Status: I think I'll repost and continue this if I ever find the motivation honestly

One Hundred Sleepless Nights

Chapter 20.

***Essence's POV***
~A few hours later~
"I love you," Vic says sweetly. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close, his tan face a few inches from mine.
"I love you too," I reply, before slowly leaning in and pressing my lips against his. I smile into the kiss, blissfully happy to call him mine.
A chorus of ew's come from the boys, and Jaime exclaims in false disgust, "Get a room, you two! Your cuteness is making my stomach turn."
I abruptly stop kissing Vic, pulling my face away to laugh. I look towards the table, where Mike, Jaime, and Austin are sitting. Jaime and Mike are laughing loudly, their heads tilted back and wide smiles on their faces. But Austin just smiles briefly before taking a shot of whiskey. Vic releases me from the embrace, and chuckles huskily, looking down a the ground for a brief moment. He slides his arm around my waist and pulls me close to his side, quickly kissing the top of my head.
The guys pull themselves together, and Vic sits in the empty chair at the table, left of Austin. He pulls me into his lap, and grabs my right hand with his left.
Jaime pouts dramatically, and whines, "Vic doesn't love me anymore! He's found his Juliet."
Vic chuckles slightly, then replies, "Aw, Jaime, are you jealous? Don't be babe, you know you're the only one for me. Fuenciado 5eva."
I laugh loudly. Did my boyfriend just go full-fledged fangirl on me?
Jaime blows a kiss at his "other half", before fluttering his eyelashes and imitating a high-pitched giggle.
Everyone laughs hysterically, and I take a shot of Jack Daniels. We've all been drinking since breakfast, Vic and I drinking the least. In all honesty though, I wish I could drink the entire bottle. Everyone's acting like last night didn't happen, but it did. It's weighing on everyone, and I can tell. There's a sort of thickness in the air, like we're all holding something back.
Austin's drank the most out of us all, probably close to a bottle and it's only two in the afternoon. He's barely been laughing, and his smiles look so forced. He's only spoken a few times all day. I feel so horrible, he's probably traumatized. Or he thinks I'm a freak. It's probably both. I feel so horrible for putting this weight, and worry, on them. They're all so busy, being in bands, and having their own lives. I'm more than Vic bargained for, and he probably feels trapped. At least he won't for much longer. Two more days, and it will all be over. I'll think about that later though. Right now, my job is to make the next two days the best they can be for Vic and the boys.
After Vic and Jaime are done making "seductive" faces at each other, Mike clears his throat and speaks up.
"So, what event is planned for this evening, lady and gentlemen?" he asks, smiling mischievously.
Jaime rolls his eyes, and replies, "I know that look. What do you have planned, Mike? I'm guessing that; a.) We can't back out. And b.) It involves alcohol, partying, and something vaguely illegal."
Mike chuckles. "Actually, no partying. Alcohol usually does come into play with us, duh. Something illegal? Well.. I guess we'll just have to see how it plays out." He smiles at me before continuing. "I figured since the lovely Essence is new to la familia, we'd show her what we do most nights. Just watch movies, order pizza, smoke and drink if that's what ends up happening, and just hang out."
Jaime agrees, and Vic replies, "Sounds perfect to me."
They look at me, awaiting an answer. "So whatcha think Essie?" Mike says, grinning at me.
I turn to face Vic, and smile. "It sounds amazing to me, honestly."
"Yay!" Mike shouts, as Vic gives me a small kiss. "Wait, Austin, are you planning on hanging with us?"
Austin stands up, and says, "Actually no, I think I'm gonna go. Thanks though."
He starts to head towards the door, but Jaime stops him. "You've drank way too much to drive home."
Austin grabs his keys off of the coffee table. "I'm fine, don't worry about it. All of you drank nearly as much as me anyways, and I have to leave."
Worry washes over me. I don't want Austin driving home like this, especially in daylight while traffic is this brutal. He could get pulled over, or worse. He opens the door, and right before he closes it behind him, I speak up.
"Wait Austin! I haven't drank very much, let me drive you home. We'll take your car, and I'll just text someone to pick me up once I make sure you're home safe," I say quickly.
I turn to Vic, and give him a quick kiss. "I'll be back soon, I love you Vic."
"I love you too," he replies, giving me a hug.
I walk out the door, closing it behind me before grabbing the keys from Austin.
"Welp, show me where your car is," I insist.
I really hope he doesn't bring up anything about last night, but I know he will. He's drunk, and how could you not mention something so big anyways? Well, this car ride should be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short, sorry!