Status: Initiated - Phase 2

Clip-On Personalities!

After the Kiss:

It had been warm, and as passionate. I had not known, I could never have expected? Now it is done. I can't take it back. Yet, we had both enjoyed it, like none of us ever could have expected possible. I know as much.

Somehow, I know she had enjoyed it, just as much as I had, I just felt it, in the delicate parting. Why, or how, not sure. What's important, is how good it felt.

Maybe I had known, after all? I had given her, what made it feel, as it felt, as it feels. I had not intended it for her, in the first place, but she certainly proved me right, giving her, what I had given her.

Now, her lips smooth, red, and warm. Maybe just a bit wetter then you may have expected? As it was, they're moist, not quite wet. There is an unreal sense to it, the feeling, kissing my very own sister. I never had thought, I was the one to kiss a girl, let alone my sister, at that. Yet, here i am, and I had just done exactly that. I had kissed her. Or, is it she, who kissed me.

The relation, way beyond the expected sisterly love. For a moment, I had opened my eyes, in the middle of the kiss, as she had done the same. At exactly the same time. My eyes open, for but that second, as I looked into her eyes, deeply drinking, of her.

As I look, I had seen, exactly what I desire, all I had never dared to hope for. So much more, then I ever had dreamed of. Yet, all I love to see.

I know what I saw, knowing she had seen the same. How could she not? I can't say. I just felt something, a connection, drawing me in. That warm intoxication. Love, desire, warmth, and intimacy.

I never knew an intimacy, as deep, never hoped to feel it. Now it is simply there, and I can't shake, what had transpired. It is done. I can't make it undone, how ever much I may desire to. I can never be, what I thought, I should be. Just as I never can see, what I saw in her eyes. Share, what I had now shared, with her.

Emotions, running this way and that. Confused. Yet, I knew what I feel, I know whom I feel for. There is no changing it, or stopping it. What ever was to happen. No matter what.

The depth of her eyes, bottomless pools, in which to drawn. From where, I can never resurface. I know it, as does she. I can only imagine, she felt the same. It's what I felt, in that one instant, the moment our eyes met, as we opened our eyes, and closed them, at the very same instants.

How much had she changed? How much had she changed me, in that single instant of recognition? I know she had only worn the eye lashes, for mere minutes. Is that enough? Or, was it partially the nails? Could it be possible, that I had only brushed aside, what had hidden, under the face of a sister, that the gift, the gifts had brought it all into light?

I don't know. I can't. How could anyone know? All I know is, I can't be without her. Just as I know, it had been the right thing, giving her these lashes. Just as I had allowed her to keep the nails. Weather I could have taken them back, or not. That I do not know. Now, I don't want to know. There is no point.

Maybe I had though them possible to remove. Just by me, as I had intended to try them on. Only she had beaten me to it, I never got to try them. Were they for me, or had I intended them for her in the first place, even though, at the time, I had not known it.

Ofcause, now all that's too late. Maybe I will never own, or wear nails quite like them.

I don't think, I'll ever get clip-on nails, at least, not the ordinary. These are not for me. This set, my sister have owned. I can't take them back.

If I were to take them back, it's as if I wanted to take back, what I can't ask of her. For her to give up, what I desire most of all in the world. What I love in her. She's my sister. Taking them back now, is almost, as if I had been planning to kill her. At least, it's how I feel, how it feels. Were I even to contemplate, even asking, if she was to take them off, even in order to see, if she could, if it's even possible? I don't want to know.

You can't take a part of yourself off, then put it back, where it was. Besides, you're not the same, even considering, are you?

This was a moment, an instant, as eternal as existence could be. Emotions consuming me. Making me, into who I am, whom I am to be, from now on. Just as it defined, just whom I had been.

All of a sudden, I realised, her hands, holding my chin up, holding my head as I had to break off the kiss. Ofcause, it could last, only for so long. It did not matter. I feel, almost as if her lips still touch mine. Her hands, still where I had felt them, as we broke the kiss in unison. No sign needed.