Status: I'm updating as quickly as I can :)

Saving Me

Chapter 2

Adam’s POV
I was walking towards the bar when suddenly I collided with someone and felt something cold run down my shirt. Great, they split their drink all over me, I think to myself sarcastically. I looked down and saw the most amazing blue eyes I have ever seen. The beautiful brunette in front of me said,

“Oh shit, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” She pauses before continuing, “Is there any way I can make up for this?”

I smile at the girl and say, “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, either. I should have been watching where I was walking. As for the making up part, you can let me buy you another drink.” That was so cheesy, way to go Adam. I think to myself sarcastically. She just laughs and nods her head; we were headed back to the bar, when suddenly this blonde guy grabs my mystery girl’s arm. I really need to get her name, I think.

“Ariel-“The guy starts, so that’s her name, it fits her eyes are the color of the ocean.

“Don’t even start Chase ‘cause I don’t want to hear it. What are you even doing here?” She asks irritated.

“To talk to you…I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for 6 months. I love you, baby. I made a mistake with Katia. She came on to me, Ariel. I swear.” He begs.

“Did you ever think that there was a reason I wasn’t picking up your phone calls? I don’t want to talk to you, Chase. And I don’t believe for one second that Katia, my sister, came on to you. She told me what happened and I believe her.”

“So you’ll believe her over me?!” He asks incredulously.

“Yes, I will. She is still my sister even after she was charmed by you; apparently we both have that problem.” She says calmly, a lot more calmly than I would if my girlfriend slept with my brother. Good thing my brother is gay and the other one is a minor.

“I can’t believe you! You haven’t been speaking to me, but you’ve forgiven Katia. She was there too, you know.”

“I do know, after all I was the one who walked in on the two of you. And I haven’t forgiven Katia. I haven’t been home in six months. I missed Christmas and I just told my mom I wouldn’t be home for her birthday, just so I wouldn’t see my little sister. Chase, I’ve never missed Christmas or my mother’s birthday. And speaking about that, if you truly loved me you would want me to forgive my sister.” Ariel was pissed, but she took a deep breath and said, “We are NEVER getting back together, Chase.” She said emphasizing, never. “The sooner you accept that the sooner we both can move on.” As she turned back towards me, he grabbed her arm and Ariel let out a whimper before saying, “You’re hurting me.” The guy didn’t even acknowledge her; he looked deep in thought, while she tried to get her arm out of his grasp. I made myself known to the guy by saying,

“Dude, you’re hurting her. Let go.” He just looks at me like he wants to tell me ‘to fuck off’, but ends up just looking back at Ariel. She keeps struggling and I finally step in front of her and look the guy straight in the eye and say in a deadly voice, “I said, let go of her.” He looks at me and releases her, but not before telling her,

“Ariel, this isn’t over.” Then he turns and walks away. She turns to me and I can tell he really hurt her, I don’t mean a second ago. Ariel looks so vulnerable before she finally asks,

“You still want to buy me that drink?”

I nod and say, “Of course, why wouldn’t I?” I can tell she thought that what just happened would scare me away, but it would take more than that to scare me away. This beautiful girl intrigues me. She seems relieved and says,

“I’m Ariel, by the way.”

“I figured.” She looks at me and I realize I haven’t told her my name, “Oh, sorry… Adam.” We walk in silence to the bar. Once we get to the bar I ask for some napkins to dry my shirt and Ariel tells the bartender,

“I’ll have a beer.”

“Make that two.” I say not looking away from Ariel, she catches my gaze and asks,


“It’s just I’ve never met a girl like you. I would’ve never expected you to order a beer, a Cosmo yeah, but a beer, no.”

“Well, I never said I was like other girls.” She says smiling. I can’t help chuckling,

“No you didn’t that’s for sure. You want to sit down?” Ariel just nods, while I start leading the way to a secluded table. We sit in silence for awhile before Ariel says,

“I’m really sorry that you had to see that.” She said about the whole ordeal earlier.

“It’s fine. He your ex?” I ask.

“Yeah, I don’t know what I saw in him.” I’m so curious about him, but not wanting to push her I say,

“You don’t have to talk about it, if you don’t want to.” She just sighs and says,

“Its fine, I know you’re curious, hell I would be curious if I was in your situation. I met Chase in New York. I was there doing some publicity for a movie I was in and I met him in Central Park. There was something about him... he was so charming and nothing like what I usually go for. I thought he was just what I needed, it was hard at first, he’s a model based in New York City and I’m an actress based in LA, but we figured it out, or so I thought. I loved him. We had been dating for about a year and a half and Chase was supposed to be in Prague working. So I decided to go home to Houston-“I interrupt her and ask,

“Texas, you’re from Houston, Texas?” She doesn’t sound like she’s from Texas.

“Yea, why?”

“It’s just you don’t sound Texan.” Once I said it I realized how stereotypical that sounded, and judging from her face she wasn’t impressed.

“Oh really, and what do Texans sound like? Do we all have a thick country drawl and say words like y’all and ain’t? You do realize that Houston is the third most populated city in the United States, right behind New York City and LA.” She pissed and I don’t blame her, “We don’t all ride horses and live on ranches, you know. In fact, I’ve never even ridden a horse and I lived 2 minutes from one of the major free-ways not to mention 10 minutes from a mall. I’m a city girl. I wouldn’t last a minute in the country.”

“I get it. I am a huge jackass. Can we forget that the last minute happened and you can continue with your story?” I ask hopefully.

“You’re right. You are a huge jackass, but I’m used to people acting like that when they hear I’m from Texas. Anyway where was I?” She looks deep in thought before saying, “Oh yeah. I was back home for a surprise visit and my younger sister Katia had told my parents that she was sick. So we decided to go over there and surprise her with her favorite soup, butternut squash. We didn’t know that it was us who were in for a surprise. I told Chase it was over. I asked Katia, why? And do know what she said.” She laughs humorlessly, “She said, that she was in love with him. Anyway, once I heard her explanation I left, and I haven’t talked to her or been back to Houston since.” She finishes sadly.

“He’s an idiot.” I blurt out.

“What?” She asks confused.

“The guy…you said his name was Chase, right?” I pause for confirmation and I get my answer when she nods, “He’s an idiot for cheating on you. I mean, look at you. You’re gorgeous.” She looks down at her hands to try to hide her blush, unsuccessfully might I add, “And from what I can tell so far, you’re smart and witty. That guy is a complete and total idiot.” I say.

“Ok, enough about my idiot of an ex. Tell me about you… you’re family… you’re job…anything.” She demands playfully before taking a sip of her beer.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys enjoyed this. The next chapter will be the continuation of this chapter, but it will probably be in Ariel's POV.

I also have to give a huge shoutout to Death The Angel for helping me with this chapter.... :)