Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Balin's Tomb

On the floor, were more bodies, along with paper, rusty weapons and chunks of marble, from fallen pillars. “No!” Gimli gasped, kneeling in front of the tomb, his head facing the floor. “Oh, no..” Legolas walked in and stood beside me, I had placed my hand on Gimli’s shoulder, and Legolas placed his hand on his other shoulder. As Gandalf and the rest of the Fellowship walked into the room, Gimli began to weep, repeating ‘no‘ over and over again. Gandalf walked over to the front of the tomb. “Here lies Balin. Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria.” He read, sadly. “So he is dead then…” He added. I gasped, and gave a small shudder. Legolas put the hand that was on Gimli’s shoulder, and laid it on top of mine. I gave Gimli’s shoulder a squeeze. Gandalf took off his hat, and looked around the tomb. “It’s as I feared…” He said. He looked down, and noticed something on the ground. He gave Pippin his hat and staff to hold, he picked up an old book from the ground, and brushed away the dirt, and dust from the cover, it was opened to the back pages. “We must move on. We cannot linger..” Legolas said, to Aragorn and I.

“They have taken the bridge and the second hall. We have barred the gates. But we cannot hole them for long…” Gandalf began to read from the book, setting an eerie feel to the room, making Gimli’s sobs quiet down. “The ground shakes. Drums…drums in the deep.” He read on, turning the page. “We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark…” As Gandalf read on, Legolas and Boromir looked around, as if unseen eyes were watching us. Pippin began to back up from Gandalf, his hat and staff tightly grasped in his hands in fear. His heel hit the base of an old well that was behind him. “We cannot get out. They are coming…” Gandalf finished, staring at us. All of a sudden, we heard a loud crash come from behind Gandalf. We all turned to see, Pippin standing by the well, with the head of a skeleton falling down the well, smashing against the walls as it fell. Pippin jumped away from the well, as Gandalf whirled around to face him. Just as, Pippin moved away from the well, the entire body fell into the well. Bringing with it an old rusty bucket. The sound rattled and echoed throughout the mines, Pippin winced every time the bucket hit the wall, making a loud bang. I felt everyone hold their breath, waiting for something to happen. I even felt myself moving closer to Legolas and gripping Gimli’s shoulder a little bit tighter. When nothing happened, I heard Boromir breathe a sigh of what appeared to be relief. Gandalf slammed the book shut and glared at Pippin.

“Fool of a Took!” He snapped at Pippin. “Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!” He dropped the book, and snatched his hat and staff out of Pippin’s hands. Pippin lowered his gaze from Gandalf, nervously twisting the button on his vest pocket. Just then, a soft bang that made Gandalf turn back to Pippin, who nervously turned around and looked at the well as a few more pongs sounded. They sounded more sounded more like drums. I gasped in horror. “Drums in the deep….” I whispered for the Fellowship to hear. Boromir looked around with a look of horror on his face. Legolas, Aragorn and I looked towards the door.