Status: This story actually has over 70 chapters already.... I just need to upload them all lol I'll get there!

My Big Fat Fake Wedding


Tuesday Night

Lying in bed, I watch as Cody buttons up his shirt in the mirror. He looks over at my reflection and frowns. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" I imitate his frown and shake my head. Placing my hand on my stomach, I look down.

"Yeah," I look up at him with a sad look on my face. "I'm not feeling very well."

He finishes messing with his shirt and strides over to the bed and perches himself on the side of me. "Are you okay?"

I nod. "Yeah. It was probably something I ate that didn't agree with me." I give him a small reassuring smile. He places his hand on my stomach and gives me an unsure look. Smiling, I place my hand on his. "We're fine. I'll stay back and rest. You can tell me what all happened at Smackdown when you get back. Okay?"

Letting out a defeated sigh, he nods. "Alright." Leaning over me, he presses a kiss to my temple and stands back up. He picks up his bag on his way towards the door. He opens the door. "See you after!" He calls over his shoulder.

"Bye Codes!" I call back. "Kick some ass!"

He says something like 'I will!' before he finally leaves the room. Closing my eyes I let out a sigh. There's no way I can face Ted right now. I lift up my tank top to expose my bare stomach and glare at it. "I hope you're happy." I mutter. "I'm officially screwed."

Ted paces in catering as he waits for Charity and Cody to show up. He's a bit early but it doesn't matter. Where was she last night? He told her where to meet him last night but never showed up. Did Cody stop her?

Ted could feel his muscles tense with every passing moment. He needed to talk to her and see why she stood him up. Cody chooses that exact moment to walk into the arena with his earbuds in, his sunglasses on, and pulling his luggage. Casually walking over to Cody, Ted strolls beside him.. "Hey Cody." He greets.


"So…where's Charity?" Ted asks coolly. "Are things alright between you two?"

Taking off his glasses Cody nods. "Yep. She's back at the hotel lying down since she isn't feeling well."

Ted frowns. "Oh… Is she okay?"

"Of course. You know Charity." Cody grins. "She's a tough one." Ted nods halfheartedly as Cody glances at his watch. "Well, I'll see you a little later. I need to go sign in." He walks off and Ted watches him before checking his own watch. He has time. Turning towards the doors leading out to the parking lot he heads back out. Time to get some answers.

I'm in the hospital and the room is dark except for the lights from the machines I'm plugged into. Panicking, I sit up and look around. The wires are attached to my chest, forehead and other places that I can't see because of the hospital gown. I shiver as the cold air seeps through the paper thin hospital gown I'm wearing and attacks the layer of sweat that coats my skin.

"Charity!" I hear Cody call my name from somewhere off in the distance. My heart starts to race. I try to call back to him but nothing comes out. I hear my name called once again and pull the sheets off to reveal something disturbing. My stomach is transparent and I can see my baby with it's little hands balled up into fists.

Grabbing the assorted tubes I'm connected to and pull them out with one swift motion. I carefully slip off the bed and stalk over to the door. I turn the knob only to find it unlocked. Holding my stomach, which has grown immensely, I toddle into the long dim hallway. "Cody!" I call in a croaky voice. "Cody!"

His calls my name again but he sounds so distant. I feel my feet slipping all over the place and look down at my feet. Blood. My eyes widen in terror. "Cody!" I shriek. "Cody! Help me!"

I quicken my pace slightly, striding down the hallway until I'm knocked down by who knows what. "It's over!" This time it's Ted's voice.

"What!?" I shriek into the darkness. There's no answer; just darkness. "Ted!"

I'm woken up by somebody knocking on the door. I'm safe in my hotel room bundled up in my sheets on the bed. It was only a nightmare.

I untangle myself from the sheets to find that I'm sweating and my hair is messed up. I'm pretty sure I'm also shaking like scared animal. The knocks continue as I pull my covers off, wincing at what to expect but all I see is my normal stomach. Taking a deep breath, I get up from my bed and walk over to the door. My eyes widen as I see Ted through the peephole. "What the—" I start to say as I open the door.

Ted looks up at me with a worried expression. I'd be worried too if I saw my girlfriend looking the way I do right now. I must look terrible.

"Hey Ted…" I say glancing outside the doorway to see if anybody else is here. "What brings you here?"

"May I come in?" He asks after glancing behind me at my messed up bed. I open the door a little allowing him to step inside before I close it behind him. "Everything okay?" I ask.

He says nothing for a few moments as he walks over to my bed. He flattens some bumps in my blanket. "Where were you last night?"

I wrinkle my brow in confusion. "Huh?" He turns to face me and repeats his question.

"Where were you last night?" He asks softly. I give him a dumbfounded look until it hits me. I was supposed to meet him last night in catering after the show. I completely stood him up. My stomach knots up, the heat rises to my cheeks and I feel lightheaded. He sits back on the bed and looks at me expecting an answer. I can't tell him about being pregnant…especially not with Cody's kid.

"Well?" He urges. "Did something happen?"

Oh something happened alright. Cody and I were stupid enough to sleep together and I got pregnant.

"I—" I start saying as I feel as though I'm going to pass out. I walk over to the bed and sit down next to him. "I was sick." I say with a weak smile. He shifts so he's looking at me and grabs my hand with one hand and lightly caresses my cheek. He turns my face to look at him.

"Babe…" He says looking into my eyes. "You don't have to lie to me."

I pull away from him, unable to look him in the eye. "I was sick." I repeat. "I still don't feel well. You shouldn't be here, Ted." I hope he'd get the hint and leave but instead he scootches closer.

"I had to see you. I just—" He lets out a sigh before continuing. "I had to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine." I insist. I don't sound very convincing since from the corner of my eye I see him give me an incredulous look. He lets out a defeated sigh and stands up.

"Alright…" He finally says after a moment of silence. I now notice that he's been holding a little bag which he places on the bed next to me. "I got you this. Feel better." He kisses my forehead and quickly leaves the room leaving me just sitting there. I wait a little while to see if he will come back. When he doesn't I finally shift to look in the bag. My stomach drops as I see the contents include a little styrofoam bowl with what looks like chicken noodle soup, plastic spoon and napkin. Wow I feel like an ass. He brought me soup since I'm 'sick'.

I pick up the bag and set it aside before burrowing inside my blankets hoping to shut out my guilt.