Status: I'm updating as quickly as I can :)

Saving Me

Chapter 3

Ariel’s POV

“Ok enough about my idiot of an ex. Tell me about you…your family…your job…anything.” I order Adam playfully.

“Well, let’s see. My name is Adam Levine; I’m the lead singer of the band Maroon 5.-“ I interrupt saying,

“No way, you guys are one of my favorite bands.”

“Well, you know…” Adam says pretending to pop up his collar, which causes me to start laughing. He just chuckles and continues, “Let’s see. My parents got divorced when I was 7 and my brother, Michael, was 5. My mom got custody of us, and we moved into her sister’s place. Our dad remarried and Michael and I got a younger step-sister. My step-mom got pregnant with the twins, Liza and Sam, they’re 8.” I can’t believe who alike our families are; Adam must have seen the shock on my face because he asked defensively, “What?”

I realized he thought that I was judging him so quick to reassure him I said, “It’s just, I can’t believe how similar our families are.” He looks at me in confusion before I continue, “My parents got divorced when I was 9 and Katia was 6. My dad got custody of us, and when I was about 16 my mom remarried. Through her marriage with Daniel, I got an older step-brother named Nick. Not to mention
a half sister, Kayla, who is 6.”

“Wow, I guess our families are alike, huh?” Adam said, I just nodded my head before taking a sip of my beer.

“So, Mr. Levine what is like being in hugely popular band?” I asked teasingly. He just smirks and replies,

“Well, Miss…” He pauses, “I just realized that you know my last name, but I don’t know yours.”

“Murphy. My name is Ariel Murphy.”

“Well, Ms. Murphy it’s so hard being in popular band. I’m constantly surrounded by hot girls begging me for an autograph. It’s just complete torture.” He says dramatically, before continuing more seriously. “Seriously though, I love it. When we started Maroon 5 after college we never thought that it would be so successful. I’m not gonna say that we didn’t want to be famous ‘cause that would be a lie. We just didn’t realize how big the band would become. I’m just lucky to be working with my best friends and doing what I love.” He takes a sip of his beer before asking me, “What about you? What made you want to be an actress?”

“To understand why, you have to know some things. When my parents got divorced it blindsided Katia and I. Looking back I know it was for the better, but I was nine. I didn’t know that my parents were fighting; they hid it well. Anyway, as soon as they were divorced my mom was offered an amazing job in Galveston, a little island right off the coast of Texas, she took it… That’s one of the reasons my dad got custody of us, but because of the job we didn’t get to see our mom as often as we liked and it really took a toll on Katia. Katia didn’t completely understand everything; all she really knew was that Mom wasn’t there. She would cry constantly for her, so I decided I needed to be strong for her that it was my job as the oldest. After that, I didn’t cry in front of her and to get away from my own world I watched movies and TV shows…became transported into worlds where good always won over evil. And in middle school, I took a drama class and fell in love with it. I realized that I wanted to be an actress. My friends thought I was crazy, I mean how many people who come to LA actually become successful in this business. I was here for six months before I got a small part in a movie, and at times it was hard, but I knew that if I could help one kid escape their world for two hours that all my hard work would be worth it.”

“That has to be one of the most inspiring things I’ve ever heard, Ariel.” Adam says and I can’t help but blush, “Do you have any idea how adorable you are when you blush?”

I blush some more before telling Adam, “Stop, I don’t like it when I blush.” He just chuckles before saying,

“I don’t know why you have a problem with it ‘cause it makes you all the more-“I cut him off,

“Adorable, I know.” I say dryly. Adam bursts into laughter, and it isn’t long before I join him. That man’s laughter is contagious. Once we finally calm down, Adam and I sit in a comfortable silence for a while. Soon Adam breaks that by asking me,

“What’s your type?”

“Excuse me?” I ask.

“You said that Chase wasn’t your normal type. Call me curious, but I want to know.” He says. Deciding to be honest I tell him,

“I like tall guys, that’s the only thing similar between my previous boyfriends and Chase. Um… I don’t really have a preference on eye color, but I like guys with darker hair. And I prefer guys who are more toned and lean compared to guys who look like they spend all their free time in the gym lifting weights.”

“So you like tall guys, with dark hair, who are more toned than buff. Is that all?” He asks.

“No… tattoos. I love a man with tattoos.” I say. Adam just smirks and pulls up his suit jacket and shirt to his elbow to show part of an arm sleeve. I can’t move my eyes from his toned tattooed arm. If that is what a small part of his arm looks like, I can’t help but imagine what the rest of him looks like. What it will look like moving on top of me…shaking my head to stop that direction of my thoughts. Adam and I keep talking about random things, we joke with each other, but we mostly flirt. Soon we look around and realize almost everyone has left, Adam asks,

“Do you have a ride home?” I shake my head no, “Well, then may I have the pleasure of giving such a beautiful woman such as yourself a ride home?” He says in a posh accent. I just laugh and nod. Adam leads me to the outside where a valet brings around a silver Aston Martin DB9, and hands the keys to Adam.

Now that is one sexy car. I don’t realize that I said it aloud until Adam winks at me and says, “And you’re one sexy woman.” I blush before he opens my door and bows exaggeratingly to me. I laugh at how much of a dork he is. Once he starts the car I give him my address. We arrive at my place much more quickly than I would have liked. Adam walks me to my door and I ask,

“Would you like to come in?” Hoping he says yes.

“I would love to Ariel, but I don’t want this to be a one-night stand. So how ‘bout dinner… tomorrow…my place… six-o-clock?” He asks me.

“I would love to.” I smile at him, my disappoint at him not coming inside forgotten.

“Great, I wouldn’t take no as answer anyway. I’ll text you my address.”

“Adam, you don’t have my number.” I tell him.

“We can fix that.” He says handing me his phone as I give him mine, once our numbers are inputted. Adam tells me, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Before he walks away. I had just put my key in the lock to my front door when I hear Adam ask from behind me, “Wait, Ariel do you have any tattoos?” I turn to see him with a half smile on his face.

“Maybe…maybe not. I guess you’ll just have to wait and see for yourself.” I can tell he didn’t think I would answer him, but before he can reply I’m opening the door to my house. The last thing I hear is,

“She sure does know how to torture a man.” I smile, before closing the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
SO how was it? I should be able to update soon...