Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target


I ran until I couldn’t run any more. My face stung from Boromir’s hand. I still couldn’t believe that Boromir had hit me; I would expect that from Denethor at the most, but never from Boromir. Sure he despised me, but he said that he would never strike me, and he stayed true to his word. Until now at least. I had reached a meadow, and I curled into a ball on the grass, and cried myself to sleep.

Early, the next morning; I awoke to the sound of footsteps. I awoke immediately to see, Legolas standing a few feet away from me. He had a look of hurt in his eyes. He began to walk towards me, and began to slightly back away from him. “Anna…” He said, gently. I got to my feet, and I ran. Without looking back. I had reached the stables, and I climbed into the hayloft, with a few tears falling from my face. Why was I running from Legolas? Just then, I heard his voice calling me. “Up…here…” I replied. I saw him climb up the stairs to the hayloft. He sat down, a feet from where I was. “Anneliese……You do know that Boromir…”

“Legolas… Please don’t talk about him right now. I’m still trying to get over about what had happened last night. Ok? He promised that he would never strike me. No matter what I did. But…last night, changed all that…” I was getting choked up a little, and Legolas seemed to notice, so he sat beside me, and he placed on of his hands on top of my own.

“Um… I guess I never really got around to telling you, but…you looked very beautiful last night…” He said, quietly.

This brought a smile to my face. “Really? Despite the large ugly bruise on my face?” I asked.

“Despite the bruise on your face…” He said, as he touched the side of my face. His touch was cool, but it was gentle and loving. “I’m sorry…” He said, quietly. I was confused.

“For what?” I asked, as I turned to face him, he was staring at the ground.

“It was my fault, that Boromir had hit you…” Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Was he blaming himself for this?

“Why are you apologizing? What happened was not your fault. I was the one who took the blow from him…”

“But why did you…?”

“Because, he accused you for hurting me, which you did not……I just defended you. That’s all…” I explained.

“But you got hurt, which wasn’t fair…”

“Why does Boromir want to keep me away from you?” I said, cutting him off. He looked at the ground, then his gaze went back to me…

*Legolas’ Point of View*
Anneliese’s light blue eyes, stared back at me, with wonder. “I think I know why…” I said, without thinking.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

*Anneliese’s Point of View, AGAIN*

Legolas turned to face me, and he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. My heart fluttered, but I kissed him back. “Le mellon, Aistaraina…” *I Love You, Aistaraina*He said, as he took own of my hands in his own, as he stroked the side of my face that had a bruise on it.

“Ar’ le mellon…”*And I love you.* I responded