Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Meeting Halidir

We were now wandering through the woods near Lothlorien, I wasn’t entirely sure why Aragorn was taking us here, but I went along with it anyways. We were now wandering through the forests through Lothlorien, and I overheard Gimli telling the hobbits a tale of an elvish witch. I snickered at this. There was no such thing as an elvish witch. But the hobbits did not know that this was untrue, and they looked a bit frightened. I walked to the back of the group where Gimli and the hobbits were. “Don’t listen to him, guys. There is no such thing as an Elf Witch; I think that being cooped up in those mines of his, for about 60 years. I think that the darkness has darkened his vision of beauty…” This made the Hobbits laugh lightly. It even made Frodo smile slightly. Which surprised me, because ever since we left Rivendell, I haven’t seen Frodo smile once, so I was glad to see him smile again. “The ONLY thing in these woods are the Galadhrim or Wood Elves. They are solemn, but their hearts are pure, and they are in the right place…” I added, truthfully. “Well here’s one dwarf that won’t ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk, and the ears of a fox!” Gimli boasted. Suddenly, Frodo tripped over a tree root, and he landed in a pile of leaves. I motioned for the rest of them to keep going; I knelt in front of Frodo, to help him up. “Ring, safe?” I asked, quietly. He felt inside his shirt for the chain that held the Ring. His expression darkened for a moment, and I feared the worst. His expression then returned back to normal. He nodded. I smiled, as I kissed his forehead. Just then, I heard footsteps behind me. They were a light tread of an elf. I heard Frodo gasp; I turned around to see an arrow. Laced. Aimed at my head. Waiting to be fired. “Your Dwarf breathes so loudly, we could have shot him in the dark…” I heard a familiar voice say. I stood up, with my hand on Frodo’s shoulder, and I walked forward. I heard Gimli growl, at the elf’s comment. Without another word, the elf rounded us all up, and he started to walk. We followed him, we walked until sunset. The forest had a bluish/whitish aura about it, which made it even more beautiful than it already was. The leader led us all up a winding set of stairs, which lead us into the trees. At the top of the stairs, we came across a leaf-shaped platform. The leader walked up to Legolas and said, “Welcome, Legolas, son of Thranduil.” The leader said to Legolas, in Elvish. “Halidir, our fellowship stands in your debt…”” Legolas replied in Elvish. Halidir! That’s who he was! I had seen him once, but I’m not sure if he remembers. Halidir then turned and looked around at all of us. I stood there, not moving, with Frodo in front of me, both my hands on his shoulders. Halidir skipped over me twice, even though I was standing right beside Legolas and Boromir. His gaze went back to me.

“Creoso n’alaquel, Lady Aistaraina of the Simarillion” He said, adding a slight bow. “Le Mellon, Halidir. Ta has been sai an coiasira since amin had laid eyes no’ i’ woods en’ Lothlorien…” I said, with a smile on my face, Halidir gave a weak smile, and then he turned to Aragorn. “Ah, Aragorn of the Dunedain, you are known to us…” He said, placing a hand on his chest. “So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves! Speak in words we all understand!” Gimli growled from where he was standing. Halidir turned to him, “We have not had dealings with the Dwarfs since the Dark Days…” I noticed that Halidir’s words ended with a snarl. “Do you know what this Dwarf says to that?!” Gimli shot back. Gimli said something that I gasped at. Halidir leaned back with a look of disgust on his face. I gave him an apologetic look, and then I turned around and smacked a hand on his chest. “That. Was not so courteous.” I hissed.

Halidir looked at me, again, and what seemed for the first time that he seemed to notice Frodo. “You bring a great evil with you…” He said to Frodo. He turned to Aragorn. “You can go no further…” He said, before turning away from us. Everyone leaned forward to look at Frodo; I gave his shoulders a squeeze. Aragorn walked after Halidir and began a heated discussion in Elvish. But their voices were too hushed that I could not hear what they were saying. I was sitting with Frodo, his head, leaning against my chest. “Gandalf’s death was not in vain…” Boromir said, suddenly. It caused both Frodo and I to jump in surprise. “Nor would he have you give up hope. You carry a heavy burden, Frodo. Do not carry the weight of the dead.” Deep down, I knew Boromir was trying to comforting, but he was choosing his words wrong. They weren’t making Frodo feel any better. As soon as he mentioned Gandalf’s death, my heart sank just a little bit; I was trying to forget about what had happened in Moria, on the other hand, it made Frodo even sadder than before. I gave Boromir a stern look, saying that he wasn’t helping Frodo out at all. So I decided to give it a shot. I held Frodo close, comforting him. I opened my mouth, and I began to sing. Which was something I hadn’t done in the longest time. It was all quiet, and you could was me singing

. *Safe and Sound-Taylor Swift Feat. The Civil Wars

Just then, we saw Halidir return with Aragorn. "You will follow me."