Status: I think I'll repost and continue this if I ever find the motivation honestly

One Hundred Sleepless Nights

Chapter 12

I wake up, happy that Vic, once again, starred in my dreams. I look up at his face, partially obscured by his long brown hair. He's asleep, his mouth parted and soft snores coming from it. I carefully pull myself out of his arms, trying not to wake him, and stand up. I blush when I notice that my dress is pushed up, revealing my lace thong. I quickly fix it, walking over to the vanity where Katelynne has all of our makeup laid out. I touch up my somewhat sleep-smeared makeup, and then I walk over and sit next to sleeping Vic, checking my texts.

From Katelynne: Wow, you must be tired....are you sure all you two are doing back there is sleeping? ;)
From Tony: Sleeping Beauty, get up, we miss you!
From Mike: You're going to miss the whole fucking party if you keep sleeping :)
From Austin: Hi :) I got your number from Mike... he said that you're sleeping? text me when you wake up :)

I smile, and respond to all of the texts.

To Katelynne: YES, all we are doing is sleeping.
To Tony: I'm awake, but I can't say the same for Vic.... he's passed out.
To Mike: Well, I'm awake now. But Vic isn't...did you know he snores? Lol :)
To Austin: I'm awake now... come backstage and bring Mike, Tony, Jaime, and Katelynne please :)

I send all the texts, and a minute later, Austin, followed by everyone else, comes backstage. "Hey, you're awake, finally!" Mike exclaims, pulling me into a tight hug. I hug back, and then Tony clears his throat, clearly wanting to hug me too. I laugh, and release Mike, making him pout. I say to Mike, "Don't worry, I'll hug you again soon." He smiles, and I turn towards Tony, his arms extended for a hug. I quickly embrace him, then pull away, giving Jaime, Austin, and Katelynne quick hugs as well. When I'm finished, I say, "I should probably wake Vic up, right? You guys have to go onstage soon." Mike nods,so I go and sit by Vic, whispering in his ear. "Vic, honey, time to wake up." It doesn't work, so softly shake his shoulder. That doesn't work either, and I sigh, turning towards Katelynne and the guys. "How am I supposed to get him up?" They all think for a moment, and Mike replies, "Kiss him on the lips." Jaime, Austin, and Katelynne agree, saying, "That should work." Tony hesitantly responds, "I don't know if that'll work," with a frown on his face. Mike turns to him and frowns, then pulls out his phone. I say, "Well, it's worth a try." I turn towards Vic and kiss him softly. I pull away, and his eyes open, his mouth forming a smile. "Hi," I say, grinning. "Hey, sweetheart," he replies, sitting up and giving me a hello kiss. We look over at the other couch, where Mike, Jaime, Austin, and Katelynne sit. "Hey guys, where's Tony?" Vic asks, running his hands through his hair. Mike frowns, and replies, "I don't know. He just said that he needed to leave the room for a minute." Vic frowns, and gets up, grabbing my hand and leading me over to the empty spaces on the couch next to Mike. I sit next to Mike, Vic placing himself on my other side. Mike pulls his phone out again, and frowns once more. "Vic, you might want to read this." Vic takes Mike's phone and looks at the screen. "Well, looks like we're not playing tonight. Tony just text Mike that he's not staying for the rest of the party. The guys groan, and I frown. "Why did he leave?" I ask, and Vic shrugs. "Just Tony being Tony, I guess," he responds, sighing. I kiss him on the cheek, and Mike quickly grabs his phone back from Vic, typing quickly. My phone rings from across the room, my text ringtone blasting through the room. I get up, grabbing my phone off of the vanity where I left it earlier, putting it on vibrate. I carry it back to the couch, and I check my inbox, seeing I have four new texts.

From Katelynne: Um, I think Tony likes you a little too much....
From Austin: Holy shit, Tony walked out just before you kissed Vic. Coincidence....?
From Jaime: I probably shouldn't say this, but Tony's been looking at you all night. I think he likes you...
From Mike: Pretty fucking sure that Tony walked out because you kissed Vic. But don't worry, it's not your fault, Tony's just being a dick.

I sigh. That makes sense! God, I'm a idiot. I respond to all of the texts, and turn towards Vic. He smiles at me, and asks everyone, "Is it just me, or would you all rather skip out on the party and go to my hotel room?" Everyone's laughs, and says, "Yeah, sounds good." We all agree to meet up at Vic's and Katelynne says, "I'll come, bit I'm going to wait for Kellin. Vic and Essence, would you mind riding with someone else? Kellin and I won't have another ride if you take the limo." Before we can agree, Mike says, "They can ride with me." Vic and I nod, agreeing, and say our goodbyes to everyone. We then follow Mike out to his car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this chapter is shorter than usual. Oh, and I'm just warning you that the next chapter could possibly be extremely descriptive so, you have been warned. (: Feedback is appreciated!