One of the Cast


We walked into the quaint little cafe and I was immediately in love. With the cafe, of course. The walls were a dark wine red, and a wall was covered with a huge map. As I walked closer to it I saw that there were tons of push pins all over it, though most were from the United Kingdom, with more in Europe. There were only a small handful from the United States.

“People who visit here from around the world put a pin on the spot where they’re from,” I turned to see Eddie standing behind me, also gazing at the map.

“It’s so cool! What a cute idea!” I smiled and started to head back over toward the others, but stopped when Eddie spoke again.

“You aren’t going to put one up there? No one’s put one on Pennsylvania yet.”

After a second’s thought, I put a red pin on Allentown, Pennsylvania, where both Amanda and I were from. “What about where you’re from?” I asked.

He smiled again, he really never stops that. “As you can see, there are a few people from London who have visited here before.”

I looked over at London’s spot on the map, and indeed, there was a large cluster of pins around it. I shrugged and smiled, adding another one to the group. “Every person counts, right?”

“Roman, why don’t you stay and watch the filming a bit? We all know you want to be with us at least a bit longer!” Aaron spun on his heel and walked backwards so that he was facing me.

“I don’t know, I wouldn’t want to distract anyone from their duty,” I played along, though to be honest I didn’t know how much more I could stand being around Eddie. No, not like that, I loved being around him, probably too much, even. It was just something about him that left me no choice but to be drawn in. I suppose he must have that effect on most every girl who meets him, though, I can’t be anything special. And it’s surely not as though he’d ever feel the same way about me so I had better go on and get over all those mushy feelings. And besides, I’m pretty sure he and Amanda have a thing, they always seem to be together, talking and laughing - lots, and lots of laughing - so why would I ever do anything to potentially mess that up? At least Aaron seems to enjoy my company.

“I think I could manage the willpower to resist, though it certainly won’t be easy!”

Yes, Aaron was definitely a charmer, and undeniably a wonderfully fun person to be around. But, to be honest, he was no Eddie. And I realize that it’s not fair to compare them, especially when I have no right to and I’ve barely known either of them for a couple of days, it was nearly impossible not to, especially since their roles go side by side for so much of the movie. Though admittedly I only had a vague idea of what happens in Les Miserables. I’d read the book a long time ago and forgotten most of it.
“Well, I guess so, though I have no idea what I’ll do-”

“Don’t you worry about that!” Aaron interrupted and grabbed my arm and began skipping the last few steps to the edge of the set, forcing me to almost run. His legs are much longer than mine, and he seemed to be conveniently forgetting that.

An hour later I found myself being given a tour of the set from Amanda, as it was time for Eddie and Aaron to shoot the scene in the cafe as they get ready for the barricade fight. Amanda and I walk up just as everyone is hushed for them to begin shooting. Though they’re not very loud, I can hear both Eddie and Aaron singing amongst the other men, and I’m surprised at how good of singers they are. I knew of course that they would be good, they’re in Les Mis after all, but they’re pretty incredible. I had the sudden intense desire to have remotely any singing ability, but knew to give that up almost as soon as I initially thought it. After we’d listen to them shoot the same scene what seemed like fifty times, we walked away and Amanda led me away and around the little that remained of the set.

“So you and Aaron sure seem to be getting along nicely,” Amanda made small talk as we began walking about aimlessly.

I wasn’t sure exactly what she was trying to get at so I decided to play it casual. “Aaron? Yeah, I suppose. He’s very nice, and funny.”

She nodded. “Looks like you two have a little crush on each other,” she sing songed. She’s been doing that a lot more lately ever since she got the role of Cosette. I’ve been having mixed feelings about it.

“On Aaron?” I was confused as to why she would even mention it, especially since I’d only been here not even a week and there was no way someone like Aaron would ever have feelings for me, and even if he did, I’m not even sure that I like him like that. At least, not with Eddie right there. Then again, I had a feeling Eddie and Amanda have a thing, so maybe it would be better to just see if something came out of mine and Aaron’s friendship rather than pine after someone who was interested in someone else. And it had been so long since my last relationship, I was ready for a new one. “I don’t know.”

She smiled, though it seemed as though there was something just off about the way she did it. “That’s so sweet, I’m happy for you! The two of you would be such a great couple if something ever came of it!”

We said little else until we returned to the cafe, where it looked as though everyone was finishing up with that scene. Eddie came over, grinning as usual, though he looked somehow much more exhausted, though I don’t believe they did much of anything that caused a particularly large amount of exertion.

“Well, what’d you think?” He looked at both of us, though I was sure he really meant his question for Amanda, so I let her answer.

“You were wonderful, as usual, of course!”

She said this in the perfect way she says and does everything, she never does anything wrong. It was absolutely maddening, especially when I’m one of those people who frequently says the wrong thing or makes herself out to be a complete idiot.

“Roman!” I heard the voice of Aaron sing, though I couldn’t pinpoint exactly from where it was coming. Finally he appeared in front of me, beaming. “That was so fun! Though I think if I hear that song one more time within the next three months I’ll go insane!” He said this smiling all the while - acting and singing - singing, particularly - seem to make him exceptionally happy, which is nice. It’s good to see someone thoroughly enjoying their occupation instead of dreading going to work everyday. Though I’d expect something like acting would be a bit different than going into a desk job every day.

“You were great!” I said as he swooped me up into a hug and smiled, and while it was genuine, I knew I would rather be saying the same to Eddie. And naturally by now he’s all caught up in an intense conversation with Amanda and Samantha, who had appeared while I was distracted by Aaron, who was still grinning madly. Maybe it would be good for me to pursue something with Aaron; I’m so sick of wanting someone who will never even know I exist. So I smiled again and listened while Aaron told me all about everything they’d accomplished while Amanda and I were away talking. I had to admit, it was very attractive to see how much he loved what he was doing. It took me a second of silence between us for me to realize that he’d asked me something. “Do what?”

He laughed again. “I was wondering what you were doing tomorrow?”

I could tell that through his smile and laughter he was at least a little bit nervous, and I figured I had nothing to lose. “Nothing!”

His smile became noticeably more relaxed after I said this. “Good! I’ll call you!”

We exchanged numbers, then he had to go film another part before he could leave, so I told him I’d see him tomorrow and left with Amanda, who had finished talking with Eddie moments before Aaron left as well.

“Did you just give Aaron your number?” She asked. “Did he just ask you out?”

I shrugged and gave her a small smile. “Maybe.”
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I love all of the comments, thank you so much to everyone who've shared their thoughts! I'm excited to see that others are as excited about Les Mis as I am!