Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target


The sun was starting to make me and the Hobbits feel sleepy. I tried my best to stay awake, but my eyelids fell heavy, and all I saw was darkness. A little while later, I felt something heavy on me. I opened my eyes, to find that Merry and Pippin had jumped on me, trying to wake me up for me were now on dry land. “Okay, okay, I’m up…” I said, standing up, and having the both of them topple off me, laughing. I was gazing out at the forest on the other side, and I wasn’t paying much attention to anything that was happening behind me, until I heard Merry say,

“Where’s Frodo?” I whipped around, to see that Boromir’s shield was leaning against a tree. Without another word, I ran into the woods, ignoring the shouts of my name. At this point, I did not care what I had to do to protect Frodo; I was going to find him, before Boromir did. I tried to be as silent as I possibly could as I walked over the dry leaves, but to my surprise, I was pretty silent. I came over a hill to see……Boromir! Lying face down on the hill. I ran over to him, and knelt beside him.
“Boromir! What has happened? Where’s Frodo?” My mouth kept tumbling questions out at him, until I heard him say something.

“I tried to take the Ring from him…We could have the Ring, Anneliese. Together. Together we would be able to rule Gondor…” I got to my feet, and began to back away from him.

“Boromir, you are my brother. Nothing more. I only love you as a brother.” I said, as I began to back away from him.

He gave me a cold stare. “We could rule over the Free lands of Middle Earth…all of them. We could find your father. We could protect the ones that you love, and destroy those who have tried to hurt you…”

I was getting extremely terrified. This was not my brother; this was a monster that the Ring had created. “Boromir, you are not yourself…you would do any of this…” His expression darkened, as he gave me a glare.

“I would give you everything in the world, and you still turn me down…We could be wed, Anneliese. We could have a family. I would give you everything in all of Middle Earth, and you still turn me down.” He was really starting to scare me now.

“Boromir…” I said, trying to reason with him. “It’s that Elf isn’t it? What does he give you that I have not offered to you? What does he have that I don’t?”

“Boromir, you are my brother, you are nothing more to me…” I said, backing away from him, even faster now. Then quicker than sight, he grabbed my throat, and he held me in the air.

“If I cannot have you, then no one else can…” I knew what he was getting at.

“No, Boromir. I know you. You don’t want to do this…”

I was gasping for air now, he was trying to strangle me. I tried clawing at his arms, but he was cutting off my air supply, and I was running low on oxygen.

I was gasping for air now. “Boromir……please……” I said, pleading.

“To make sure that no one else can have you, then you cannot exist anymore…” He said, squeezing on my throat, even harder now.

Tears leaked from my eyes. The Ring had consumed him, he was no longer my brother, he was just a monster that had the Ring had created.

Just then, I felt myself drop from the air, onto the ground. I opened my eyes to see…Legolas! He had arrived just in time, to save me, yet again.

He tackled Boromir, and Boromir was now lying on the ground, weeping silently. Legolas was making his way over to me, and he knelt down beside me. “Anneliese…” He asked, concerned. I couldn’t hold it anymore, and I cried my heart out, for what the Ring had done to Boromir.

Legolas wrapped his arm around my shoulders and held me against his chest. "Shh....Anneliese...." He said soothingly. "How do you feel?" He asked.

"Lightheaded, sore and very confused..." I replied.

"I don't understand why he did that to you...." He said. I knew why, but I just stayed silent. I tried to stand, but fell. Thankfully, Legolas caught me and stood me up.

"Are you sure that you are alright?" He asked me once again. I nodded. I heard some rustling of some leaves, I turned to see that Boromir had gotten up, and he darted away. "Anneliese...." He said, looking at me seriously. I gave him a weak smile.

"I am fine, we have to find Frodo..." He nodded.

We went through the woods in search of Frodo.

But what we found instead was a totally different story....