Status: I think I'll repost and continue this if I ever find the motivation honestly

One Hundred Sleepless Nights

Chapter 2

I pull my leather jacket tighter around my torso as I walk to my car, leaving the club, in the dark. I check my phone for the time. "3:12 AM," the screen reads. "Holy shit!" I exclaim, quickening my pace to reach my car faster. I must've lost track of time while talking to Vic...we stayed in that little dressing room for at least three hours, maybe four. I finally reach my black Mercedes that I just bought with money I've been saving since the age of twelve. I think of it as a late 27th birthday present to myself. I climb in, lock the doors, and crank the heat up full blast. Of Mice & Men's "Ydg?!" Blares from my speakers, and I bob my head to the beat as I drive to my apartment. A block away, my phone goes off, Hell Above by Pierce the Veil as my ringtone.
​​​Who in the hell is calling this late? I look at the caller ID, and don't recognize the number. I let it go to voicemail, and when I park in front of my apartment building, I call the number back. It's Vic. "Hey Essence...I know it's late. I'm sorry. But uhh, I really liked hanging out with you, and I'm super lonely in this stupid hotel room. The boys all left to visit someone and won't be back until morning...come and visit me?" he says, not giving me a second to reply to anything before finishing.
​​​I giggle at that,​​ and blurt out, "Sure, what's the address and room number?"
​He replies, "I'll text you it. See ya soon! Bye," and hangs up.
​I sit in my car for a moment, shocked. Sure, I have him my number, but I never expected him to call me! Oh my gosh. ​​I get the text with the directions and information from Vic, and run up to my apartment. I quickly fix my eyeliner and hair, change into more comfortable, yet still cute clothes, and brush my teeth again. I leave, locking up my apartment behind me, and dash back out to my car, then drive off to Vic's hotel room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Updated..... point of view is changed.