Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Goodbye Calathiel

We had reached the glen where the rest of the Fellowship was waiting for us. I saw that Boromir’s gaze was fixated on the bruise that he had left on my face. He tried to come up to me, but Aragorn also saw that he was trying to come over to me, so he walked in front of me, like he was coming to talk to me. Which he actually was going to too.

“Anneliese, was that you playing just now?”

“Yes…” I said, quietly.

“You play beautifully…You are very talented…” He said, smirking. I made a face at him.

“Come on, we need to get packed up, we are leaving today…Another thing, and what did Lady Galadhriel have to talk to you about…?” Argh, I was getting pretty fed up on how many people were going to ask me what we were talking about. So I used the same lie I used with Legolas.

“Oh… she was just wondering how I got the bruise on my face…that’s all…And she just wanted to wish us all luck…” I lied, ignoring to gut feeling in my stomach, because like I said, I hate lying to people, but I was lying to them, to protect them. So lying to them this way didn’t bother me that much, because I was protecting them this way.

Just then, I heard Calathiel walk up behind me. “Anneliese, please come with me…” I turned from my friends, and walked into the same dressing room that I had been escorted into when we first arrived in Lothlorien. There on the bed, lay an entirely new outfit for me.

“You better change quickly; Lady Galadhriel and Lord Celeborn are going to see you all away…” She was just about to leave,

“Wait! Calathiel…!” I called out to her. She turned back to face me, and what I did was unexpected for her. I gave her a quick hug.

“Thank you…for everything…” I said, quietly. She was surprised at first, but then she returned my hug. Then she pulled something out of her dress pocket, and handed it to me. It was in a small wrapping. I unwrapped a, beautiful handcrafted necklace.

“Oh……Calathiel, this is beautiful…I have something for you as well…” I went into my dress pocket and I pulled out a small box, and handed it to her. She opened up the box, and she gave a small gasp.

“Aistaraina… this is beautiful…how did you ever make this?” I smiled at her, thankful that she liked her gift. Her soft green eyes began to brim with tears, as she hugged me again.

“I will never take it off…” She promised, as she eagerly put the bracelet on. I smiled, she reminded me, of myself, when I was very young.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Calathiel had to leave, she gave me once last hug, and she was gone. I stood there, for a few moments. Calathiel seemed so familiar to me, and I had only just met her. I showered, and I finally got dressed, before looking in the mirror to look at myself, then I unclasped the necklace, and I placed it around my neck. When Calathiel left, it felt like a part of me had left too.

Why does Calathiel seem so familiar to me?