Status: I think I'll repost and continue this if I ever find the motivation honestly

One Hundred Sleepless Nights

Chapter 3

I arrive at the hotel Vic is staying at, and ride the elevator anxiously to the floor his room's at. I get to the door of the room, which looks like it's not just a room...a suite? Oh yeah, he mentioned the guys and him all stay in one hotel suite, so that makes sense. I knock on the door, my hand shaking. I wait for a minute, and get to reply. I try again, getting nothing once again. I wait for a minute, then I turn the gold colored door handle. The door opens with a click, and I step inside. I find myself in a large living room, with a flat screen tv, two medium size couches, coffee stand, stereo system in the corner, connecting kitchen, bathroom, and hallway. There were candles lit, scattered across the room. They smelled like roses, and I blushed when I realized Vic most likely lit them. I hear a doer open, and Vic steps out of the bathroom. His long brown hair is dripping wet, and he's only wearing a fuzzy white towel that's wrapped around his waist. He gives me the same wide smile as earlier, and says, "Hey! Sorry, I was taking a shower. I sweat a lot when I perform, haha."
​​​I try to speak, but my words are caught in my throat. I gape at Vic's buff chest and biceps, wet and glistening in the candlelight. He laughs, and grabs a random blue shirt off of the back of one of the couches. Swiftly pulling it on, he then grabs the pair of green and black boxers from the same spot. I quickly look away, shutting my eyes. "Okay, done. Thanks for looking away," he says, and I turn back towards him.
​​​"Thanks for coming over. I get lonely easily, being used to having three people with me at all times and all," he says, blushing, as he puts on a pair of dark black skinny jeans.
​I plop down on the couch in front of the tv, smiling, and reply, "No problemo. I get lonely too." At least I can speak now since Vic is fully clothed.
​​​​​​​He smiles, and then walks into the kitchen area. "Want a drink? Pick your poison," he calls out.
I respond, "Sure, I'll take what you're having."
​I sit there for a couple minutes until Vic returns, with two shot glasses, two beers, and a bottle of Absolute vodka. ​​He sits all the items on the coffee table, before sitting on the opposite side of the couch from me. He looks at me, grinning, before pouring a shot for each of us, and opening both bottles of beer. I take a sip of my beer, and Vic does the same. He chuckles, and pats the area of the couch directly next to him.
​"Come sit closer to me?" he asks, sounding innocent for some reason. "I don't bite...yet."
​I laugh, and bite my lip nervously before sliding over next to him. He slides my body even closer, until my leg is touching his. I blush, and he smiles. I take another sip of my beer, and I look down at my feet. Vic slides his arm around my shoulders shyly, and asks, "Is this okay?"
​​​I reply quickly, "Very okay." I blush when I realize what I said.
​Vic smiles, then bites his lip. " about this?" he says, right before he presses his soft lips against mine.
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Please give me feedback!!!!! Updated.... point of view changed.