soup was delicious, I think you are a terrific cook.”
“Really, you really think I am a terrific cook?”
“Well sure I do, remember you have to stop me from making a pig of myself.” I said trying desperately to lift her spirits. She bursts out laughing and she leans over and hugs me taking me by surprise. I think Emilian is right I will never understand.
So that’s how it is between Isabella and me, although no matter how bad our situations can get, Emilian and Merica never get involved with our disputes and never take sides, they totally stay clear. Alessandro hardly ever gets into any arguments with her, only when he is untidy and leaves his things lying around. Besides the little tantrums, she is really soft hearted and never says anything purposely to hurt my feelings. There are some days when we talk for hours about almost anything and we share our deepest inner feelings. It is a weird relationship but we seem to connect for some unknown reason, growing extremely attached to one another. I still hurt for the way Papa sold us to complete strangers but at the same time I am relieved that we have been given this opportunity with these wonderful Gypsies. My heart, from time to time, yearns to see Mama and Raffael but at the same time, I am gratified that I am not held on that farm doing those strenuous chores for Papa. I am here singing, that is all I ever want to do.