All My Heart


Harry slowly stepped into the hospital room, his anger silently cursing everything about the place. He shouldn't be here. Neither of them should be here. 

His eyes fell on the sleeping form of his lover and his anger faltered and slipped away from him. Tears threatened to overflow as he stepped forward and took the slim hand of his lover into his own. 

"Why do you have to do this to me, eh?" he whispered, smiling weakly, tears falling as he took a seat in the chair waiting for him next to the bed. It's been so long, Harry had even come to think of the chair as his chair.

Harry pressed the hand of his lover to his and whispered, "We're staying with Ed for now. It's so hard to manage them all on my own..."

He received no response, causing tears to fall onto the slim fingered hand he held to his cheek. 

"I love you and I miss you and I wish you would come home." His shoulders shook. "You need to get better because the kids need you. I need you."

There was still no response. He stood and pressed his lips to his lovers' hands, then to the soft and unresponsive lips that he'd kissed and bruised and bit so many times. Tears fell onto the cheeks of his lover, Harry's tears of misery and pain because he missed sleeping beside his lover and he missed their kisses and their touches and their family. 

Harry sighed and pressed his lips to the forehead of his lover, gently tucking the hand he held under the covers. 

"I love you Zayn." With that, he hurried from the room. 
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is actually pretty far in the story and we'll start way before this and bye :)