Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

So it begins!

I stood beside Adlanniel, and I gazed out at the many warriors that I was now a leader of. They looked at me, expectantly. “Speech…” Adlanniel said, giving me a slight nudge, before she turned to stand with the other Dragon Riders.

“If you had told me yesterday, or a few days ago that I was the leader of the Dragon Riders, I would’ve thought that you were crazy. I learned about who I was a little while ago. I knew of the Dragon Riders before, but the last thing that I would be expected was to be the leader of them. We are forgotten, but we are still feared. We have to remind every Kin of Middle Earth, that we still exist. We are no longer living in the shadows. We are warriors. We carry ancient blood in ourselves. We do not bow to those who have thought that we had died out. I may not have been with you since the start, nor my whole life. But I have always known that I would find out who I am sooner or later. Tonight, I have found out who I am. I am the daughter of Amarië Vanya, the original leader of the Dragon Riders. We are no longer fighting for the freedom of ourselves, but for our families and friends. We are fighting for the freedom of all the Dragon Riders. Tonight, we will fight with Men, Dwarves and Elves, who all have the same thought. To put this shadow that has hovered over us for far too long to rest! We fight to show that shadow, that even when hope seems lost, there will always be hope! Even the smallest person can change the course of the future for all! Tonight, raise your swords with others to fight! Fight to show everyone that we are not to be forgotten! We are warriors, and we will die warriors! No one can EVER change that! Raise your swords! Fight back! We shall cheer for the victory that we shall get!” I cried.

Adlanniel raised her sword and cheered, all the other Dragon Riders, joined in with her. I smiled, and I turned and went up the stairs leading up to the wall. The noise made by the beasts on the other side, were getting louder and louder, they were getting closer. I climbed up beside Adlanniel in silence, neither of us wanting to speak, for we knew what was waiting for us.

When we got to the top of the wall, she turned left and I turned right. I pushed my way towards Legolas and Gimli. I stood next to Legolas, and I looked out before me. The lights were closer than I thought, and the shouts were louder and deeper than I could have ever imagined. Tens of thousands of Uruk Hai’s and Orcs were marching towards Helms Deep, with only one thing on their mind. To kill everything that was living. I turned my gaze away from the sight, only because I heard Gimli jumping near Legolas, trying to see over the border.

“Argh…You could’ve picked a better spot…” He grumbled. Aragorn went to the other side of him, Gimli looked up and added,

“Well lad, the luck you live by, let’s hope it lasts us the night…” Lightning flashed across the sky, and dark clouds gathered over them. A loud rumble of thunder followed. Legolas’ gaze didn’t leave the approaching army, and he said to Aragorn,

“Your friends are with you, Aragorn…”

“Till the end…” I added.

“Let’s hope they last the night…” Gimli muttered.

“We will. We all will…” I said, firmly.

It began to rain. It was pouring and the water was ice cold. That did not matter whatsoever, nothing could stop the darkness from descending around us. I was soaked in mere seconds, my dark hair plastered to my face, and I gazed out at the army of Saruman. They were all roaring, and they were holding torches, and long ugly looking spears. Aragorn started to walk back and forth, behind us, as he spoke in a clear, strong, steady voice. “A Eruchin, u-dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas!” *Show them no mercy! For you shall receive none!*

The Uruk Hai’s had now reached Helm’s Deep, and they stooped. Aragorn walked back over to us, and he looked at the forces of the shadow. Gimli was still trying to see over the wall. He looked to Legolas and I, and he asked us, “What’s going on down there?” We looked down at him.

“Shall I describe it to you?” Legolas asked him. I smiled,

“Or would you like me to find you a box?” I asked. Gimli looked at the both of us, and he laughed. He stopped when the beast’s down below, started roaring again. I looked down at the huge army, and I noticed that they were pounding their spears against their shields. Every archer at the fortress, readied their bows, and they were waiting in anticipation for the order.

An old man accidently released his arrow too early, and it hit one of the Uruk Hai, killing it instantly. The roaring ceased for a moment, before it began again, even louder this time.

“Dartho!” *Hold!*

Aragorn yelled. I held my breath, waiting to see what would happen next. An Uruk Hai climbed onto a rock. It lifted its sword, and it screamed in a growling tone, that sent shivers down my back. It then swung its sword towards Helm’s Deep, and each and every Uruk Hai and Orc charged. Behind me, I heard Théoden say,

“So it begins!”