Status: hey, there aren't enough Jereneil fics out there, so here is one.

Violence, Give Me Violence, ('Cause They Say We're the Worthless Ones)

Neil Westfall is known as the immature crazy teenage boy who likes to get drunk, (by himself). Only Jeremy, his best friend, knows that when he isn't doing this, he is hoping for happiness, an escape. Neil has always run to Jeremy when he is having a problem with a boy, or even about family.
Jeremy McKinnon is the laid back quiet guy, who comes off as a total douche. This is something he hates about himself. How no one even takes the time to get to know him. Jeremy sticks up for his friends against bullies and anyone who even give them any shit on something. Jeremy is Neil's best friend, they always have each others backs. Jeremy also accepts that Neil is gay.
But what happens when Jeremy watches Neil walk out of his room and thinks, "Damn, he's got a nice ass.... wait, what?"


Title Credit; A Day To Remember - Violence (Enough Is Enough)
  1. Chapter 1.
  2. Chapter 2.
    I'm tired, so let me be broken.