Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Watch Out!

The three of us kept letting loose arrows, keeping the Orcs at bay for only a few seconds. There were too many, and arrows weren’t going to be enough to keep them all at bay, Orcs were attacking us from left and right. Legolas and Aragorn continued to shoot arrows, but Boromir lashed at them, with his sword. Gimli was hacking away at some of them, with his axe, just as Gandalf and Frodo and the others yelled and jumped into the fight. I continued to let my arrows fly, until I realised I only had about half of them left. I strapped my bow onto my back, and quicker than sight I pulled my sword out and battled along with Boromir.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sam and Aragorn freeze, that’s when I saw it… The Cave-troll smashed its way through the door, it was facing Sam. Legolas shot an arrow at the beast, which didn’t seem to phase it at all. It roared and snarled, lifting its heavy mace, getting ready to bring it down on Sam, but Sam yelled and dove between its legs, narrowly escaping the blow. Gimli threw his axe at the Troll, regaining its attention. The cave-troll brought its mace down onto Balin’s tomb, shattering it, into chunks. I continued to kill Orcs around me, I ran a few feet ahead of me, I was trying to get to Gimli, but Orcs kept coming towards me.

The troll began to chase Gimli, trying to hit him by swinging his mace back and forth, but fortunately it only hitting about half the Orcs, which had cornered me. Gimli fell over on his back, he was at the mercy of the Cave-troll. “Gimli!” I shouted, forgetting all about the Troll. I ran over to him, and pushed him away from the Troll. Just then, the roar of the Troll reminded me that it was still there. But it was too late. I was hit by the hand of the Troll has it swatted at me. I slammed into the nearest wall, which was a few feet from where I was thrown from. My sword was a few feet away from me. I crawled back, until my back hit the wall. I saw the Troll lift its mace, and I was paralyzed in fear. I shut my eyes and waited for the blow to strike me. When the mace didn’t strike me, I opened my eyes, to see 2 arrows sticking out of the Troll’s chest, making the Troll fall backwards. I looked up to find out where the arrows came from. I saw Legolas, standing on a perch; there was a look of anger in his eyes that I had never seen before. Pushing that thought out of my head, I reached for my sword and sliced the Orcs that were coming at me.

*Legolas’ Point of View*

From the perch I was at, I fought at the Orcs with one of my blades that I had hidden in my quiver. While I was fighting the Orcs, I was trying to keep an eye on Anneliese. I would much rather have her out of here, than have her fight, but there wasn’t a safe place that wasn’t crawling with God knows how many Orcs. I watched as Anneliese fought off all the Orcs surrounding her….

Anneliese’s Point Of View

I was battling the Orcs that were surrounding me. Out of breath, I turned towards Legolas who was battling the Orcs with his blade; he was unaware that he was in the Cave-Troll’s sight. It was advancing on him, holding onto its loose chain that was around its neck. “Legolas! Watch out!” I screamed, as 3 Orcs came and tackled me to the ground, with knives in their hands, trying their hardest to pierce through my skin. Legolas had turned to that I was tackled to the ground by the 3 Orcs. He turned back around to see the Troll advancing towards him, with his chain in his hands. Holding it high above his head, the Troll swung the chain at him. Luckily, Legolas ducked in time as the chain went smashing into the pillar, right were his head just was. The now angry Troll lashed out the chain once more, except this time, the chain got wrapped around a pillar, and Legolas saw his chance. He ran swiftly along the chain, he jumped onto the Troll’s shoulders. Keeping his balance, he shot an arrow into the Troll’s skull.

The Troll howled in pain, it began twisting, trying to throw Legolas off of him, who instead jumped off. He landed a few feet away from me, just as 2 of the Orcs knives pierced my skin; One on my forehead, and the other one left a long nasty and wide gash on my arm. Just then, all 3 of the Orcs, slumped to the ground. I tried to stand, only to find that Legolas was standing over me, with his hand being offered to me. I took it, as soon as he pulled me up using my injured arm, I winced. He helped me up. “Stay with me.” He said. I didn’t argue with him. “I can still fight.” I said. He opened his mouth to say something, but there was a sudden commotion on the other side of the room, that made the both of us turn around. Both Merry and Pippin had jumped onto the Troll’s back and began to attack the Troll. The Troll reached up and grabbed Merry. I gasped in horror. “Merry!” I screamed. Gandalf ran over and started to slash at the Troll until it dropped Merry onto the ground. Legolas had laced on arrow on his bow and aimed up towards it. Pippin stabbed the beast in its head, it howled as it lifted its head up. Legolas fired his arrow into the Troll’s throat. The roars of the Troll suddenly died down, and the Troll began to sway. Everyone began to back up, as the Troll fell forward. Pippin flew the Troll’s shoulders, and he fell onto the paper littered floor.

There was peace for a moment; all that could be heard was the panting of the exhausted Fellowship. I stood up, my arm was beginning to really hurt. I saw Sam, Merry Pippin and Gandalf run over to one corner, Legolas turned to me. “Are you okay?” He asked. I gave him a look, that said, Do I look okay? He touched my forehead, and my cheek, where an Orc must've struck me. I felt myself blush. “I’m fine…” I lied, I leaned around him. “What’s going on over there?” I asked. He followed my gaze, my heart sank when I saw Frodo laying on his stomach with an ugly looking spear in him, I also saw Aragorn crawl out from some rocks, and knelt beside Frodo. “Frodo!” I said, loudly. I ran over to his body, and knelt beside him. “Oh no.” Aragorn said. “No..” I said, as I grabbed onto one of Frodo’s shoulders and turned him over.

To everyone’s surprise, Frodo grunted, and he gasped for breath as he fell into my lap. Sam ran over to us, and knelt down in front of us. “He’s alive…” Sam said, relieved. Everyone relaxed their tense bodies. “I’m alright. I’m alright. I’m not hurt.” He said. I hugged him tightly. “You should be dead…” Aragorn said, breathing in utter amazement. “That spear would’ve skewered a wild boar…” I added, still thankful that Frodo was alive. “I think that there is more to this Hobbit than meets the eye…” Gandalf said, smiling as he took a step forward. Taking a deep breath, Frodo opened the front of his shirt, to reveal a shining white shirt of…Mithril! The metal was looped together tightly so it blocked the point of the spear, sparing Frodo. “Mithril…” Gimli said, as he saw the shirt. “You’re full of surprise, Master Baggins…” He said to Frodo.

Suddenly, our peace was shattered by the sound of armour clashing together. Gandalf turned to the doorway to see the shadows of more Orcs approaching. He looked back to us, fear in all of our eyes. “To the bridge of Khazad-Dum!” He ordered. We all scrambled to our feet, and followed Gandalf out the door. We all ran after Gandalf into darkness, his staff illuminating the way. I heard loud screeches behind us, I turned around to see probably thousands of hideous Orc faces. “This way!” Gandalf yelled to us, as he ran onward. As we all ran after him, we could see numerous Orcs and Goblins, I saw them coming out of the ceiling and scaling down the pillars, and they were also coming out of the cracks in the floor. Suddenly, Gandalf stopped, making everyone else freeze. We were surrounded! There was no way out! Goblins and Orcs on every side, no paths to take, the rest of the Fellowship began to make a circle around the Hobbits, protecting them from the ugly monsters that surrounded us. Just then, I felt a hand hold onto mine.

2 hands actually. One was Frodo, the other was…. Legolas. I gave his hand a squeeze, the same with Frodo’s hand. Just when, we thought things couldn’t get any more worse, we heard a deep roar bellowing throughout the mines. It seemed to be coming from deep in the mines. The chattering that came from the Orcs and Goblins died down to an ultra-eerie hush. Every single living thing in the hall, held their breath, waiting to hear if the roar would come again. It did. All the Goblins and Orcs screeched, and dispatched from their ranks. They ran back up the pillars, and they crawled back into their holes. In the distance we saw the bright light of fire coming towards us.