Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

You have to trust me!

“Um... is it too much to ask for a little help here?” I called out. Just then, a hand appeared in front of me. “Anneliese, you have to take my hand…” I heard Legolas say.

I looked at the abyss that I was about to fall into, there was no way, that I was going to let go with one hand and still not fall? I looked back up to Legolas; he also had a look of fear in his eyes.

The rest of the Fellowship had leaned over the edge, with the same look of fear in their eyes that Legolas had. “Im gosta…” I said, my voice shaking. “I know, lle, lye ilya. But lle have a’ lle "are," lye ilya amin…” He said, gently.
*Translation: I know, but you’re going to have to trust me…”* When I heard him say that, I saw a new look in his eyes, it looked like hope, and.. I think it was love also. I smiled at that. I heard Boromir talking about me, about me being uncooperative, and how this was not the time to be uncooperative. I lost it. “Boromir, Shut up! You’re not being very helpful here!” I almost shouted at him. “Aistaraina…” He began to say, using my real name. “ Aistaraina, Lle have a’ trust amin…” *Translation: Aistaraina, You have to trust me…”* He said, gently.

I had to trust him. He had saved me before; he would save me yet again, wouldn’t he? I didn’t care at this point. I let my left hand let go of the edge, and I almost fell into the abyss, if Legolas hadn’t grabbed onto my left hand. He pulled me up, and away from the abyss. I gave him a smile saying, thank you, again. He returned my smile, and we ran down the stairs. The Balrog had gained on us, because of the delay, with me almost dying again

We ran quickly, Legolas staying with me, in case he needed to save me, yet again. We ran towards the bridge of Khazad-Dum….