Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Someone in the Woods!

I started to walk into Fangorn Forest, Legolas came up beside me, and he took my hand. I gave him a small smile of relief. As we walked into Fangorn Forest, my heart felt heavy, and it dragged my feet. Legolas saw my despair, and he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. As we kept walking I noticed something wet on a leaf. It looked something like blood. Gimli touched his fingers to it, and he tasted it. As soon as it touched his tongue, he gagged, and he spat. “Orc blood…” He said in disgust. I gagged.

“Must’ve been tasty…” I said, in utter disgust. Legolas gave a light laugh, and I just gave him a look, which made him smile. We continued to walk throughout the dark forest.

“The airs so close in here…” Gimli said. It was true, it was very humid in the forest, and the very air seemed to press against you into yourself. It seemed to trouble the other members, but to me I was perfectly fine. This forest seemed so familiar to me, but I didn’t understand why.

“This forest is old, very old…” Legolas said, abruptly.

“It’s full of memory……And anger….” I began to hear growling voice-like sounds all around us, and I gave a shudder. Gimli raised his axe, as he did that, the sounds got louder.

“The trees are speaking to each other!” Legolas explained. I turned to Gimli.

“Gimli!” I said, harshly. He turned to look at me.

“What?” He asked.

“Lower your axe…” I hissed in a deadly tone. Gimli lowered his axe. At that moment, I sensed something, but I was unsure of what it was. Legolas led me over to where Aragorn was.

“Aragorn, nad no ennas…” Legolas said.

“Man cenich?” Aragorn asked.

“The White Wizard approaches…” Legolas hissed. Legolas motioned to Gimli and I.

“Do not let him speak, for he will put a spell on us..” Aragorn said. We all prepared our weapons. I stroked the fletching of my arrow, in worry, and in anticipation. If Saruman had done anything to harm Merry and Pippin in any way imaginable, I would be the one to personally bring the death of him.

“We must be quick…” Aragorn said, quickly. I saw a bright white behind us, and we all turned around to face the bright white silhouette of the white wizard. The light was much too bright that I could not see the face of the wizard. Gimli threw his axe at the wizard, but the wizard shattered it. Legolas and I let loose our arrows, but they were effortlessly deflected. From the corner of my eye, I saw the hilt of Aragorn’s sword glow a fiery red, and he dropped it before it burnt his hand.

“You are tracking the footsteps of two young hobbits…” The wizard said. I gritted my teeth, I was sick of this stalling.

“Where are they?” Aragorn asked.

“They passed this way the day before yesterday…” The wizard said. “They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?”

“Not in the slightest…” I growled, my grip tightening more and more on my bow, while my other hand was reaching for the hilt of my sword. I was going to make Saruman pay if Merry and Pippin were so much in any pain at all, or if they had the slightest inhuman mark on them at all. He was going to pay

“Who are you?” Aragorn asked. The wizard did not respond.

“Show yourself!” Aragorn shouted. The light faded from around the wizard, and I was able to see the face of the white wizard. I gasped for this was no Saruman. It was………Gandalf?

“It cannot be…” Aragorn said, in utter disbelief. I felt light headed, and I gave a smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Legolas had a smile of his own. My vision was becoming a bit blurry. Legolas saw that I was becoming uneasy, so he came and stood beside me, with a sturdy hand around me. I nodded him my thanks.

“You fell….” Aragorn said in disbelief.

“Through fire…And water..” Gandalf said. “From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak I fought with the Balrog of Morgoth…” At that name, I gave a deadly shudder; Legolas tightened his arm around my waist. “…Until at last I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside. Darkness took me, I strayed out of thought and time. Stars wheeled overhead and every day was as long as a life age of earth. But it was not the end; I felt life in me again. I have been sent back, until my task is done…”

“Gandalf…” Aragorn said.
“Gandalf?...Yes.” Gandalf said. “That was what they used to call me, Gandalf the Grey that was my name.”

“Gandalf!” I heard Gimli say, happily.

“I am Gandalf the White…” Gandalf said. “And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide…” Gandalf started walking and we started to follow him.

“One stage of your journey is over. Another begins.” Gandalf said.

“War has come to Rohan; we must rise to Edoras with all speed. By now, we were out of Fangorn Forest, and Gandalf walked up onto a hill, and let out an unearthly, two tone whistle. In the distance I heard a neigh of horse, and a beautiful white stallion started galloping over a hill towards us. I gasped, as did the rest of the Fellowship.

“That is one of the Mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell…” Legolas said. I smiled, as I gave his hand a soft squeeze. The stallion trotted up to Gandalf.

“Shadowfax.” Gandalf said.

“Lord of all horses, and has been my friend through many dangers…” I smiled. I let out my four note whistle, and I heard Amariel’s neigh growing closer. Behind her, Hasufel and Arod came cantering from around Fangorn Forest. I grinned when I saw the three of them. Arod nickered and trotted right up to Legolas. I grinned; I could see how much that they were starting to like each other. Amariel came up to me, and gave my cheek a playful nuzzle, I smiled, as I patted her mane. With one bountiful, yet graceful leap, I was on Amariel’s back, on the saddle and her reins were in my hands. Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn and Gandalf mounted their horses and we rode off towards Edoras. As we were riding, one thing rang through my mind.

Would I still be welcomed in Edoras, and if I was, what about the rest of the Fellowship? I guess I would have to find out when we got there.