Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Isengard Part One

We were nearing Isengard, and I had the strangest feeling that everything was about to change for me. We rounded a bend, and I broke out in a grin. There, sitting on a rock, eating, drinking ale, and smoking, was Merry and Pippin.

“You little devils…” I smirked. They turned around to face me.

“Anna!” Pippin smiled, they both hopped off the rock, and they sloshed through the water towards me. I hopped off Amariel, and I embraced them both tightly.

“You little rascals! A merry chase you’ve led us on, and now we find you feasting and……and smoking!”

“My thoughts exactly. You both have no idea, how worried I was about the both of you…” I said, seriously.

“We’ve missed you too Anna…” They said, sounding equally as serious as I did. I took both of their hands, and I led them back to the horses. Pippin sat behind me, and Merry behind Eomer. With that, we rode to the tower were Saruman was hiding.

Gandalf, King Théoden, Gimli, Legolas, Aragorn, Merry, Pippin, the Riders of Rohan, and I, rode through the dark, murky, shallow waters of Isengard, towards Orthnac, Saruman's tower. They look up to see Saruman, Grima Wormtongue, and another man, that looked like an exact replica of me, except for the fact that he had golden blonde hair. As soon as I saw him, my eyes threatened to spill happy tears on my face, but I could not afford for Saruman to see them, so tried to keep her face clear of all emotions. Then Aragorn realized who was up there,

"Are my eyes playing tricks on me?" Aragorn said, quietly.

"Is that Finrod... the last descendant, of Finwë...the one who stopped the first Dark Lord, Morgoth...?” I paused, to let the Fellowship and the riders of Rohan take in what he said.

Then I looked at the ground, allowing a few tears to flow freely. Legolas saw that I was in despair, and leant over and put his hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" he asked, sounding concerned.

"Finrod. Isn’t the only living descendant of Finwë...” I said, loud enough for the company to hear.

"How do you know?" King Théoden, Aragorn, and Legolas asked, together.

"I just know..."I said, quietly. They said nothing, for a very long time. Legolas smiled at me. Taking a deep breath, I looked up, and called to him.

Finrod smiled at the sight of his beautiful daughter, but his smile faltered because he didn't want Saruman to know that he had a daughter, but it had been a very long time since he had seen me, and I had grown so much, I looked so much like my mother... it made him smile. Little did he know that, Saruman had noticed his smile, and he figured out that I was his daughter.

"Oh… Isn’t that sweet?" Saruman said, sarcastically. I looked up at Saruman with hate, and much anger. Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, and the riders of Rohan were staring at Saruman wondering what he was going to do next. Legolas tensed up, because he was a bit scared of what was going to happen to me.

"Now how about I bring you up here, so you can finally see your friend. It seems as if you two know each other very well?" Saruman said, with an edge to his voice.

All of a sudden, I was being lifted into the air, I had a look of shock on my face, and Legolas just gave me a slight nod, saying not to over-react because that's what Saruman wants, just try to stay calm. Before I got to high up, and quickly, snatched a knife from Amariel’s pack, and slipped it into my boot. When I finally reached the top of the tower, I saw that Grima had a knife to my father's neck. As soon as Finrod saw me, he shoved himself away from Grima, causing Grima to flinch, and let go of Finrod, seeing this opportunity; Finrod ran over and embraced me

"Amin lle tinu..."

"Amin lle vee eithel atar." I said, smiling.

"Now, isn't that sweet..." Saruman started to say. "A father-daughter reunion…" Saruman said, sarcastically.
Just then, Grima grabbed me away from my father, I struggled against Grima to reach my father. Saruman grabbed Finrod by the hair, as he shoved him to the edge that was facing Gandalf and the others; I was still struggling to get away from Grima, because I guessed what was going to happen next. The next thing, I saw was Saruman whirl around to face me, with a knife against my father's neck.

I was speechless when Saruman flicked his wrist, and my father fell to the ground, blood slightly pouring out of his neck. Angry tears flooded my face; I struggled even more against Grima, which made Grima hold me even tighter. Saruman grabbed me by my hair, and dragged me over to the edge where he was facing the Company.
Grima, then grabbed my braid, and held the same knife that killed my father, against my neck. Legolas tensed and set an arrow to his bow and held it up towards, Saruman and Grima.

"Shoot, Master Elf, and the she-elf dies." Saruman said, Grima dug the tip into my neck, causing blood to bubble up at the tip. I must've looked absolutely terrified, because Legolas, removed the arrow from his bow, and put it back in his quiver.

"Ah...wise choice, Master Elf..." Saruman said, nodding sarcastically towards Legolas. He tensed up, my expression seemed to calm down a little, when I saw how tensed up Legolas was, so I tried to stay calm, so that he could as well. He tried to stay calm, for me, but it wasn't working, I was still freaking out.

"Well… What should we do with this one, now? She is another descendant of HIM..." Grima sneered, adding edge to his voice, when he said him, referring to Finwë.

I began to tense up, waiting for the perfect opportunity, to attack Grima. But Saruman seemed to read my mind, and motioned Grima to hold onto me as tight as he could without killing me. I was gasping for breath, as Grima tightened his grip on me. I began to fight against Grima, but I soon realized that fighting against Grima was pointless, so I stopped struggling.

Saruman saw this, and he thought that Grima had killed me, so he hit Grima so hard that I flew out of his grasp, and hit the ground. The knife flew out of Grima's hand. It hit me in the side, so hard that I almost passed out, but I knew that passing out, wasn't the best option right now.

Grima didn't see that I was still alive, barely, He was just focused on Saruman, and the way he was treating him. The last thing that I remembered was Grima plunging a knife into Saruman's back. Legolas was about to shoot Grima, then he quickly grabbed me by the braid, and held the same knife that had killed my father, against my throat, blood beginning to drip slightly heavily from my side, where the knife had recently plunged itself into my side, I was going limp from losing a quite bit of blood, now I felt like I was going to pass out, and I felt very light-headed. I was struggling to stay awake for a little while longer.

"Shoot, and the she-elf falls with me..."

But I still had my knife in my boot, so I nodded towards Legolas, saying that I still had my knife in my boot. He nodded, understanding. He set an arrow on his bow, and took aim. Grima who was totally unaware of what was about to happen, still held the knife against my throat. I carefully, not wanting to bump Grima, swiftly snatched her knife from my boot, and held it towards Grima's gut. Legolas fired the arrow, just as I stuck the knife into Grima's gut. Grima doubled over in pain, and he began to fall from the tower, I had managed to slip out of Grima's grip, but the knife that he had clutched in his hand, had cut me on the throat, and on my cheek. Neither of them were has bad as the one on my side.

"Are you alright, Anna?" Aragorn called up to me.

"No…" I said, weakly, grabbing my side in pain, trying to stop the blood from coming through. Gandalf lifted his staff, and I began to float down towards the Fellowship, King Théoden, and the Riders of Rohan. I was exhausted, if Grima had held onto me any longer, and harder, he would've suffocated me. I was trying to keep the blood from spilling all over the Fellowship, King Théoden, and the Riders of Rohan. I was on the verge of passing out, but before I could do that, I had to say good bye to ,my father, which reminded me, that obviously Grima had thrown my father off the roof of Orthnac. When I was close enough to the group at the bottom, Gandalf released her, right above Legolas, and Gimli. I fell into Legolas’ arms, and I laid there, blood pouring out of my side. I was crying as well, not because of my wound, but that Saruman had killed my father, I had barely known him too.

"I want to see him…" I said, quietly. "Are you sure, Anna?" Legolas asked, cautiously.

"I want to see him..." My voice was trembling, but I sounded firm. Legolas turned to Aragorn for help, but he just nodded towards me, saying she hasn't seen him for the longest time; we should take her to see him. Legolas nodded saying that he understood. Legolas rode in front of the group, they began to follow. When we got behind Orthnac, we saw Finrod. I jumped out of Legolas' arms, he tried to stop me, but Aragorn said, quietly to him. "Let her go. Just follow her, make sure she doesn't hurt herself anymore..." Legolas hopped off Arod, and followed me as I ran towards my father.

Legolas had tried to stop me from hopping off his horse, but I avoided his grasp, and ran towards my father. I was in pain, while running towards him, but I pushed the pain out of my mind, I wanted to see him one last time. When I reached my father, lying there. Dead. Thanks to the work of Grima Wormtongue, Saruman the White, and The Dark Lord Sauron. I knelt beside him, my head facing towards the ground, letting my tears flow. They were landing on my father's face. Just then, I felt an arm go around my shoulder, I knew it was Legolas right away. I leant my head onto his shoulder, as his grip around me tightened.

"Mara Mesta…" I said, quietly.

"Hiro hyn hidh ab 'wanath" Legolas added. I gave him a tiny smile.

"Le hannon Legolas.." I said, quietly. He gave me a gentle squeeze.

"Gelir na thaed" He whispered.

"Le mellon." I whispered. He smiled.

"Ar' le mellon." He whispered back, as he kissed my head. I blushed. I was happy to know that Legolas loved me.
Just then, the rest of the group rode up beside us. Merry and Pippin hopped down beside me. I wrapped my arms around them, and enveloped them in a hug. They were like my brothers, the same with Frodo and Sam. Now that I thought about Frodo and Sam, I realized that I missed them so much. I gave Merry, and Pippin a gentle squeeze.

"Thank you.." I whispered into their ears.

"For what?" Merry asked, quietly.

"For being the family I never had: You(Merry), Pippin, Sam........Frodo... and Bilbo....." I said, quietly, straining on Frodo, and Bilbo. They took me in Bag-End, for 2 full years. Bilbo treated me like his daughter, and Frodo treated me like his younger sister, even though I was just a little bit taller.

I was happy living the Shire, in Hobbiton, in Bag-End. But 2 years later, I had to leave. I was so disappointed, I had grown to love the Shire, and the Hobbits as well. They were all very kind, in their own way, and they were a great race of folk to live with. If anything were to happen to the Hobbits, I would personally go out, and destroy all who had caused anything to happen to them. I stood up, releasing the 2 hobbits from my grip, Legolas' arm went around my waist, and held me close to his body. I put my head on his chest, and cried. After a few minutes, my side began to burn like it was on fire. My head slipped from Legolas' chest, and I began to fall.