Status: I think I'll repost and continue this if I ever find the motivation honestly

One Hundred Sleepless Nights

Chapter 15

*********************Essence's Point of View***********************
I reluctantly get into the front seat of Tony's car, keeping as much distance between us as possible. Tony starts driving towards the hotel Vic is staying in and he speaks, breaking the tense silence. "You're such a whore. You cheated on my best friend," he says harshly, bringing tears to my eyes."You're the one who raped me!" I exclaim, making him chuckle. "How is it rape if you enjoyed it?" he replies, daring me to say something to set him off. I keep quiet and look out the window, waiting for the moment I can rush into Vic's arms. We pull up directly behind Mike's car and I jump out quickly, immediately regretting it. Pain sears through my body and I bite down on my lip, bringing blood to the surface. I lick the blood off, my face scrunching up at the metallic taste. Tony leads me up to Vic's hotel room where Jaime and Mike sit silently. Vic and Austin are on opposite sides of the room, pacing back and forth with their heads down. As soon as Vic spots me, he rushes over and quickly kisses me before looking me over, making sure I'm okay. TONY RAPED ME! I wanted to SOB out, but I kept quiet. -You're such a whore.- Tony's words run through my head, making the guilt too much to bear. "What's wrong?" Vic asks me, stroking the side of my face. I try to answer but nothing comes out and Tony notices. "She's fine," he interjects, "She's just tired. Fell asleep on the way here, in fact." I nod, agreeing, and gag at the sound of Tony's voice. I look down at my feet so the brimming tears in my eyes don't give away the lie that effortlessly slipped out of my attacker's mouth. "Oh," Vic says, not sounding fully convinced. He grabs my hand gently and sits next to his brother Mike. Mike Vic pulls me into his lap and I quietly whimper at the slightest amount of pressure applied to the area between my thighs. Mike notices and asks if I'm okay. I nod and he smiles slightly, then holds my free hand. Tony sits on the other side of Vic and I, making me extremely uncomfortable due to the close proximity. I shift as far away from him as possible, making me centimeters away from Mike. I lean my head against Vic's chest as everyone starts a conversation and I fight the urge to cry as my mind shuffles through all my terrifying, newly acquired memories.

***********************Austin's Point of View***********************
I pace nervously across the small room. Where could Essence and Tony be? It's been a hour since she text Vic telling him to leave, that she had everything handled. Fuck, I might be acting like a worried boyfriend would, but this isn't right. My mind comes up with all kinds of scenarios. What if he's hurt? Wait, what if SHE'S hurt? Oh God, what if Tony hurt her? I swear, if he fucking laid a finger on her-
I stop pacing and turn around when the door swings open and reveals Tony and a shaken Essence, red eyes and glistening with tears. What the hell's going on? Vic rushes over and I look down, sure that he is going to kiss her. I wait for a moment, and look back up to see Essence slightly pushing Vic away, just barely. I watch Tony, who stares at Essence, watching her every move. I've always been over observant, but damn, how does Vic not notice any of this? Or Mike? Or even Jaime? "What's wrong?" Vic asks Essence, stroking the side of her face. She slightly opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Tony quickly interjects, "She's fine. She's just tired." So that's why Tony was watching her. He doesn't want her to say the wrong thing. But what exactly IS the wrong thing to say? No, I'm just overreacting. Everything's fine. I stay standing by the wall while Vic sits by Mike and places Essence on his lap. She whimpers when she sits down and I'm not the only person to notice. Vic frowns and Mike asks her if she's okay. She quickly nods, and reassures him. Tony sits next to Vic and she moves away from him, getting right up next to Mike. Mike grabs her free hand, the one Vic isn't holding. Everyone starts talking except Essence, who leans against Vic's chest. I tune out the conversation and think. Did Essence cheat on Vic? With Tony? No, she wouldn't. I list the possibilities in my head, getting upset. Something happened. And I'm set to find out what.
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Hi readers. Hope everyone is doing okay! But, I have a favor to ask of you lovely people. You don't have to, but if you would please, spread the word about this fan fiction? It would mean a lot to me. Oh, and I'd love to interact with you lovely readers! Sooooo here's my Kik! I'll share my Twitter and Tumblr at some point.... :)
KIK: CandyCarlile