
troublemaker, yeah that's your middle name

“Delayed? Great. Just great,” Lou mumbled to herself, pulling her iPhone out of her purse and texting Chris. She made her way to the terminal’s seats, plopping herself down and looking through her Instagram feed distractedly.

Chris just had to insist on keeping her therapy appointment at the normal time, even though he was leaving for the set of Captain America 2 early in the morning. It could’ve easily been pushed back or moved to an earlier time. Then she wouldn’t be stuck here.

She pulled out the book she had brought along to read on the flight and cracked it open, figuring she probably couldn’t finish it all on the flight anyway. She barely read the first page when someone sat next to her and began talking to her. She looked up from the book and was met with piercing blue eyes. She almost didn’t remember him, but since everyone loved to talk to her about him she faintly remembered what he looked like.

“Looks like we’re on the same flight,” Jeremy Renner grinned widely at Lou. She breathed deeply, closing her book in annoyance.

“This day just keeps getting better,” She muttered, glaring at Jeremy as if it was his fault that the flight was delayed. “Why are you even going to Alberta? It’s not like you’re in the movie.”

“I make a cameo,” He answered, delighted to prove her wrong.

“Why didn’t you leave on the earlier flight?” She retorted as the two had started a sort of banter.

“Had a screen test.”

“Why do you keep showing up in my life? You’re not even nice to me. What makes you think what you’re doing is okay? It’s borderline stalking!” Lou unintentionally raised her voice and immediately blushed when she realized that other travelers were staring at their spat.

“Okay, princess, no need to freak out,” Jeremy said softly, smiling tightly at the still-staring patrons. “Your brother asked me to take care of you while we’re delayed.”

“What?” Lou asked incredulously, pulling her phone out of her purse and quickly calling her brother. She put the phone up to her ear, sneering at Jeremy and moving down so that there was a chair between them.

“Lou? Is everything okay?”

“You told the douchebag to take care of me?”

“Honestly, Lou, he’s not that bad. And yes, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

She sighed, accepting the fact that she’d just have to suck it up. She was stuck.

“I’m fine. Thanks, Chris. You trust him, so I guess I have to temporarily give him a tiny, minute, eensy weensy bit of my trust for now.”

“Thanks, Lou.”

“Also, you could’ve asked me. Did that ever occur to you?”

“I love you!” The beep coming from her phone let her know that he’d hung up on her.

“Alright,” Jeremy said, wasting no time. She looked at him and noticed he was flicking at his ear nervously. She liked the simple black watch that rested on his wrist. “We should start over.”

She nodded. “I suppose we should.”

“Are you hungry?” He asked. Lou opened her mouth to turn down his impending offer to take her to a restaurant, but she pushed her fingers against her pocket where her only money was and realized she didn’t have enough for both food and the cab ride to the hotel once in Alberta. As if it was trying to betray her, her stomach growled quite loudly causing Jeremy to chuckle. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Lou closed her mouth, defeated. She got up, following Jeremy’s quick walking pace. “I know just the place,” He told her.

They walked through the busy halls of LAX until they ended up at a restaurant called Encounter. Lou smiled to herself. It was a theme restaurant that she had always wanted to try but never had rhyme or reason to. She was excited to finally try it.

Jeremy saw her smiling from the corner of his eye and couldn’t help but smile, himself. He wouldn’t deny that he was nervous to finally have his chance with Lou, but he was also excited. He knew that he could win her over.

The two glanced around the restaurant nervously. There was a line to get in, and there didn’t seem to be many tables open. Lou turned to Jeremy and he looked at her when he sensed her eyes on him. “One condition,” She said.

“Sure,” Jeremy said. He didn’t know what it would be, but if it was reasonable he’d agree. It was fair. She had gotten stuck with him, after all.

“I don’t have to answer any questions that I think are too personal,” She stated. Jeremy nodded in understanding. He returned his gaze to the hostess of the restaurant, and when he caught her gaze she sent him daggers. He was confused. He didn’t think he knew her…

“I’m sorry this is taking so long,” Jeremy said after all the parties before them had been sat. They walked up to the hostess stand and the girl continued to glare at him.

“We’re full,” She said tightly. “Sorry.”

“Really?” Lou asked. “There’s a table right over-“

“You really don’t remember me?” Lou realized that the hostess hadn’t been paying any attention to her. She looked to the two of them and knew it wasn’t good.

“Of course I do,” Jeremy paused to glance quickly at her nametag. “Amber.”

The slim blonde reached over and slapped him across the face. “You told me you’d call me. You said we’d go out sometime!”

“Oh no,” Lou muttered to herself before taking action. She was a no-shit Boston girl who could walk all over this twig.

“Listen, he clearly isn’t interested and you clearly can’t take a hint. You’ll take us to that table over there with the beautiful view, and I won’t tell your manager that you just assaulted an award-winning actor and paying customer. Sound good?” The blonde finally looked at Lou and bit her lip as if it finally registered that she’d hit Jeremy Renner. She forcefully grabbed two menus and led them to a table right against the window looking out onto the airport activity.

Once they were sat, Jeremy stared at Lou with an amused smile on his face. “I would’ve never expected that from you.”

Lou shrugged. “Well, she was getting in the way of me and my food.”

“But you knew about my award history,” Jeremy pointed out. “You stalked me too.”

“No,” Lou insisted. “Everyone knows you were nominated for big awards.” She stared at her menu, dutifully avoiding his gaze.

“Keep denying it, Lou,” Jeremy said, looking at his own menu.

“Denying what?” She asked, looking at him curiously.

“That you’re not at all interested in me.”

Lou narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you always so cocky?”

“Are you always a bitch?” He retorted.

Lou didn’t quite understand why she didn’t set him straight after he’d intimated that she was interested in him. Perhaps because she was beginning to like him a little bit. But only a little.