Sequel: Sauron's Last Target
Status: All rights to the Lord of the Rings plot and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, I own my own character

Sauron's Next Target

Isengard Part 2

******Legolas' Point Of View******

My arm was around Anneliese's waist, her head on my chest, crying, after a few minutes, her head slipped from my chest, and I began to fall.

"Anna!" I called to her, I caught her before I hit the ground. I gently shook her. I didn't stir. Now I was really worried.

"Aragorn!" I called. Aragorn rode up beside me, and hopped off his horse.

He looked at her, and said, "The wound in her side.. I’s losing a lot of blood, I is going faint from the blood loss. If I loses any more, I hope that I doesn't, but if I does.. I'm afraid that...." He didn't need to continue, I knew what would happen to her, if I lost too much blood, I would die, and I didn't want her to. I loved her, and I loved me.

I wanted to be with her, for all of our immortal lives. I held her tightly, not wanting anything to harm her now. Her hair was falling on her face, hiding her tear-stained cheeks. I knew we had to leave Isengard, so I carried her back to our horses. I gave Anneliese to Aragorn to hold, while I mounted my horse, As soon as I did, he passed Anneliese back to me. After with much difficulty, Gimli mounted the horse, I kept one arm firmly around her, not wanting her to fall off. Then we were off. By nightfall we had reached Edoras. King Théoden rode ahead, with a few of his Riders, to prepare a room for Anneliese.

When we arrived there, I hopped off my horse, and brought Anneliese to the room that King Théoden, and his Riders had set up for her. I lay her on the bed, and moved the hair away from her face. I sat beside her, holding her limp hand in mine. Aragorn came in, and he tried his best to patch up her wound, as best as he could. His brow furrowed whenever something happened. I was getting very nervous. A while later, I had fell asleep. Aragorn shook me. I woke up immediately. I knew that Aragorn had either good news or bad news for me.
He had a grim look on his face. I was fearing the worst.

"She's........" I braced myself for the worst. Aragorn saw the dismay on my face, and he put a hand on my shoulder.

"She's alive...." I looked up from the ground, still not believing what he just told me. My Anneliese was alive! "Are you sure?!" I asked, still not believing what Aragorn just told me. He gave a light laugh. "I'm positive." He looked over to the bed where Anneliese was. "I'll leave you with her in your care." I smiled. When Aragorn left the room, a few tears fell from my face, in pure happiness. I was so glad that I was alive.

******Anneliese's Point Of View******

After a long time, I finally opened my eyes. I looked to my right, to see.... Legolas! I got so happy, but that was when I saw the tears rolling down his cheek, I was heartbroken. "Legolas....." I said, weakly. He looked up, when he saw me, his entire face lit up.

"Anna..?" He asked, in disbelief. I smiled, wincing slightly.


He quickly got to my bedside.

"While Aragorn was fixing me up, were you sitting in that chair the entire time?"

He nodded, and replied. "I was that worried about you that much.." I was so touched by that.

"Really?" I said.

"Absolutely, Anna.. Le Mellon Anna.."

I smiled, “Ar' le Mellon, Legolas." He bent down and kissed my forehead. I blushed.

"Le hannon, Legolas." I whispered.

"Gelir na thaed." He whispered back.

"I'll let you get some rest." He said, as he kissed my forehead. He turned to leave, but I grabbed his hand.

"Wait!" I exclaimed.

“Yes, love?”

“I don’t need to rest, I want to see everyone…” I said, sternly.

He sighed, “Alright. They all want to see you anyways…”

He helped me off the bed, and we walked out of the tent. I was embraced by everyone, and Legolas led me to the hall, where a Victory feast was being held.