Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Getting Very Complicated

My eyes widened. “Pardon me, Milady? Are you saying that I am a direct descendant, from the one, who created the Silmarils?” She smiled at me.

“That is exactly what, I am telling you my child…The Dark Lord is after your blood…” “

But why is he after my blood?”

“For the Silmarils…” “

But the Silmarils were destroyed. The Silmarils were destroyed.” I said, for I was starting to get a little scared at what she was trying to tell me.

“Yes, my child. The Silmarils were destroyed, but Fëanor had poured the shards into his blood, so that they would remain in his bloodline forever, and for each generation that would come, another shard would join with the shard in that person’s body, until all the shards are together, in a person. Until the last descendant”

“Once again, pardon my rudeness, but what does this have to do with me?”

“My child, you are the last descendant, all the shards are finally together again, in you. This is why the Dark Lord wants you, for the Silmarils.”

“What if the Dark Lord drained every single drop out of my body, would he still get the Silmarils?” I asked, in curiosity.

“Yes. But they would be no use to him at all…” I was starting to get intrigued with my past.

“What do you mean, Milady?”

“You are one of the only ones who can bind the Silmarils back together. The Dark Lord needs you, alive. So that you can bind the Silmarils back together, so that he can bring back Morgoth.”

This piece of news scared me the most because: Morgoth was the First Dark Lord, and probably the one of the most feared Lords of all time. Sauron was also his servant.

“What if I refuse to do this, if he does manage to kidnap me?”

“The Dark Lord has ways of making someone do something, like killing the ones that they love the most…………”

As soon as she said this, I thought to those who meant the most to me: Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Boromir *even though he did strike me*, Faramir, Gimli, Gandalf *even though he was already taken from me*, and my thoughts and heart landed on the last person in my mind.


What would The Dark Lord do to him, if he did manage to kidnap me, and I refused to bind the Silmarils back together?

I knew one thing for certain; I could not let anyone know of who I really was, and what my descent was.

For if they knew, they would all be in danger.

So what was more important to me?

My life, or my heart, and my love for Legolas?

Another thing came to me; my life had just gotten a whole lot more complicated than it already had been.

Why was my life getting so complicated all of a sudden, at the one point I actually fall in love with someone.

Life just wasn’t being fair at the moment.