So We Meet Again

A New Beginning

It was a hot summer afternoon when Beth arrived in New York City, the thick air hit her when she walked out of the airport. She felt at home. As quickly as she could she halted a taxi, she could barely contain her excitement, she had already memorized her new address, it reeled off her tongue when she told the taxi driver, she smiled to herself, she had come a long way without help from anyone else, she was proud.

The seconds felt like hours, she couldn't stand it. She just wanted to be in her new apartment. She had arranged for the moving company to meet her at the apartment block half an hour after she landed and it had already been twenty minutes.
“How long will we be now?” she anxiously asked the driver
“It’s just around the corner now, another 2 blocks away”
She nodded and slunk back into her seat, she felt like a child waiting for Christmas, she couldn’t contain herself. Beth had been raised in a small village in Iowa and had never been more than five miles away from home, everything they needed was in that village so they never had any need to leave. New York was the opposite to her old home, and she was ready to go out and explore.