Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target


After I had finished, I walked back to the Fellowship. Their eyes darted to the necklace that I wore around my neck. I wore the necklace proud; there was no way that I was ever going to take this necklace off. Ever. A few moments after, Halidir came up to us, and he told us that Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadhriel were ready to see us off.

When we arrived there, we all stood in a line, I was first in line, and I received a beautiful bow. I mumbled my thanks, and she gave me a smile, she then had her hand clenched in front of me, like there was something in it. I held out a hand, and she placed something in it. I pocketed it, indicating that I would look at it in a little while; I nodded my thanks for this gift.

I ran my hand along the bow, it was black and silver. I was amazed at how light it was. I saw that Legolas had received a bow similar to my own, but mine was a bit more feminine than his own. We were all given dark green cloaks, with the silver and green leaves of Lorien. We put them on. After the gift giving session, we all walked to the water’s edge and there were three boats there for us.

Legolas climbed into a boat, and I sat in front of him. Boromir was about to glare at me, but then his eyes strayed back to my bruise, and he relented. Merry and Pippin sat down in front of me. As soon as we were all settled in the boats, we set off.