Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

The Riders of Rohan and Amariel

Slowly, and carefully I made my way down a sloping hill, while trying to keel on eye on Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli who were ahead of me, who were running farther and farther into Rohan, running uphill, and weaving in and out through more stone pillars, and flat slabs, that were laying on the ground, as we hoped to catch up with the Uruk’s. In front of me, I heard Gimli talking to himself. “Keep breathing, that’s the key. Breathe…” He said, to himself, motivating him. I effortlessly passed by Gimli, and I was now about 15 paces away from Legolas.

“They run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them…” Legolas said, who also did not sound the least bit tired, or out of breath. I agreed, as I continued following him. Aragorn lead us deeper into the kingdom of Rohan, until the sun started to set, below the horizon line, which caused a beautiful yet, eerie blackish gold hue over the land of Rohan. We ran all through the night, only resting for a mere hour or two, until Aragorn told us that it was time for us to be moving. The next morning, the sun had risen and set a pinkish reddish glow about it. Suddenly, Legolas halted to a sudden stop, which caused me to almost bump into him.

“A red sun rises…” He began.

“Blood has been spilled this night…” I continued. He glanced over at me, before turning and running after Aragorn. By late morning, dark clouds covered the sky. Aragorn was now leading us down a shallow hill, before coming to a sudden stop. He had leaned over to examine something on the ground. I stopped for about a few seconds, before I could hear the sound of hooves, pounding on the hard earth, with a high neigh that cut through the air.

Aragorn turned his head, and he slowly stood up. He waved his hand over his head, and he ran to a large rock, that was just a little ways ahead of us. I was the last one to reach the rock, for I waited for Gimli. Legolas peeked out from behind the rock, as I neared it. I large rock was just ahead of me, so I leapt over it, and landed in Legolas’ arms. He held onto me tightly, as the sound of the horses’ hooves got louder and louder as they neared us. And what seemed to be like 150 some odd horses and their riders galloped past us. Aragorn waited and watched them, until the last of them galloped past the rock, where we were, before getting up, and walking out of his hiding place, we followed.

“Riders of Rohan, what news from the Mark?” He yelled out to the. The man at the front held up a spear, and turned his horse. The rest of the riders followed suit, and they began to run back up the hill. Before we knew it, we were surrounded by all of the riders. The riders pushed their horses’ tightly in around us, to make a tight circle around us, with each rider holding their spear horizontal, with the spear head facing us. Aragorn, held up his hands, indicating that he meant no harm to the riders.

Suddenly, a man rode through the tight mass of riders. “What business do 2 Elves, a man, and a dwarf have in the Riddlemark?” The rider asked his voice full of venom. “Speak quickly!” He snapped at us.

“Give me your name, horse-master, and I shall give you mine…” Gimli said, calmly, from beside me. I smirked. The rider glared down at Gimli. The rider then dismounted his horse. As the rider got closer, I placed a hand on Gimli’s shoulder.

“I would cut off your head, Master Dwarf, if it only stood but a little higher from the ground…” The rider hissed. Quicker than sight, Legolas laced his bow with an arrow, and aimed it at the riders face.

“You would die before your stroke fell…” Legolas said, darkly. My heart jumped to my throat, as the surrounding riders brought their spears a tad bit closer to Legolas. Gimli backed up a little bit. Aragorn quickly leaned over, and pushed Legolas’ arm down so that the arrow was now aimed at the ground. Legolas still gave the rider a cold stare. I held onto his arm, and gave a soft, reassuring squeeze. Aragorn turned the rider, with a tense expression on his face.

“I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn…” He said, before he turned towards us. “This is Gimli, son of Gloin, Legolas of the Woodland Realm, and Aistaraina of Gondor…” He said. Before the rider could say anything more, Aragorn jumped in again. “We are friends of Rohan, and of Théoden, your king.” He said. The rider lowered his eyes to the ground.

“Théoden no longer recognizes friend from foe…” He said, as he took off his helmet, and returned his eyes back to Aragorn. I felt a small smile threaten to appear on my face. “Not even his own Kin…” He said, sadly. My eyes darkened. The riders on their horses, moved their spears away from us, and set the bottom end on the earth.

“It seems as if Théoden’s Kin do not recognize their own Kin as well…” I said sharply, with a hint of amusement in my voice. The rider searched me out, and he gave a cold stare.

“Why do you say that?” He snapped.

“Because the Eomer, that I know of, would have sought me out before…” I smiled, as I stepped out from the protection of the Fellowship, and I stood in front of the rider, as I took the hood off my head. The rider looked at me, before giving me a smile.

"Hello, Anneliese.” He said.

“Long time, no see…” I smiled, as I gave him a quick hug.

“Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king, and claimed lordship over these lands…”

He growled, as I let go of him. “My company are those loyal to Rohan. And for that, we are banished…You will not seek welcome in Rohan…” He added, speaking directly to me. I nodded. Eomer leaned forward and spoke to Aragorn. “The White Wizard is cunning. He walks here and there, they say as an old man, hooded and cloaked. And everywhere, his spies slip past our nets…” Eomer’s gaze moved past, Aragorn and I; to Legolas and Gimli. Legolas stiffened, as his pale eyes turned to daggers.

“We are no Spies…” Aragorn said, reclaiming the attention of Eomer.

“We track a back of Uruk-Hai, westward across plain. They have two of our friend’s captive…” Aragorn said.

“The Uruks are destroyed. We slaughtered them during the night…” Eomer said,

“But there were two Hobbits. Did you see two Hobbits with them?” Gimli asked.

“They would be small. Only children to your eyes…” I added, pleadingly. Eomer looked like he had just swallowed a rock.

“We left none alive…” He said. “We piled the carcasses and burned them…” He turned, and pointed behind them. I turned my gaze to see white smoke floating from behind a large boulder. My body stiffened, and my heart jumped to my throat.

“Dead?” Gimli said, sadness tinting his voice. Eomer nodded.

“I am sorry…”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Legolas look to the ground, as if he was going to throw up, he placed a hand on Gimli’s shoulder. I noticed that his eyes flickered from me to the ground. Eomer let out a high-pitched whistle.

“Hasufel! Arod!” He called, and I saw two horses trot up to us. One was a beautiful snowy white, while the other one was a sorrel brown. Eomer grabbed onto their reins, and lead the white horse towards Legolas, and the brown one towards to Aragorn.

“May these horses bear tou to better fortune than their former masters…” He said, after giving us one last look over. He leaned towards me, and whispered.

“Until, our next meeting, little cousin. And she still responds to your whistle…” I smiled.

“Farewell…” He mounted his horse. As he rode over, he looked to Aragorn.

“Look for you friends, but do not turn to hope…” Eomer looked up. “It has forsaken these lands…” He gently gave a squeeze of his legs, his horse started forwards. “We ride north!” With that, all the riders took off northward, leaving us alone.

We stood there, for a few moments. I let Eomer’s last words to me sink in. I smiled. “Since there are 2 horses, Anneliese……” I cut him off by shaking my head. He gave me a confused look.

“I have told you nothing, and yet you are protesting…”

“I am not riding with anyone…” I said, simply. They all looked at me.

“Do you plan to run alongside, the horses?” Gimli scoffed.

“Absolutely not…” I said. Then, before any of them could say anything more, I let out a simple 4 note whistle. At first, nothing happened.

“What was the point of that?” Gimli asked, sticking his axe in the ground. I held my hand up, and he was silenced. I cocked my head, indicating to listen behind me. Just then, I heard the familiar distant neigh. I saw a grey shadow out on the horizon. As the shadow got closer, I smiled. A grey shape darted towards us. The grey shape was in the form of a horse.

When the horse had reached us, she stopped, and pawed the ground, while giving a soft neigh. “Amariel!” I smiled, as I wrapped my arms around the grey horses’ neck. She nuzzled my face, lovingly. I turned to face the 3 dumbfounded men. “This is, Amariel. She is my horse in Rohan. I have had her since I was a young girl and she responds when I give her a whistle like that…”

“Well… that makes three horses then…” Aragorn said; who was still trying to make sense of what had just happened.

“Well, let us be on our way then…” Aragorn said. He gave me a look.

“Do you need help mounting Amariel?” He asked. I smiled. Before, any of them knew what had happened, I was on Amariel’s back, with her reins in my hands. They all looked at me in surprise, and a hint of amazement.

“What?” I laughed.

“How did you…………Never mind…” Aragorn said, as he mounted his horse. Legolas helped Gimli onto the horse, before climbing onto the horses back. We took off, towards the smoke. I was praying that Eomer was wrong about Merry and Pippin.

I would never forgive myself if they were gone.