Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Lean Forward!

I paid no attention to the Goblins or the Orcs, I heard Gimli chuckle to himself, gleefully, as all the monsters left. We heard another growl; it began to echo throughout the now very empty space around us. Legolas let go of my hand, he pulled an arrow to his bow; and flicked it frantically side-to-side, which showed how nervous he was. I patted his arm, trying to calm him down, as fast as he put the arrow in, he quickly lowered his arms. Boromir leaned in towards Gandalf, and whispered into the old wizard’s ear. “What is this new devilry?” He muttered, which sounded more like a growl. All was quiet, it was so quiet, and it made me shiver in fear. I hated when things were just too quiet. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aragorn turn towards Gandalf. Suddenly, the growling rumble came once again, and this time, it sounded much closer than the last time. The light streamed closer. Finally, Gandalf spoke. “A Balrog. A demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you.” He told us. I saw a flicker of fear in Legolas’ eyes. He turned around. “Run!” He yelled, as he ran in the opposite direction of the Balrog. Legolas grabbed my arm, and pulled me forward, as I was still holding onto Frodo’s hand as well. But Legolas had pulled with me with such force, Frodo’s hand slipped from my grasp; he pulled me to a doorway that was not far from us. “Quickly!” Aragorn ordered, as he shepherded us through the doorway. Once we were all through the doorway, Aragorn and Gandalf ran after them, Gandalf gave one last look behind us, into the illuminating darkness of the corridor. Somehow, I made it to the front of the group, right behind; Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin. The hall was all lit up, with the torches along the wall were lit. I saw Boromir running ahead of the rest of us, with a torch in his hand. Then, he just disappeared?! I followed him, I saw him about to run off the edge of a few broken stairs. “Boromir!” I screamed. Boromir had ran down a stairwell that had broken off. The torch slipped from his grip, and fell into the deep fiery darkness below. He was flailing his arms in the air, trying to regain his balance. I began to rush forward to help him, when Legolas ran forward and grabbed Boromir from behind, and hauled him back onto the step. Boromir stood up, and gave Legolas a pat on the arm, thanking him, and left him. I ran over to Legolas and held out a hand to him. He gave me a smile, as he took my hand, when I pulled him up, the cut that the Orc had given me stung badly. As I pulled him up, I winced, he gave me a look. “Amin Tereva…” I lied. He gave me a weird look. I heard Frodo and the others stop behind me and gasp in horror, and surprise. I turned when I heard Gandalf walking behind us, Aragorn rushed over to help the wizard. “Gandalf.” He said, out of breath, reaching towards him. Gandalf, looked more like an old man now, more than ever, he placed a hand on Aragorn’s shoulder. “Lead them on, Aragorn…”He said. “The bridge is near….” He jabbed his chin forward.
Aragorn followed his gaze, and then he too saw the thin stone bridgegliding over a large; and deep gap. Aragorn turned back to Gandalf, who suddenly shoved him forward. “Do I say! Swords are no more use here.” He said, as he continued to walk down the last of the steps, looking angry. I had never seen him act like this before. We all turned left and ran down another flight of stairs that were fully intact. Legolas and I took up the rear, right before Legolas decided to jump around the stairs towards the end, onto the next flight of stairs. I followed them, with Gandalf in front of me. The stairs continued to scale down until the front of the group made it about half-way, until we reached a giant gap in the stairs. While the rest of us stared at the hole, slightly intimidated by it. Legolas took a deep breath, and jumped the gap, in one graceful bound. Gandalf looked behind him, before Legolas called to him. “Gandalf.” Gandalf also took a deep breath, and jumped. Legolas caught him. Following Gandalf was Boromir, Merry, Pippin, Sam and Gimli.

It was just Aragorn, Frodo and I left. Just then, a rock from the ceiling broke, and broke a great deal of the stairs in front of us. Another chunk of the ceiling broke the stairs behind us, trapping us on an island of stairs. The island began to sway and crumble. “Lean forward!” Aragorn ordered Frodo and I. We all leaned forward, and the island came falling towards the rest of the Fellowship. Everyone on the other side, backed away from the edge. The island came in contact with the side, that everyone else was on. Aragorn and Frodo jumped to safety. Me on the other hand was just about to fall into abyss...