Status: Completed

Nine Lives

Chapter Sixteen

I watched them; or heard them at least. I had the keenest hearing you could think of. I was better than a bat. I heard the crack in Vic’s voice as he told Kellin everything. I heard Kellin’s staggering breaths as he tried to consume the information. Then I watched Kellin leave, a passionate kiss shared before his departure.
I would try my damnedest to make it the last, but I knew that even MY chances were thin.
A knock on my car window made me jump. I was confronted by the face of the one and only Austin Carlile.
I rolled my window down “Well, well. Austin.” I smirked.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Nothing but venom in his voice.
“No hello? No how are you? Well that is rude Robert, I thought your mother taught you better.”
Austin’s jaw clenched, but I couldn’t quite work out whether it was due to my use or his middle name, or the mention of his mother. Probably the second one.
“Get out of here.” He pronounced each word “You weren’t need before and you sure as hell aren’t needed now.”
“If I recall, you needed me before all of this happened.”
“This? You were always backstabbing everybody.”
“Because I was actually fulfilling my duty to The Prophecy while you and Vic pranced around with that other queer you live with.”
“Don’t talk about Gabe. And don’t talk about Vic. You used to love him… what changed?”
“That’s hardly an excuse.” Austin spat, turning away as he took a deep breath.
“Just get the hell out of here before I do something I’ll regret.”
“I might hang around San Diego for a while more. Check in with a few friends and watch you lose your wings.” I smirked.
“You know I won’t lose my wings. Like hell I’ll lose them.”
“We’ll see.” I put on my sunglasses, a revved up the car.
“See you soon, Robert.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A quick little update.
Next chapter is going to go back to Kellin's POV.
100 readers and 26 subs?
I didn't even think two people would read the crap I've been writing so that's awesome.
Enjoy what's to come C:

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