Status: I think I'll repost and continue this if I ever find the motivation honestly

One Hundred Sleepless Nights

Chapter 4

After a moment, Vic slowly pulls his face away from mine, yet again giving me that same wide smile. I look at him, unable to speak from shock. Did he...did he just kiss me? A moment of silence passes, and he frowns, looking down at his lap. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it," he says quietly and apologetically, "I should have asked first. You have a boyfriend or something, don't you?"
​I giggle, and he looks up at me. ​​I kiss him quickly, pulling away almost immediately. He chuckles, and says, I'm guessing that's a no to the boyfriend thing then."
​I nod, saying, "Yepp! This 27 year old's a single Pringle." I wink at him, overdramatically, and we both burst into laughter over my lame attempt of a joke.
​​​When he gains his composure, ​​he grabs his beer and takes a drink. Walking over to the stereo system, he says, "Well, that's good for me."
​I smile widely as he flips through a large stack of CD's. He decides on one, and swiftly slides it into the disc holder, pressing play. "If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn" blares from the medium-sized black speakers, ​​and Vic walks back over to the couch, singing softly. "Stay for tonight, if you want to. I can show you what my dreams are made of," he sings​​ along with the music. I stare at him, just listening to the words flow out of his mouth. "But I don't think words can express your beauty, it's singing to me. How the hell did we end up like this? You bring out the beast in me. I fell in love from the moment we kissed, since then we've been history." His voice....higher pitched, yet still very manly, sounds beautiful.
​"You have an amazing voice," I say quietly. ​​Vic smiles, and then stops singing to look at me.
​​​I smile back at him, and he sings one more line before saying, "Thank you gorgeous."
​I go to speak again, but am cut off by Vic pressing his lips against mine once more. ​​​​I kiss back, enjoying every moment of it. I run my fingers through Vic's long brown hair as he gently bites my lip, placing his hand on my thigh. The kiss becomes more passionate, making my heart beat faster and faster. He runs his tongue along my lower lip, and I part my lips slightly. He slides his tongue into my mouth, and we kiss, and kiss, and kiss...
​My mind is whirling with excitement, and hormones, and thoughts of where this could lead. ​​Suddenly, Vic unmatched his mouth from mine, and removes his hand from my thigh. He takes a deep breath and runs his hand through his hair before saying, "Okay, we should stop before I end up ripping your clothes off."
​I nod, agreeing and remembering what thoughts I was having just a moment ago. Ugh, hormones...​​ I sigh, and Vic chuckles, shutting off the music. "Um, you want to just talk?" he asks, still somewhat out of breath.
​"Sure," I reply, smiling. ​​
​Vic asks me endless questions, like my favorite color, hobbies, and my favorite ice cream flavor. I answer them all, with no hesitation. ​​"One more question. What's your favorite band?" he asks eagerly. Oh gosh...Pierce The Veil is the answer, obviously. But I really don't want him to think the only reason I like him is because he's the lead singer. It's not...that's just kinda like a bonus.
​"Pierce The Veil," I say nervously, and then quickly add, "But that's not the reason I like you, I swear!"
​He chuckles, and says, "Awesome. And I realize that, but thank you for telling me."
​I sigh in relief, and start running my hands through his hair. "Good...didn't want you thinking I'm just some fangirl. And no problem," I say happily.
​​​​​Vic smiles, and points accusingly towards my hand that's playing with his hair. "That is extremely distracting," he points out, biting his lip.
​​​I giggle, and look him up and down, then point at him. "You are extremely distracting. Every part of you," I say accusingly.
​Vic laughs, and gives me a quick kiss. He sighs happily, and pulls me onto his lap. "I'm so glad you came backstage," he says, staring into my green eyes with his warm chocolate-brown ones. ​​
​I smile, and then say, "Thank Tony, he kidnapped me from the crowd and dragged me back there. I have no idea why, but I'm glad now."
​Vic gives me a look of confusion, and then ​​blushes deep red. "Oh, uhh... Earlier, right before we played, I saw you walk into the club. I thought you were absolutely gorgeous, and I might have mentioned that to Tony," he says, blushing deeper and deeper.
​I grin, and silently thank Tony. "Well, that explains the scary as shit kidnapping, haha," I say playfully. ​​​​
​​​Vic chuckles, and then kisses my cheek. "Only Tony..." he sighs out. He looks at his phone, then at the coffee table, where our empty beer bottles and the now almost empty bottle of vodka sits. "It's almost 6 am, and you shouldn't be driving. We drank a lot," he says, looking concerned. ​​"My bedroom is the one at the end of the hallway, and I'll sleep on the couch."
​I stand up, and say, "No, it's okay. I'm fine,​​​​ I'll drive home."
​​​He sighs, frustrated. "No, you're staying here. No way in hell I'm letting you drive drunk."
​He comes over, and before I can leave, picks me up.​​ I give in and lean my head against his shoulder, as he carries me down the short hallway. He lays me on the king size bed, and covers me up with a soft, blue blanket. Vic kisses my forehead, and then says, "Sweet dreams, darling," before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. I smile, before closing my eyes and quickly falling asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I tried to make this chapter longer....... let me know if you guys want them longer than this, please!! This is my first fan fic, and all feedback is welcome.