Raven's Dark Past

Chapter 2

The next morning I wake up to my alarm. It was 7am. It was time to get ready for school. I am still trying to understand what Tommy said to me. He told me I was an orphan. I laugh as I get up slowly and put on dark jeans, a purple t-shirt, a belt and converse high tops. Then I put on my leather jacket. After I put it all on, I forgot I was supposed to put on my uniform. I cursed at myself and took the uniform from my doorknob and put it on. I got into the bathroom and look at myself. “God this is so humiliating.” I said and picked at my uniform. “Who would want to wear this crap?” I admire my slim figure but my uniform did not compliment me at all. The uniform was purple with white rims around the edge of the skirt. I see the black stockings, the black flats. I wore a white blouse with the symbol of the school sewn on it. The symbol was a rose. Belle shrugged at the symbol. She liked it. Then she wore a cardigan, which was black over the white blouse. Then of all things I had to wear a white bows in my hair. I barf at how this outfit could have gotten any worse. As I go down the stairs, I see my mother with her giant mug for her coffee and then my dad reading the newspaper. I smile at them both. My dad smiles but my mom looks at me with a glare.
My brother comes through the kitchen in his boxers. I cover my eyes. “Dude can you put some pant’s on or something?” I ask. He shrugs, gets his orange juice and leaves. His muscular back is tensing when I see him leave. He must have been working out again. My mother hands me money for lunch. She knew this school was going to help me. Then I hear the bus coming. My ultimate doom awaits me.
“Have fun on your first darling.” My dad says and comes to hug me. I smiled and cherish this hug. He does not do it often. I wave goodbye and go outside onto the bus. As soon I step onto the bus, I start to feel the nerves. I even pull out the white bows in my hair. I noticed my fangs are not pulsing. No human blood is on this bus. I am so relieved. I let out a huge sigh. As I sit down alone, I noticed a girl who looks like me is sitting across the seat. I smiled to show I acknowledge her and then she comes over.
“Hi I am Reina.” She holds out her hand. I smiled and shake her hand.
“I am Raven, nice to meet you Reina.” She looked like a normal person to me. I noticed nothing wrong with her. She was tall, had red hair and freckles. She had no dorky glasses like Abby had. Her figure looked exactly like mine.
Reina smiles and says, “It is nice to meet someone who took a chunk out of the school bully.” I stare at her. How did she know about that? I ask her, “How did you know about that?” Reina waves her hand. “Oh please girl you think that secret will be kept quiet. It was all over the news in our town.” She nods to assure the truth. I could not comprehend this. “What newspaper is this?” Reina takes it out of her backpack. It was the Ludus Gazette, the school newspaper. Oh well that is a good thing at least. Only the school knows not the whole world. I understand it now. I know the school principal back at my old school could not keep her big fat mouth shut. Belle wrapped up the newspaper making a mental note to show mother later.
“So.. nervous being the new kid?” Reina asked me. Was it easy to tell? Well by my body language I was tense. “Is it that easy to tell?” I asked her. Reina gave the pfftt sound and said, “Naw I was like that on my first day. I love this high school. You will fit in trust me.” She smiled warmly. Then I noticed on her arms, they seemed harrier than usual. I could make it that she could possibly be a werewolf. Reina must have seen me looking because she laughed. “You wondering what sort of creature I am?” I blushed and turned red. “Oh I am sorry it was rude of me to stare.” Then I stare out the window. The bus was picking up a new kid, the kid seemed normal till I saw its body. Its body did not seem human at all. The body of the young boy had wings? They looked huge. His body was muscular. He saw me looking and I waved and smiled at him. He was sexy. I can give him that. Reina saw I was looking at him. “Ah so you have seen Trey?” Reina said to me suspiciously. I snap out of my trance. I blush an even deeper red. “Hey I agree with you girl he is a sex god but he is taken.” Reina says as she points to him sitting down with another girl. Before he sat down, he looked at me for five seconds. I studied his stunning blue eyes and golden locks and he gave me a swift smile.
Reina nudged me and whispered, “Dude! He was totally checking you out for about five seconds. That never happened to me and I have been trying to catch his eye since day one!” I shrugged and smiled. Maybe there was hope after all. Reina seemed jealous but she shrugged it off. Now back onto topic. “Now you were going to tell me what you were.” I said to her. Reina nodded her head. “Right, well I am a werewolf as you can tell.” She said as she was showing her arms and legs. “To tell you the truth I can not shave for the life of me, no matter how hard I shave, it manages to grow back and even thicker!”
I laugh at her humor. More than I have laughed in a long time. At least I managed to find a good friend on the bus. Then we pull up to the high school. The bus driver motions all of us to get off. I was in the third row on the bus. So I see in the back of me angels, werewolves, vampires and witches and wizards. I was happy I was not the only freak out there. As I step off I noticed people went into their own little groups. Reina says, “See you on the flip side short stuff.” She shakes my hand and she leaves with the werewolves. Some of them give me disgusted looks. I guess vampires and werewolves could not socialize. Oh well that would not stop me. on my shoulder.
Then I feel a soft touch on my shoulder. “Come with me child, you need to go to the principal’s office.” I look up and see a woman with glasses and a pad and a folder. She seemed legit and professional. I follow her to the office. As I approach the school, it seemed huge! The school had three stories. The white paneling and red windowpanes gave it a new look. I could see some shutters closed to rid off the sunlight. I was protected because my birth mother had a gene in her skin to ward of the sun. As I go into the office, it seemed so busy. The phones and computer typing were going off the hook. Secretaries were sending emails and answering phone calls. I heard one woman say, “I am sorry no humans are allowed in this high school. It is way too dangerous.”
I laugh to myself and start to look in my bag. Nothing good in here besides a good book, then I heard the door open. I close my bag and get rid of the book. I look up and the secretary who took me in said, “He would like to see you now.” I get up and nod to her. As I approach him, he was intimidating. The principal’s really dark eyes went through your soul. “Hi Raven, I am principal Max.” I raise my eyebrows. “Is there a problem?” I cough and say, “No not at all. I am just surprised you do not go by your last name is all.” He chuckles to himself. “Well you are going to be staying here for a while so we might as well have a friendly relationship.” I nod and smile trying to be polite but this was getting a little creepy. “Well you probably want to know why you are here. Well you are at one of the famous Supernatural creatures school in the country. Your parents were head of this school.” He proudly pointed to the picture of him with my parents. I stood there in shock. This was all too much but I let him keep talking anyway. “Now since you are a vampire, I recommend you talk to only other vamps.” He encouraged me. I give a quizzical look. “Sir…” I began but he waved a hand. “Call me Max, Raven. Like I said I want it to be a friendly environment.”
I sigh and say irritated, “ Max look I do not understand why I can not socialize with other creatures outside my group. I mean I just met a werewolf on the bus and she was cool and nice.” I would not say her name to rat her out.
Max laughed, “Was it Reina?” he asked. My stomach dropped. I would not say her name. Max nodded and knew the truth immediately by my body language. Hey what can I say, I am not a good liar under pressure for someone in authority. “Listen… Reina likes to break the rules. She hates listening to them more than following them. Her clan is trying to tell her off.”
I was getting confused, “But wouldn’t talking to each other make sort of allies and good people to get in contact with when school ends?” I argued. Max just laughed like it was not a big deal. I was getting irritated because he wasn’t seeing my point I was trying to make. “Well that topic will be discussed in one of your classes you will have to take, let’s make your schedule now shall we?” he said while shuffling papers and getting transcripts.
“Well it looks like you were great in English, Math and Art.” He said impressed. “It sounds like your mother.” He smiled. “I am going to put you in IB English, math and art. You need to increase your skills.” He said as he was checking it off on a piece of paper. “Now in this school you will need to take a vampire clan class. It could consist of self defense, learning to control your powers or learning to socialize.” I roll my eyes at the socializing part. “Socializing class?” I asked skeptically.
The principal laughed, “You may think it is stupid Raven but some students can not cope with talking to people. You learned that skill in your own school. You are already an expert. So what I am going to put you in is controlling your powers. I will put you in Control 101.” He checked it off with his pen. I snorted at that. Control 101? Is he serious?
“Is there a problem?” he asked. Then I noticed a flare in his eyes like I pissed him off. I stand my grand and say, “No I don’t” he then stared at me for a few more seconds. Was he trying to read my mind? Max smiled and chuckled. “You have your mother’s brains abilities. That is for sure.”
I give him a quizzical look. “What do you mean…?” Then the bell rang. “Oh look at the time, give this sheet to the secretary and you will be going to your history class first.” He said scooting me out of the office. I go to the secretary. She looked like she could slim a few pounds off. She was even eating some Kripsy Kreme Doughnuts. She could lay off them for a while or possibly a year. Then her sharp black beady eyes stared at me. “Yes..?” as if I was interrupting something important like her great feast. I cough politely. “Yes um I was supposed to give this sheet to you.” I say handing it to her. The secretary pudgy fingers grasp it and then wave me away. “You can go to AP History.” I motion to say something. “Um I do not know where the room is, I am new.” Then the doors open and I see the boy I saw on the bus come through the doors. He looked even more gorgeous. I see his tanned skin and muscles underneath his white V-neck t-shirt. I smiled pathetically and he chuckled. “Way to go Raven…You are a stupid idiot.”
Then the secretary asked him to accompany me. “Zane can you accompany Miss. Raven Synamore to AP History?” He bows, “Certainly Miss. Kerysher.” He smiles and motions me to move first through the door. I walk past him and I smell AXE all over him. It makes me more attracted to him. I breathe it in and smile. Then he comes to my side and walks with me. “I am Zayne by the way.” He holds out a hand. “I am Raven.” I shake his hand. “So you are the new kid huh?” he grins at me. “Kind of obvious huh?” He chuckles. “Well in a school like this everybody knows everybody. We do not like strangers.” He shrugs. That did make sense. Then I realized how huge this school was. There were 3 floors! God damn…How many classes were there in this school? Zayne must have seen my expression and explained. “We have three floors because we have different species here. There is the werewolf area on the right here.” He pointed down the hall. I saw the scratches on the lockers and dents from what looked like punches. I even saw some wallpaper coming off the wall. As we strolled some more, “As you see on the left there is the Vampire area which is where you are going.” He nods and stops at the door. “You can’t come with me?” I asked. He shakes his head. “I would be dead if I step a foot in there. They would smell my human and angelic scent. You’re room is the third on the right. It was nice to meet you Raven.” He smiles and leaves me be. As I turn to face the doors, I am waiting for my future to begin.