Status: The first few chapters are just to show her life then every thing will change so just hang on

Falling in Love With You Was so Easy, Now Falling Out of Love Is Going to Be so Hard

Were we really in love?

*Three months later and alex has came back off tour*



“Yeah there could be something else...I always knew I shouldn’t have let you back in after the last time you slept with her because I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist going back to her when you went back on tour, but no I made the mistake of trusting you again. And that is never happening agai-”

“Wait, No Emily please I changed I did I was can’t leave me, I love you too much”

The tear in his eye fell.

Usually I would have gave in to him.

Let him fill my head with lies.

But no I’m sick of it! being used constantly!

“Alex, if you really loved me you wouldn’t have done it. Drunk or not after the first kiss you could have stopped yourself. After bringing her back here to sleep with her you showed me that you didn't care if you were caught. So now you face the consequence. Goodbye Alex.”

And that was it I couldn’t look at him anymore I walked out of our house wait no his house now...well now... I don’t know where I’ll go...maybe to that will be the first place he’ll look...Rachel I’ll go there he hates her...its why we stopped hanging out...
*At Rachels front door*
*door opens*
“Hey Ray can I maybe come in?”
“Sure honey what’s wrong?”
and that was it I feel to the ground and broke down crying...I’d held it in for so long but now I couldn’t keep it in anymore.
It felt like if I let go of my chest the broken pieces of my heart would fall out.
“Emily?! Emily come on we need to get you inside”
She lifted me carefully and pulled me inside and sat me on the couch and engulfed me into a hug and I lent into her, my best friend, I clung to her like my life depended on it and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up the next morning on the couch with a blanket wrapped around me first thinking that Alex probably put it there before he went out but no..I’m not even in my house anymore...Fuck...what am I going to do?

“Morning Em!”
“Hey Ray”
“So I was wondering why you came here last night but at like 10 this morning Alex came knocking and now I much as I hate him...are you okay babe?”
I smiled
“Yeah thanks for last night I’ll get off your couch and go to-”
“Whhhoooaaahhh don’t go making rash decisions! YOU my friend are coming back to live with me! You have no idea how happy I am that you came here! I’ve missed you so much! I’m quite glad you’ve ended it with that twat...”
“Hey...he’s not that he?”
“Em..he’s cheated on you already and I’m guessing thats what he’s done again...”
“Yeah...I guess you’re right”
“Yes I am and now! I have my bestest friend in the whole world back!”
“hah so you’re not mad at me?”
“oh I am but we had too many good years to get mad over one bad one”
“I guess you’re right..”
“Yup I am so...Your room is the same as from when you moved out so we just need to go get your things...”
“Yeah..can we leave that for tomorrow though?”
“Of course, so what do you want to do today?”
“I wanna watch movies and forget about him”
“Well I can help with the movie part but you gotta work on forgetting him babe”
“Don’t worry I’ll be trying my best”
“Okay so go throw some of my pj’s on and we can watch whatever you like”
“Okay thanks for everything”
“Its fine! Now go get changed!”
and I ran up the stairs giggling heading towards her room glad that our friendship has taken no damage even though he ruined it....
♠ ♠ ♠
sooooooooo here comes the drama!