Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Leader of the Dragon Riders

The Drake set me down, and it gave my arm a playful nuzzle. Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, even Adlanniel gave me a surprised look. “What?” I asked.

“Nothing…” Adlanniel said, quickly. “It’s just that, you are the one who can help us…” I stood there, taking in what she just said.

“Oh…So are you going to be helping us out here, tonight?” I asked her. Adlanniel smiled at me.

“After all the years that I have known you, Aistaraina. And you think that I would want to miss out on a fight. Come on, Aistaraina. You should know me pretty damn well by now…” She said, winking at me. I laughed.

“So, you’re taking charge, I assume?” I asked her. She just shook her head. I was confused.

“You are in charge. You’re our leader. You are the leader of the Dragon Riders. Your mother was, and know you are.” I stood there, awestruck. I. Of all people. Was the new leader. Of the most feared group of Elves.

“Aistaraina…” Adlanniel asked. I nodded, half out of it.

“I’m fine…I am still just trying to process that I am the leader of the Dragon Riders…” I said, absentmindedly. Adlanniel gave me a light laugh.

“You know, the necklace that your father left for you. It is the symbol of a Dragon Rider Leader…” I felt for the charm around the silver chain, and I had lifted the Dragon charm out, and I let it fall onto my tunic. It’s eyes were glowing a bright blue. The same color of the Cold Drakes skin. When I touched the charm, a blue electric shock went through my hand. Instead of it shocking me, it made a tingle go through my arm. Adlanniel gasped. I didn’t understand, until my father’s ring, lit up lightly, and a pattern began to outline on my arm. I lifted up my tunic sleeve to find, that an outline of a dragon was beginning to form up my arm, and at my shoulder, it formed a Yin Yang Dragon at my shoulder, and all along my arm, it formed the body of the dragon.

“Now, you are the Leader of the Dragon Riders…” Adlanniel said. I nodded.

I hoped that it was enough to help defend Helm’s Deep…