Status: The first few chapters are just to show her life then every thing will change so just hang on

Falling in Love With You Was so Easy, Now Falling Out of Love Is Going to Be so Hard

To Live And Let Go

I woke up the next day in my old room and it was really weird mostly because I hadn't been in here for over a year because of Alex...
We'll I guess rays up..
"Yeah sure! But I'm gonna have to lend something to wear!"

Ray bursted through my door

"I've put some shorts and a belly top at the end of your bed with some knee hight boots fresh bra and panties now get ready! You need to make that twat realise what he left behind!"
"Oh okay...."
I hadn't really wore stuff like that since I started going out with Alex but I guess it'll be good to show off more of my tattoo's...

I ran downstairs into the living room with freshly applied makeup and the clothes ray had put out for me and I had to admit it...I felt like a model again...

"Oh hey! Here's some toast and a bottle of water! Lets get set off for your things, cause I'm guessing we're going to have to have a Brit of a fight with Alex to get them"

"Oh yey! I'm looking forward to this!"

*Out side of Alex's*

"Shit ray he's in"
I put my head against the steering wheel.
"Oh Jesus Christ pull it together! What happened to my tough bitch friend?"
Then we both burst out laughing

"You know what ray?"
"I'm gonna walk in there get my things and show him what he's missing! Cause in all honesty! I hope he looks like shit!"
"Haha there's the bitch!"
"Oh yes! She's back!"

We both got out of the car and I fished the house key out of the incredibly tight shorts I had on.

"Ready for this em?"

I tried the handle first to see of it was walked in the house which smelled like booze and puke...lovely

"Erm...what happened in here?"
"I have no clue but its not how I left it...."

Then that's when he came running down the stairs

"Emily! Baby I've missed you! I'm so glad you've came back! I promise I'll never do that to you again!"
"Save the sob story Alex I'm here for my things."
"But em baby! We belong together! Me and you against the world!"
"No Alex, not anymore! So move out of my way and be civil about this. I just want my things then I'll leave forever! I'll be out of your life so you can have a happy one with her!"
"Bu-b-b-but I-I-I love you...not her...."
Then I pushed past him and went to our no his room to get my clothes and shit.
"Ray u got those bags?"
"Yeah they're here!"
She handed me some large black bags and I started placing items of clothing that were mine into one slowly taking my time taking things out Alex had gotten me, not ever wanting to think of him again.

It had been a while and I had all of my clothes packed up except the things I didn't want any more, but what had worried me was the fact that Alex hadn't bothered me all morning...maybe he's given up...

"Hey em I'm just going to go start putting these bags in the car okay?"
"Yeah I'm just going to go find my car keys"
"Okay babe"

"Now...where the fuck did I put my keys?"
I muttered to myself and went to go walk out of the bedroom when Alex appeared infront of the door.

"Emily can't leave me...I thought we were in love?"

"You know what Alex I thought we were in love as well but obviously not! You are a horrible person Alex! I can't believe you are trying to make me come back to you!"

"But was a mistake! Everybody makes them!"

"But most people learn from their've done this twice now and I'm not going to be fucked about anymore so here take your ring, give it to that whore you slept with"
I removed the engagement ring from my hand and held it out to him.
"I don't want it back"
I placed the ring on the drawers and tried to get past him but unfortunately he is stronger than me.
"Alex, be civil about this and let me go"
He stepped aside and let me pass
"Goodbye Alex"
"Can I hug you one last time? Please?"
"I don't thi-"
"Emily please I need something"
I turned to face him properly, only too see tears streaming down his face, I guess I got what I wanted...him to look terrible.
He opened his arms out and stepped towards me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders as I wrapped mine around his waist...I have to admit...I knew I was going to miss him..I mean for god sakes I'm still in love with the man but no..what he did was wrong.
So I pulled away from him and looked up to his face.
"You're going to be fine Alex"
And then I walked down stairs into the living room looking for my keys, thank god they were on the table, now I just need to get the rest of the bags and I can leave here forever...

*back at home*

As I put the last of my clothes into my drawers I gave a sigh of relief
I grabbed my phone and checked it..
20 Missed Calls from Jack
13 New Messages
I decided the best thing to so would be to call him back.
So I did.
"Emily! Where have you been? Why haven't you answered my calls I've been worried sick!"
"Jack! Calm down I'm fine and I haven't answered your calls because of what's happened...checking my phone wasn't a priority!"
"What do you mean something's happened? Are you okay? Is Alex? Is there something wrong with the plans for the wedding?"
"Well I guess there is something wrong with the wedding plans...but I'd rather tell you in person..."
" about I come over and help you two?"
"No that's fine I'll come to you!"
" can come now if you want I'm not busy..."
"Kay see you in like 10 minutes!"
"Kay em cya"
I hung up the phone... Slightly worried about the fact Alex hasn't told jack what's happened..I mean..he's his best friend... Well whatever...
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah... The depressing shit will come soon...