Status: In-Complete with hopefully semi regular updates

Random Facts


Harrison's POV

Hello! Dixon is sick today so I'm going to to tell you a story about us...would you like to hear about our first fight?

Our first fight was one of the worst things that I have ever been through and I’m glad we haven’t had one like this since then. It started when I caught him kissing some girl from our Science class in the hallway.


I was running through the halls trying to find him, he said he would meet me by the school gates after school but he wasn't there so I was going to find him!

I round a corner, more like skid into the wall, and smile when I spot him but the smile was immediately dropped when I saw the girl with her lips pressed against his.

"Dixon?" I whimper softly, not even sure if he would hear me or not but I guess he did judging by the fact that he shoved the girl away and looked at me quickly.

"Harrison!" He exclaims, his eyes wide and shocked. "I swear it isn't what it looks like..."

I shake my head when he goes to talk again and I turn away from him and take off running. I hear his footsteps behind me and that only prompts me to run faster and finally I am thankful that my mom made me play soccer when I was younger.

Despite me usually being faster than him I guess the fact that I couldn’t see due to the tears in my eyes slowed me down a bit because he caught me pretty easily. Once he does catch me he presses me up against the wall so my back is pressing against the cold brick. I look down at my feet so I don't have to see his face because I know if I do I’ll end up actually listening to him and forgive him and I really don’t want to do that right now.

"Harrison will you just listen to me? Please?" He whimpers and the sound makes my heart ache but I still don't look at him.

"No...just leave me alone Dixon..." I mutter, my voice cracking when I say his name. I struggle against his hold and silently curse him for being bigger and stronger than me. "Seventeen p-percent of American divorces are c-caused by cheating..." I stutter out, my brain finally kicking in with the only thing I have even close to a facts.

"I didn't kiss her!" He exclaims, his hands tightening around my arms, causing me to whimper softly.

"It sure looked like it!" I snap, finally managing to get out of his grasp "And you looked to be enjoying it to!"

"She kissed me...and I wasn't enjoying it! I like you Harrison so why would I ruin what we have for some lousy girl?" He asks desperately.

"Because she's a girl..." I whimper "You like've always liked girls..."

"I don't like girls! I like you!"

"P-Promise you didn't kiss her? And that it won't happen again?" I ask softly after a few moments of silence, my hand moving up and my pinky sticking out towards him.

With a tiny smile, he links his pinky with mine "It will never ever happen again..." He whispers before leaning in to kiss me but I turn away before he can. "Hey..." He whines.

"You have girl germs! I'm not kissing you until you get rid of them!" I smile cheekily and he laughs, settling for grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Fine...ready to go home then? I'll brush my teeth and then we can kiss?" He asks hopefully and I nod, a smile spreading across my face at his childishness.


Our first fight wasn't as bad as it could have been but it was still really sad...I'm glad I forgave him though.
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This one took a little longer than I thought it would...oops?

Hope you liked it though :)