Status: I think I'll repost and continue this if I ever find the motivation honestly

One Hundred Sleepless Nights

Chapter 5

I wake up, rubbing my eyes and smiling widely. Remembering the amazing dream I had last night, I sigh in contentment. had to be a dream. I finally open my eyes and look around, confused. The egg-white walls look nothing like my lavender walls at home. The room looks like the one from my lovely dream last night, but no, it couldn't be. Vic and I.... I shake my head, just as I hear the door slowly open, and Vic walks in. He strolls over to the bed, and pecks me on the lips.
​​"Good morning, sleeping beauty," he says sweetly, "Did you get some rest?"
​I nod, replying sleepily, "​​Yeah, I did. Thank you for letting me didn't have to do that."
​​​He chuckles, brushing his hair away from his face. "But I wanted to." Vic grabs my hand, holding it in his. "How about you go and take a shower, and then I'll take you to breakfast? Anywhere you'd like, it's on me."
​I stand up, and glance at the full length mirror that's mounted on one of the pristine white walls.​​ I frown while exclaiming, "Fuck, I'm a wreck! Dammit." A look of horror and embarrassment masks my face as I realize I fell asleep in everything; makeup and all. The short, textured layers of my hair and my bangs are sticking out in all directions, unstraightened in some parts. My thick black eyeliner in smeared and caked around my eyes, giving me the appearance of a raccoon or a panda. My tight band tee and purple skinny jeans are wrinkled slightly, looking like...well, like they were slept in.
​Vic comes over to where I'm standing and kisses my forehead. "You look just as breathtaking as you did when I first saw you," he whispers in my ear lovingly. ​​I blush, and he chuckles.
​I roll my eyes jokingly, and ask, "Where's the bathroom?"
​​​​​​​He points to one of the doors connected to the bedroom. He says, ​​"I hope you don't mind, but I used your keys and went to your apartment. There's clothes, shampoo, straightener, and stuff in there. I also got your makeup, in case you want it, but you definitely do not need it."
​I blush, then kiss him before heading into the bathroom. ​​I lock the door behind me, and spin around to look at the bathroom. On the counter is a stack of clothes, a few bottles, my straightener, and my makeup bag. I look through the clothes; an Of Mice and Men muscle tee, a pair of dark black zippered skinny jeans. But underneath those was a lacy black and purple bra, with matching lace boyshorts. I blush, super embarrassed. Vic really thought of everything I'd need. I strip down until I'm completely bare, and turn the water on scalding hot, just how I like it. I climb in the two-person shower, and let the water run over me for a moment. Then I wash my face, hair, and body, not stopping until I feel like I've scrubbed my skin off. I turn the water off and get out, drying off and putting on my clothes. I blowdryer my hair, then straighten it. I open my makeup bag, and pull out my foundation, powder, concealer, pink blush, black liquid eyeliner and gel eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick. I put all of it on, trying to hurry without messing it up. I pick up my dirty clothes and fold them, placing them in a pile on the counter, then sit my makeup bag and shampoo, conditioner, and straightener on top. I take a deep breath and walk out of the bathroom into the bedroom. Vic's sitting on the bed, on the phone with someone. "Yeah, that's fine...I had plans but I'm sure she won't mind. Yeah, she. Okay, I'll see you soon. Bye," he says into his black IPhone before ending the call. He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.
​"Everything okay?" I ask, concerned, and he spins around to face me.
​His jaw drops, and he says, "Whoa."
​I bite my lip nervously. "Is that a good whoa?" I ask.
​He chuckles, and walks over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Very good," he says, "But yeah, everything's fine. There's just a change of plans... I'm so sorry, but instead of breakfast by ourselves, is it okay if we go and eat with the guys? Kellin from Sleeping With Sirens will be there too, with his girlfriend."​​​​​​​​
​I nod, smiling, but really inside I'm freaking the fuck out. Meeting the band, and Kellin at the same time? Oh gosh. ​​Vic gives me a long, loving kiss before leading me out of the hotel room to the elevator. "They'll love you," he says, sensing my nervousness. I hope he's right.
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Please give me feedback!!! And please let me know if you like the new point of view.