Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Goodbye Brother

Legolas and I were running through the forest now, and we came upon something unexpected. We came to a stop when we saw Aragorn, battling about a hundred dozen Uruk-Kai’s. Legolas drew his bow, and began firing. I did not want to waste any of my arrows, so I unsheathed my sword, and I swung at the Uruk-Kai’s. When the Uruk’s all around us were dead, we heard the sound of a horn being blown, for the sound was very familiar to my ears.

“The Horn of Gondor…” Legolas said, turning to face where the sound had come from.

“Boromir…” Aragorn said, with a hint of fear in his eyes. Without thinking, I ran through the woods, to Boromir; despite the sounds of my name being called.
I arrived in an open glen to see a tall and extremely hideous looking Uruk shoot Boromir for the third time.

“No!” I shouted. The Uruk turned to face me.

Suddenly, a few Uruk’s jumped out of the trees and grabbed my arms. The Uruk that had shot Boromir, walked over to me. I’m not sure if I would call it his hand, but anyways, his hand had a knife to my face, and I jerked my face away. The tip of his knife cut across my cheek. Deeply, as I winced in pain.

Just then, I saw Aragorn jump out of the woods and attack the Uruk-Kai. With the larger one distracted, I got myself away from the Uruk’s that had held onto my arms, and killed them both. I turned back around to see that Aragorn had killed the Uruk-Kai, and he was kneeling in front of Boromir… Boromir! I ran over to the both of them, and knelt beside Aragorn. “They took the little ones…” He said, to Aragorn, referring to Merry and Pippin.

“Frodo. Where is Frodo?” He asked, Aragorn.

“I left Frodo go…” He said.

“Then you did what could not…I tried to talk to Ring from him…” Aragorn looked at him, sadly. Boromir turned to me, with a look of sadness in his eyes.

“Anneliese………I am so sorry, for what I have done……”

“There is nothing to be sorry for. It was not you. I knew that you would do not any of what you had done…” I said, trying to hold back tears. He put his hand on my cheek, and he held it there. I placed my hand on top of his. “I love you, Boromir…” I sniffled.

“I love you, Anneliese…” With that, he gave me one last half-hearted smile, and he drew his last breath. I held his hand against my cheek, as tears fell down my face, and onto his hand. I heard Legolas, and Gimli come up behind us. I stood up, away from Boromir, and I sat down back again, my knees brought up to my chest, hugged my knees and cried.

I heard someone sit down beside me. I knew it was Legolas, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I let go my arms, and I leant into his chest, and cried. He stood me up, and I fell into his chest, and hugged him, from what strength I had left. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and he hugged me back. It took me a little while, to stop myself from crying.

“My brother is dead………I should have been there…I was too late…He’s dead…I was too late, I should have been there to protect him……it’s all my fault……” I mumbled, into Legolas’ chest.

“Anneliese, none of this was your fault. Please do not say that this is your fault…” He said, in my ear. There was a hint of sadness, in his voice. “But it is……” I sobbed into his chest. “Anneliese. None of this was your fault. It breaks my heart that you blame yourself for this. None of this is because of you…” He said, as he kissed my head.

We had set Boromir, in a boat, along with his sword and shield. I had taken off the ring that Denethor had given me, laced in my hair ribbon, and wrapped around Boromir’s neck. We sent the boat over the waterfall, and I stared at the scene, my eyes blurred with tears. I saw Legolas push the other boat into the river. “Sam and Frodo have reached the eastern shore…” I turned to face Aragorn, and I knew that he wasn’t going to be following them. Legolas noticed this as well, and he stopped.

“You mean not to follow them…” I gazed out across the river, and I saw that Frodo and Sam were trudging through the forest.

“Frodo’s fate is no longer in our hands…” Aragorn said, plainly. “Then it is all been in vain…” Gimli said. “The Fellowship has failed…”

“Not if we stay true to each other. Not while we have strength left…We will not leave Merry and Pippin to torture and death…”

Absolutely not, I will not abandon my brothers, especially for death or torture… I thought

“Who is with me?” Aragorn asked. I stepped forwards immediately.

“I am…I will not abandon my brothers for death of torture…” I said. Legolas and Gimli both stepped forward, each of them, on either one of my sides.

“I as well…” They said, together. I smiled, even though my heart was still heavy from the loss of Boromir. Aragorn went over and picked up his knife, from a rock, and snapped it into its scabbard.

“We travel light…” Aragorn said. “Let’s hunt some Orc…” He darted into the woods. Legolas turned to Gimli and I. Gimli grinned at the both of us.

“Yes!” He growled. Legolas and I smiled as we followed Aragorn through the woods.
I was hoping that we were not too late to save Merry and Pippin from a torturous death that was not for them. My wish was to find them again. That they will remain strong and that they do not lose hope in us. I would not rest until they were safe, and that I was able to see them alive and well again