Status: I'm updating as quickly as I can :)

Saving Me

Chapter 1

I awoke to my phone ringing I reached over and grabbed the phone off of my bedside table. “Hello, what do you want?” I said my annoyance at being woken up clearly in my voice.

“Is that anyway to speak to your mother, Ariel? I thought I taught you better.” The cheerful voice of my mom replied, I caught a glance at the big, red numbers on my digital clock and groaned.

“It’s seven-o-clock in the morning on one of the few days I get to sleep in. If that wasn’t enough of a reason for me to be annoyed, then how ‘bout the fact that I had an event to go to last night and I didn’t get in until late.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot my daughter was a celebrity who needs her sleep.” Not even trying to hide her amusement at waking me up. Most people would be taken back by the way I am before I have coffee, but my mother knew from experience from when I stayed the weekends with her, growing up.

“Ok…ok you can stop with the celebrity stuff. I’m just an actress who happened to get lucky, that is all,” I pause as I get out of bed, heading to the kitchen to make some coffee. “Seriously, Mom what’s up? Is everything alright? You never call this early unless it’s important.”

“Everything’s fine,” She pauses, “Ariel, are you going to come for my birthday? Daniel is planning this big party, and everyone’s coming. Please, all I want is all my children to be there.” I can hear my mom pleading with me.

“Mom, I can’t. I have this really big thing and…” I say trying to get out of going.

“No, this is my 50th birthday and I want you to be there. You and I know this thing you have to do is a bunch of bull; you just don’t want to see your sister. Ariel, you need to at least talk to her. She is your little sister.” I can hear my mom beginning to get frustrated, which is unusual; usually she is all perky and happy, normally to an annoying extent.

“Ok, you’re right about the thing; I don’t have anything to do. But Mom, I can’t see Katia not after what she did; just thinking about it makes all the pain come back. Please understand that I can’t go back to Houston. I’ll be there in spirit and I will send you your present, just please don’t make me see her.” I beg.

“Fine, I won’t make you come. I couldn’t even if I wanted, you’re 26 years old, you live in a different state, and you make your own money…. Ariel, you have no idea how old I feel saying all that. You’re no longer my baby; you’ve turned into a beautiful, talented woman.” Her voice cracks with sadness, which quickly becomes pride.

“Ah, Mom don’t make me cry it’s too early,” I pause and take a drink of coffee, “and I’ll always be your baby. So how is my stepdad?”

“Daniel is fine. He actually invited your Dad to a bar, a guy’s night out sort-of thing.”

“Cool, they’ve always got along. After all you do have a type, Mom…and if you talk to Dad today, tell him I’ll call him later.” I say.

“I will,” I hear yelling in the background, “Ariel I have to go Kayla is up. I forgot how much energy a six-year old takes. I’m glad you and Katia are adults, I don’t think I could handle the two of you at my age.” She says with a chuckle.

“Alright, Mom. I love you, kiss Kayla for me and tell her I love her. Bye.” My mom says bye and I hang up, sighing I lean against the counter and think back when everything was simpler. Back when I never missed going home for holidays and birthdays, when I talked to my sister, Katia, every week, but all that had changed 6 months ago. Shaking my head, trying to stop that train of thought I got on my computer and checked my email and got on twitter. Before I knew it, it was noon I slowly got up and went to the refrigerator as I opened the door I said, “Looks like I have to go to the store.” I mumble to myself. I quickly take a shower.

Once I get out of the shower I put on a black long-sleeve shirt, dark skinny jeans, green flats, a gold heart-shaped locket, I put a black fedora in my hair, and grab my black bag. When I open the door I shiver remembering its January in Los Angeles, I quickly grab an olive-green cardigan out of my closet and proceed to go the grocery store. On my way out of the store I have a bag full of food, when I see paparazzi clicking pictures of some guy in a vintage Porsche. I can’t see the guy clearly, but I get caught looking by a photographer because suddenly they’re yelling, “Ariel Murphy,” “Look its Ariel Murphy.” And running towards me, I quickly get in my car and get out of there. Times like these I wish I wasn’t famous, I mean I love my job it’s I just wish my privacy wasn’t something that got taken away because of it. But it’s just the way things are, “Nothing you can do to change it, Ariel.” I say to myself. As I pull into the drive-way I notice my manger’s car. I quickly head inside finding the door already unlocked, I silently rejoice the day I gave Marie, my manger, a key. Once I stepped foot in the door I saw Marie. Marie could be a model: she has long, wavy, blonde hair; every inch of her 5’11 frame is perfect. She is like a freak of nature because at the age of 31 and after having given birth to two kids she looks as good as she did 10 years ago. “Hey, M how is Jax? Is he still sick?” I ask concerned; Jax is her 5 year-old son.

“Yea, I might have to leave early tonight.”She replies looking concerned, “My husband is looking after both the kids, I’m just worried.”

“Of course, you’re worried, but you’re annoying husband,” She glares playfully at me knowing I love Shawn, “sorry….Shawn is very capable of looking after the kids. Anyways what do I have to do tonight again-“I stop when I hear laughing coming from my bedroom I quickly glance at Marie and make my way to my bedroom. As I open the door I see a shoe-box and garment bag on my bed, before seeing two people whom I immediately recognize. Standing by the bed is my best-friend Brook who also happens to be one of the best make-up artists in the city. Brook has a dark hair cut into a choppy pixie cut, olive skin, and a very athletic body. Opening his kit is Paul, is just a little taller than my 5’6 frame, has the most amazing espresso-colored skin I’ve ever seen, a shaved head, and he wears nerd glasses( I guess you could call them that). He also happens to be my hair stylist.

“Are you ready to start getting ready?” He asks.

“What am I getting ready for?” I ask.

“Um… the dinner thing for the charity, that works with LA’s youth. Remember you were asked to attend.” Brook says, normally I would be glad to go. I loved doing things for the community, whether I was in LA or Houston didn’t matter. I loved giving back, but today I just wasn’t feeling up for it. But I said I would attend so I will.

“Oh yeah, just let me eat something and then you guys can start.” I turn to head to the kitchen when suddenly; Marie is in front of me gently pushing back into my room.

“We have a little over an hour and a half before we need to be there, and that includes getting there in LA traffic. So you go get ready and I’ll make you a sandwich.” She closes the door before I even have a chance to answer her. I sigh deeply and sit down in a chair by my vanity table while Paul starts on my hair.

“So are you going back to Houston for your Mom’s birthday?” Brook asks.

“Wait, how did you know my Mom’s birthday is coming up?” I ask moving my head to look at her.

“Stay still.” Paul says moving my head back to where it was, “I don’t want to burn you.” I see him heating up the straightening iron. Truthfully, I don’t know why he straightens it, my hair is already straight. I once asked him and he just told me that it looks sleeker after it straightened. After that I never questioned it again, Paul always makes me look amazing. I was brought out of my musing when Brook finally answered my question.

“We’ve been friends for 5 years. I know your parents’ birthdays, remember you always go back home for them. And you haven’t answered my question.”

“No, I’m not going back.” I tell her in tone that normally would end the conversation, except Brook isn’t normal.

“You do realize you can’t keep avoiding her forever. What she did was terrible, but Katia is your sister.”

“I know that, what is it with people thinking that I’ve forgotten that Katia is my little sister? I was there growing up! I was the one who helped her learn how to multiply 3-digit numbers, I’m the one who held her while she cried the first time she got her heart broken, the one who came home from college on spring break just to help her pick out a dress for her senior prom.” I stop my rant to take a deep breath before continuing, “I was also there when I walked in on her and my boyfriend fucking each other.” Brook realizes I don’t want to hear anymore and leaves me to be transported to the moment everything was ruined.

Six Months Earlier

I was laughing at my Mom and Dad’s antics; I missed them so much back in LA. We were bringing chicken soup to my sister, Katia. She wasn’t feeling well, so we were going to surprise her with her favorite chicken noodle soup. I felt bad for my younger sister. It sucks being sick, but today was one of the few days that our parents were actually laughing and joking around with each other. Our parents fought all the time when they were married. After they divorced they stopped fighting as much and usually were on the same page about my sister and I. The fighting almost completely stopped once my Mom remarried. My parents have a weird relationship they are really close friends when comes to their kids, but other than that they’re too different to really get along when it comes to anything else. In fact my step-dad and my dad were closer than him and my mom. I realized I zoned out because we are suddenly outside Katia’s apartment building. My dad uses his key to unlock the door, when we hear moans and groans coming from her bedroom. I could tell my parents were disgusted at having to hear that, growing up in church we knew that they wanted us to wait till marriage, but they knew that we both lost our virginity in high school. We turned to leave, when I heard Katia yell,

“Chase…oh god… Chase.” I froze it couldn’t be my Chase, he was in Prague working. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice confirm my worst fears,

“Baby.” I heard him groan. I felt my eyes filling up with tears; I looked to my mom who just looked stunned while my dad was fuming. He looked pissed. I slowly made my way to my little sister’s bedroom and what I saw only added to my heartbreak, but suddenly all I could feel was anger.

“Well… look at what we have here.” I said in deathly cold voice. They both stopped moving and turned to face me.

“Ariel.” My sister gasped, but my boyfriend interrupted her and said,

“Babe… it’s not what it looks like.” He tries to deny pathetically.

“Oh really ‘cause it looks like you were fucking my little sister.” I’m about to continue when I hear my mom warn,


“No, mother I’m going to fucking curse. I am sorry that you don’t like it, but you’re just gonna have to deal.” I pause before looking back at my blonde-blue eyed soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, “So Chase get tired of Prague?” For once he decides to stay quiet. “Katia, please tell me that you’re drunk and this is the only time this has happened.” She just looks down and whispers,

“I am so sorry, Ariel.” I can’t believe it, my eyes start to fill with tears once again and I ask,

“How long?” My voice cracking at the end, instead of answering me she just says,

“Please, Ariel believe me I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t give a fuck if you’re sorry or not just answer the fucking question.” I demand.

“A year.” She whispers so low, I can barely hear her. I keep running what she said through my head ‘A year’ Chase and I had only been dating for 18 months. Oh my god, they’ve been sleeping together the majority of our relationship.

“Please sis, say something.” She begs.

“Don’t call me that.” I immediately say, “You lost the right to call me your sister when you started fucking my boyfriend, but I don’t want to deal with you right now.” I turn to Chase, “Just so we are clear. We’re done.” I can hear him about to protest when my dad yells,

“Get the hell out. NOW.” Chase just grabs his clothes and walks to the door before turning and telling me,

“I’ll talk to you later.” I just shake my head; there is no way in hell I’ll ever talk to him again. It seems like hours have passed, even though it’s probably been only a couple of minutes when I finally say,

“Why? Why him? Tell me Katia, I need to know. I deserve at least that.”

“The first time, we were drunk. Once it was over I felt so terrible, I wanted to tell you. Chase told me we shouldn’t that it would only hurt you and I agreed as long as it remained a one-time thing. But we just couldn’t stay away from each other. Soon we were talking on the phone almost every night and Chase would visit at least twice a month, sometimes more.” Tears were streaming down my face, “He would tell you he had to go somewhere to work or something like that. He told me since he was model he could name basically name any place and you would believe him. Before I knew it, I was falling in love with him. I’m so sorry, Ariel. You’re my big sister, but I love him.”

“You know what, Katia? I never knew how much of a whore you are.” I spit. Normally I would kick someone’s ass for saying something like that about my sister, but I was so pissed off it didn’t matter. I heard my mom gasp behind me and I can see Katia’s eyes fill with tears, as if I just slapped her.

“Ariel that is enough. I know what your sister did was terrible, but you’re still sisters.” My dad says from behind coming up and putting a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down. It worked. I always have been a daddy’s girl, and he always knows what to do to make me feel better. So I take a deep breath and say,

“You know, it isn’t the fact that Chase cheated on me that hurts right now. Well, I mean it does hurt, but I always knew there was a chance he would. It’s that you were the one who he cheated with.” I stop as I wipe a tear from my cheek, but as soon as it’s gone another one replaces it, my voice is full of emotion as I continue, “You could’ve said no, anytime. You could’ve ended it, but you decided to keep it going. Katia, you’re my sister. The one person I could always count on and you did this. That is what is killing me right now. The fact that the one person I have always loved and trusted, my best friend, my sister did this. I can deal with the pain Chase left me. All it takes is a bottle of vodka, a bottle of tequila, and one-night stands with cute guys. But I don’t know what, if anything can make the pain in my chest from what you did go away.” I take a deep breath and look at my sister who has tears silently falling down her cheeks before saying, “I truly hope that this last year was worth it that he was worth it. Because you just ruined our relationship, for good.”

Katia just looks at me and says through the tears, “Is there any way you can forgive me? I know you have no reason to, because everything you just said is the truth. I could have ended it. I could’ve told him no, but I didn’t. I just need to know if there is a chance that we can ever be sisters again.”

“Truthfully, I doubt it. One day I’ll probably forgive you, but I don’t seeing it happening soon. You and I will always be sisters, we share the same blood, but we will never have anything near to what we had.” I slowly turn around and walk to the door, before looking back at my sister’s hazel eyes so different from my own blue ones and saying, “Goodbye, Katia.”

After I was brought out of my memories, Brook, Paul and I talked about meaningless things. Brook’s new girlfriend, Paul’s new car, things like that. Soon Marie brought in a sandwich and told us that we need to hurry, so I quickly ate my sandwich and Brook started on my make-up. I got dressed and looked in the mirror and gasped. My long brown hair was straighter than I had ever seen it and I loved it. My blue eyes looked even bluer because of the smoky eye Brook did. My lips were just a little bit shiny from the nude lip gloss. I was wearing a strapless Alexander McQueen leather dress that went to my knees, I had black ankle-strap stiletto heels with spikes covering the stiletto, I had a simple black clutch and a black gold diamond handcuff bracelet. I looked amazing! Marie and I said,

“Goodbye.” To Brook and Paul and we quickly left in Marie’s car. After facing the horrific traffic we made just in time. I slowly got out and pushed all the thoughts about Katia and Chase out of my mind. As if sensing my difficulty in ridding myself of all painful thoughts Marie says,

“You can do this. You’ve done this a hundred other times. Forget about Katia and enjoy yourself. Have fun, Ariel.” I nod my head and do my job: I walk onto the red carpet, smile at the photographers, talk to journalists and take a seat inside. Marie sits next to me and I quickly zone out what the speaker is saying. It’s the same stuff they say at every dinner, ‘Thank you for coming’ ‘We couldn’t have done this without your support’. Suddenly dinner is served and I’m brought out of my mind by the other people at my table. I recognize some of them from TV and movies and we make talk about the charity and how much good it’s doing. Dinner is over soon enough and I get up from the table and head towards the bar, when I hear Marie say from behind me,

“What the hell, is he doing here?” I look to see what has captured her attention; I’m shocked to see Chase. “Does he think that supporting the things you support will make up for what he did?”

“He might not even be here for me.” I say turning quickly, hoping he won’t notice me.

“Oh, come on. Chase was never interested in doing anything charitable. Hell, he probably didn’t even donate anything; he probably just screwed someone so he could be their date.” Marie said, she had never liked Chase. She thought he was an asshole; and she was right. Suddenly her phone rang; she quickly made her way outside so she could talk.

“Long time no see, Ariel.” I heard from behind me. I silently thanked god when I turned around to see Jackson Rathbone.

“Hey, cowboy.” Jackson and I had met at the premiere of New Moon. I wasn’t in the movie, but I was invited to the premiere. We became really good friends, and we bonded over both being Texans thrust into the spotlight by our careers. Though he was a lot more country than I was, since he grew up in the country whereas I was raised in Houston, the third most populated city in the US. We continued to catch up until Marie came back and he was called away. Marie looked really upset all the sudden.

“What’s wrong, Marie? Is Jax ok?” I asked concern easily found in my voice.

“No, his fever hasn’t gone down and he keeps asking for me. I have to go.”

“But…” I said sensing something else.

“I don’t want to leave you here without the car.” She said though I knew she wasn’t telling me everything.

“I can call a cab, Marie. And leaving me to find my own ride home, when it comes to your kids has never stopped you before. So why is the real reason you’re so hesitant to go and leave me alone.”

“Chase. He hurt you, Ariel. And you and I both know he is here to talk to you. You’ve been ignoring him for 6 months, not that I blame you. I don’t want him to try anything.” I smile at Marie her maternal instincts coming out to play.

“I’ll be fine. If he comes to up to talk to me I will tell him to ‘go fuck himself’. I’m a big girl I can handle him. Marie, I’m done with this conversation. Go home and take care of your kids.” She hesitates before slowly nodding her head and getting her coat, but not before telling me,

“You call me if he starts harassing you and I’ll have Shawn come pick you up. Ok?”

“Yes, mom.” I say playfully. Marie just gives me a look that says ‘I’m serious’ before she leaves. I go to the bar and ordering a screwdriver, knowing that if there is even a chance I’m going to be speaking to Chase that I’ll need alcohol in my system. I take a sip and start heading back to my table, when suddenly I collide with a very hard chest. My drink spills all over the man’s shirt and I look up to apologize when I freeze. I find myself getting lost in the most gorgeous hazel eyes I’ve ever seen.
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Outfit 1 Outfit 2

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