
Chapter 1

It was the start of a new school year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... except the only new thing about it was myself and a couple of other students and, from what my new friend Ginny Weasley said, a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Apparently, Hogwarts gets a new one every year.

It was raining outside, making the scenery blurry as I looked through the train window. I didn't mind though, I had always loved the rain. I loved the way it softly hit my face whenever i go dancing in it, my face skyward. However, that was not happening right now. I was in a compartment on a train, where rain cannot reach me without magic.

I sat silently listening to Ginny chatting with her brothers Fred and George. They were buzzing about jokes of some sort and prank candy things. I tuned in when George (or was it Fred?) asked, "So, Mizore, would you be willing to try a couple of-"

"No thank you. I do not wish to be hospitalized," I cut in with a smile. "Sorry, but which one are you again?"


"Thanks." So I was wrong.

"No problem."

"Mizore, do you have a last name?" George asked. He asked it ever so casually that I was immediately suspicious. From the hour I spent with them, I knew Fred and George were trouble makers. I looked up to see a mischievous glint in his eye.

I smirked at him and replied, "Of course I do. Did you honestly expect me to be surname-less?" I said it sweetly and slyly at the same time, if that's possible.

He and Fred just laughed at my remark. "Okay, let me retry. What is your last name?"

"Ah. You see, that is much clearer. My name is Fuyu Mizore. It means 'Winter Sleet' in English," I replied.

"Wait. I thought your first name was-" began Fred.

"Mizore," George finished.

"It is," I said to them, smiling warmly. "We say our last name first in Japan."

"A fitting name, I should think," Ginny added. "After all, your hair is white as snow, eyes purple-grey like sleet, and skin so pale it glows." I blushed like mad, my cheeks turning light pink.

"No need to be embarrassed-" George began. Back to their switching games.

"-You're quite lovely," Fred finished. Then they both kissed my cheek, one one each side and left the compartment, my face bright as a tomato and eyes wide.

Ginny just laughed. And laughed. And laughed. "You should see the look on your face," she finally gasped out.

"Oh I'm sure it's quite hilarious," I said icily, immediately shutting her up, but I could see she was fighting to hold her laughter in. I then broke out into a huge grin. We both laughed like idiots for no reason and every time we finally controlled ourselves, we would look each other in the eyes and burst out laughing again.

We were gasping for air when the compartment door opened and there stood another redhead, but he didn't look related to Ginny at all. His aquamarine eyes stood out from the black outlining them, shaggy reddish-auburn hair lining his face, and a kanji on the left side of his forehead meaning 'love'. I instantly knew who it was, but I wasn't afraid. My powers countered his. I stood up and greeted, "Konichiwa Sabaku No Gaara. My name is Fuyu Mizore. I'm assuming you're the Sand I was told about in my letter?" He merely nodded. "Ginny, would you kindly give us some privacy?" I sent her a 'I'll fill you in later look' and she left.

"Are you filled in on what our mission is?" Gaara asked, almost in a tone that said he was absolutely bored.

"Not exactly, all Lady Tsunade would tell me is that I will be working with a Sand Ninja in an alternate universe and that we would have to retrieve a certain object. She said you would fill me in on the rest," I replied formally. I knew what he was capable of, I wasn't afraid, but I had no intention of getting close. He's killed for fun and I did not want to become distracted and vulnerable. I have to admit, though, that he is quite good looking.

"The object we are required to take is a boy of the name Draco Malfoy. He is difficult so I expect you to use your feminine charms." Gaara said it with a small smirk that I did not miss and I almost ripped his hair out. Almost.

"WHAT?!" I exploded. "'Work my feminine charms'? Are you insane? I am not going to try to get into that asshole's pants!"

Gaara's smirk instantly dropped, which I thought weird, and he replied, "I am not saying 'get into his pants' but try to win him over. Don't make it obvious. Make him fall for you. Don't be one of his clingy followers." He said it quietly and calmly, which scared me a little. "I am not 'insane'. It wasn't my idea," he hissed at me, a murderous glint in his eyes.

Now I was afraid, but I didn't show it. Instead I mumbled, "Fine, I'll be the guy romancing the girl in a novel," and left the room, looking for Ginny while remembering the encounter I had with Malfoy at Platform Nine and Three Quarters.

"What's that, Mudblood?!" Malfoy shouted at a girl who was standing next to my newly made friend, Ginny.

"You foul git!" roared a black haired boy with a scar on his face. Ginny introduced him as Harry Potter later on.

"Oh nothing, Malfoy. Just remembering the look on your face after you turned into a ferret," she replied smoothly, trying to hide her hurt from the insult. I must say she did a good job. Malfoy paled a bit and Ron, Ginny, and Harry laughed their heads off. I chuckled a bit, trying to imagine the scene of a boy being turned into a ferret and only managed to draw his attention to me.

"Who's your little friend you filthy Blood Traitor?!" Malfoy spat at Ginny, causing all laughter to die away.

"Excuse me?" I snarled. I walked up to him and poked my finger into his chest. "Size doesn't count for everything, asshole. I could take you down right here and right now if I wanted to and I will if you ever insult my friend again," I hurled at him, giving him a little shove.

"Mizore! Come on! Let's get on the train! He's not worth it!" Ginny called out to me. I gave him one last glare before turning around to find a compartment with Ginny.
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I don't own any of the character except for Mizore. I aslo own the plot.

I originally wrote this story on Wattpad. It's one of two stories that I actually have finished. I'm learning how to use this site and I would love it if you told me what you thought of this :)