She's Hiding Something...


Blood Baby is an interesting term. There is no one meaning, we are so many things at once yet none at all.

There were originally hundreds of us. Now there's just me. We are born from the blood of a dead prophet or saint, with the occasional martyr thrown in the mix. Me? I'm the Salem Witches, in all their dead and witchy glory. All of them at once. So yeah.

The others of us were made into angels by God, because they were no longer needed on Earth. Our original purpose was to keep old legends and myths alive. We were the sirens, the mermaids, the Jersey devil, werewolves and vampires. We are immortal and can change our shape to whatever is needed at that time. I still have that duty today, but not as much as I need to. All these book and movie franchises about the supernatural are doing my job for me. So now I have another job.

Every six years, I lead the Judgement. When all the dead of the past six years assemble so that I can divide them between Heaven and Hell. It's a pretty strenuous activity. But it gets over pretty quickly now since God gave me some angels and demons to help me about a century ago. I'm also in charge of making sure the right Season is awake and doing their job at the right time, while the others remain in a coma-like state.

So that's basically what a Blood Baby is. In what, four paragraphs? That's good. Not as long as I thought it would be. But hey, that's me! I prefer things short and simple. I could go on for ages and ages, but that's all.

Then there's the part about me falling in love with a human, or in Winter's case, a mortal. He's harsh like that, not particularily fond of the Earth dwellers. Typical.

The year was 1882. I was living in England at the time, a Lady in the court of her majesty Queen Victoria. That was where I met Arthur (I know, I know, I have a thing for names beginning with 'A'. Annabeth, Angelo, Arthur, etc.). I was out in London town, dropping by at the tailor's to request a dress to wear at a dance in two month's time. Arthur, by luck and perfect timing, was there too, to make an inquest about a suit he had ordered. It was love at first sight.

We had a few outings together. Walks in the public gardens or by the river Thames. We were a pair, inseperable. The queen noticed too, but thankfully she approved. It turns out that Arthur had been with me the whole time I was at court. He was in charge of the servant's household.

We got married. Simple as. On the one year anniversary of the day we met, he took me to his parent's residence and proposed while both our families watched. I loved Arthur like no one else, he was the world to me. I would die for him. Okay, well that's impossible for me but you get the point.

I had to tell him sometime about what I was. I couldn't lie to him, and God wasn't too happy about me not telling him before then.

Arthur, shall we say, didn't take it too well. To be frank, he ran away to one of his country homes his family owned deep in Cambridgeshire county. And then, after he broke my heart and left me alone, vulnerable and weak, he killed himself. He tore my heart out of my chest. He left a note to me, his suicide note and will. I never showed anyone else it, they might find out about me.

He said he shot himself. He killed himself because he said, in his own words, that he had 'fallen for a demonic monster. I cannot believe in all my years that you lied to me, Annabeth. Goodbye.'

I didn't think I could love again. Then I had Elizabeth a century and a half later. She's the light of my life.

Suddenly there's a loud knocking at my door, interrupting my thoughts. I lazily get up from my seat on the sofa watching Elizabeth play with her dolls and trudge over to the door, and open it. Standing outside is Angelo, wearing a gigantic black hoodie and skinny jeans.

"Hello Anna." he says cheerily, grinning at the sight of me, but his face falls at my glum expression.

"Hey Angelo." I mutter, looking up at him sadly.

"You wanted to talk?" he replies, looking concerned. I crack open the door all the way and lean against the doorframe, folding my arms. At this point Elizabeth skips up and wraps herself around my leg. Angelo's face turns from shock to complete horror.

"Who is that?" she asks, looking up at me with her baby blue eyes.

"Honey, can you please go back inside so me and Angelo can talk?" I ask quietly.

"Okay mommy." Elizabeth responds before walking back inside. I close the door behind her, leaving me and Ange outside in the hallway.

"Is that...?" he asks, shaking his head in disbelief.

I nod. "My daughter, yes."

"!" he whisper-shouts, a hint of anger in his voice. I interrupt him before he can say anything else.

"I was raped, Angelo."

His expression immediately softens. "Oh. I'm sorry, I-"

"Of course you didn't. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, but it really restricts me from anything. Most men wouldn't come within a twenty mile radius of me if I told them I had a kid straight out."

"I would."

"What?!" I look up in surpise. Angelo smiles.

"You have to be the most awesome mother ever. You're sweet, gothic, smart, beautiful..." he slowly leans in and places a gentle peck on my lips. I smile a little. "And I love you no matter what. I will support you and help you when you need it, I'm not angry at all."

"Really?" He nods 'yes'. "In that case, come in! I think you should meet Elizabeth."

I take his hand and lead him into the living room, where Elizabeth has resumed play with her barbies. Angelo laughs at the sight.

Last year, Elizabeth got hold of some permanent markers and drew all over her barbies. Gave them red lips, and purple and black eye makeup. She even went as far as to give them 'dyed' hair. I've taught her well.

"Elizabeth dear?" I giggle. The girl looks up and stares at the two of us. "Lizzy dear, this is Angelo. He's my..." I falter a bit. We haven't discussed what we are yet.

"Boyfriend." Angelo thankfully steps in.

"Yay!" Elizabeth squeals and lunges for Angelo's legs, hugging him tightly. Angelo stands frozen for a moment, then pats the top of her head lightly.

"Now for a tour of the place!" I shout, doing some weird Superman pose. Elizabeth joins in. Angelo heaves me onto his back and gives me a piggy-back around the apartment. "That's the kitchen..." I point, then direct Ange left into the hallway. "Closet, Liz's room, my room-" I have to stop, I'm laughing so hard at Angelo, who's wiggling his eyebrows and smirking. I smack his shoulder playfully. "Not until marriage you idiot." He shuts up and I carry on. "Okay, that's the bathroom, and last but not least the music room."

At the mention of music Angelo races in and sits me down in front of the piano. My violin is leaning against the bookshelf, and there's a collection of guitars lining the walls. "You play?" he asks.


"Play for me, please?" he begs, batting his eyelashes. It's not a good look for him.

"Alright." I sit myself down and lay my fingers on the keys. Here goes nothing.