Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

I can't believe it!

After, our greeting, a pretty elven maid, took me to a bathing room. It was so nice to wash my hair to rid the filth, dirt, and blood that was stuck in my hair. Once again, my hair was its normal fairness. It felt clean and much better. I was then, taking into a healing room where, I was met by the same elven maid as before. She did her best to clean and fix up my wounds, but when she reached the long and ugly one on my arm, she looked shocked, as she looked at me.

I just gave her a sympathetic look. She told to cover it up, but when I got outside to take off the bandage and let the wound breath. I nodded.

Before I knew it, I was whisked away into a dressing room, where there were several dresses that were laid out for me to choose from. I chose one, which had no slevves attached, for they were placed as sleevelets, and the dress had reached my ankles. It was a pearly white. For I thought it was very pretty.

I left my hair out after I had dried, and brushed it out. I looked into the mirror that was propped against the wall of the dressing room.

“You look beautiful…” The elven maiden said. I turned to face her. “Thank you…” I said, quietly. “My Lady…” The elven maiden began, but I cut her off. “My apologies, but please just call me Anneliese or Aistaraina. Whichever you do prefer to call me by…”

“Aistaraina, that’s such a lovely name…” The maiden said politely. “Thank you…” I replied, as she ushered me out the door, and showing me where the Fellowship was going to sleep. We were on a platform that was covered in grass, which sparkled for the moonlight was reflecting the light off the grass. “Are you sure I look okay?” I whispered to the elven maiden. “Yes, you look beautiful…” “Thank you…” I muttered quietly. “What’s your name?” I asked her.

“Calathiel (Kahl-ah-thee-ell)…” “Calathiel, doesn’t that mean Light?” I asked, Calathiel. She nodded. “It is a lovely name…My mother’s middle name actually…” I added on a quieter note.
“That’s lovely…” She said. “Thank you, Calathiel. For everything…This is the first time, in the longest time since I have been able to meet someone new, and feel like I have known them my whole life…” I said to her.

She smiled, and she left. Taking a deep breath, I walked onto the platform that was filled with grass. I picked up my cloak, and wrapped it around my shoulders. It was the only piece of clothing that I had; that had reminded me of home.

Then I remembered what Calathiel had told me to do. I removed the cloak from around my shoulders, and I undid the bandage from around my wound, thinking that no one was watching. I was wrong. Dead wrong. Little did I know that Boromir had noticed that I was unwrapping something from around my arm, and he watched as I revealed my wound. “Anneliese… What happened to you?” I heard Boromir ask. Damn it! I thought.

“Nothing…” I stammered out. “Anneliese. You are a terrible liar and that…” He said, pointing to my wound. “…Is nothing. What happened?” He asked, his voice raising just the slightest bit. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Legolas was slightly making his way over to the both of us. Big mistake. Boromir saw where my gaze went, and he turned around to face Legolas.

I knew what he was thinking. “No, Boromir. He had nothing to do with this…” I said, trying to stay calm. “You did this to her…” He said, accusingly. “Boromir…” I heard Aragorn say. “You know that Legolas would not do this to her…” He said, trying desperately to stay calm, and trying to reason with Boromir. “He did something to her…” Boromir said, darkly. By now I had gotten up, and was walking over to Boromir. “He did something to her…” He repeated, as he stalked over to Legolas. “Boromir.” I said, firmly. “Legolas has done nothing to me. I’m fine…” I said, ignoring the stinging that the wound was giving me.

I saw Boromir raise a hand towards Legolas. Even though, Legolas was strong, Boromir had, training and he knew where to hit someone hard enough to either knock them out, or to even kill them. “No!” I cried, running in between Legolas and Boromir. The next thing, I felt was the ‘smack’ of Boromir’s hand as it made contact with the side of my face. I crumpled to the ground. I looked back up at Boromir, whose eyes had returned to their normal color. “Anna?” He asked me, as he came towards me. I began to crawl away from him, the mark on my face, still stinging. “Anna?” He asked again, coming closer. I couldn’t risk it. I got to my feet and ran, not caring where I ran to, and despite the calls of my name by Aragorn. I kept running, as my tears blurred my vision.