Status: Currently under editing!

Cracked Porcelain

Chapter V: I Spy

October 21

"I spy with my little eye somethin'. . .brown, yellow, red and orange!" Jack said glancing at me.

"Trees!" I blurted out.

"How'd ya know?" He question giving me one of his crooked smiles.

"Jack we're in the park in the middle of fall, the only thing here besides us are a bunch of trees!" I giggled. A real giggle.

It was true, it was a bit chilly and the air was bitter and there wasn't one person in sight besides Jack and myself. It was getting really close to November, the majority of the leaves were almost gone and all the grass was beginning to die and fade into a sad grey. I loved the fall but i wasn't too fond of the winter. Everything dies in the winter. Jack had a thing for nature, he said something about how "we all started with mother nature being our best friends but over the years we lose touch," which I suppose is true. So there we laid on the dying grass, hand-in-hand, at some run down park playing a kids game. It was nice. Jack was nice.

It hasn't been too long since Jack and I have been "hanging out" but I think it's something I could get use to. It's getting close to Halloween and Jack invited me to some party he heard about and he wants me to go as his date. I wasn't too sure how to felt about that at first but then Bliss and her friends demanded insisted. Bliss acts as if me spending time with a guy I met at a party is the only important thing in the world, like global warming isn't real or that innocent people aren't starving or someone didn't just died. All we ever talk about is why we haven't "gotten to the real fun yet." Bliss only cares about material objects and boys, which is why I never understood why my mother would want me to be more like that? Why would she want her daughter to be just another photo copy? That's what I liked most about Jack Rhodes, he only wanted the original. With Jack I didn't feel so numb. . . not quite normal but more natural and not like the piece of plastic everyone wants me to be. Regardless I still felt like I was missing something. Don't get me wrong Jack was nice enough and we never once compared inheritance but he lacked spontaneity. Everything was so routine.

"I spy with my little eye somethin' absolutely breath takin'" Jack said breaking the silence.

". . .Nature?" I rolled over on my side to face him, he did the same.

"No my dear, you."

A real smile spread across my face and my cheeks began to heat up, a volcano of butterflies erupted in my tummy and I couldn't help but glance at Jack's pink lips. Despite the falling temperature I couldn't have felt any warmer. My whole body tingled from the tips of my toes all the way to the ends of my long blonde eyelashes. Jack slowly began to lean in and I did the same. Closer. . .closer. . .closer. So close that I could feel his warm breath on my skin, smell his unique scent of cinnamon gum and sea salt and I could hear the wind rustle around the dying leaves. His lips hovered right in front of mine only for a moment and then for the first time in my life my lips met another. Our lips were both slightly chapped and I had no idea what to do with my hands but I didn't want to stop. The sweet kiss only lasted for a moment a lot like my encounter with the strange boy from a few weeks ago.

Only a moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading! Please comment! I really enjoyed writing the end of this chapter because I think first kisses are a really special memory in a girls life! Anyways I hope you enjoyed reading this!